
ORCID Launch

Who is planning to do what with ORCIDs? (http://orcid.org)

Also, VIVOONT-305 WorldCat identities, Library of Congress Control Numbers, VIAF, ISNI – how many different identity systems should VIVO support, and should we develop some crosswalk functionality?

Brief report from the euroCRIS meeting in Madrid

Brian Lowe attended a meeting of the leading research information system organization in Madrid – a VIVO partner – and can provide a brief update.

Issues to discuss


As the VIVO DuraSpace incubator project ramps up, a new Jira space has been set up at http://jira.duraspace.org/, with the first issue to migrate VIVO 1.6 ontology issues from the current Jira space to the new one.

Please make yourself an account on the DuraSpace Confluence wiki site – accounts are shared between Confluence and Jira – so that you will be able to add, comment on, and vote on issues, either ahead of or following future meetings.

WebEx Call-in Information

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3. Click "Join

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