
 from 15:00-16:00 UTC

Location: (Meeting ID: 502 527 3040).  Passcode: dspace

No meeting on either Thurs, Dec 23 or Thurs, Dec 30.  This meeting is our first of the year, and we'll use it as an opportunity to touch base with developers after the holidays

NOTE: For developers who have not returned from holiday, or are unavailable on Jan 6, please feel free to touch base with Tim Donohue as needed the week of Jan 3 or Jan 10.  We are aware that Jan 6 is a bank holiday in some countries, e.g. Italy, so not all developers may be available.

Tentative Release Schedule:

  • (tick) Thursday, Dec 23 (PR Creation Deadline): All new feature (or larger) PRs should be created by this date. (Smaller bug fixes are welcome anytime)
  • Thursday, Jan 20 (Review/Test Deadline): All code reviewers or testers should submit their feedback by this date. Code reviews must be constructive in nature, with resolution suggestions. Any code reviews submitted AFTER this date will be considered non-blocking reviews. This means feedback received after Jan 20 is optional to address (unless the team or PR developer decides it is required).
  • Thursday, Jan 28 (PR Merge Deadline): All new feature PRs should be merged by this date. (Bug fixes can still get in, as long as they are small or important)
  • Monday, Jan 31: Internal / Early release goal. If possible, we'd like to release 7.2 in late January or first week of Feb.
  • Monday, Feb 7: Public Release Deadline. 7.2 must be announced/released by this date.

Ongoing/Weekly tasks:



Current Work

Project Board

DSpace 7.2 Project Board:

To quickly find PRs assigned to you for review, visit  (This is also available in the GitHub header under "Pull Requests → Review Requests")

New Feature development process for 7.2

Issue Triage process for 7.2

On Hold Topics
