
Time: 11:00am Eastern Time (US)

Please see calendar invite for Zoom link.


  1. Raman Ganguly
  2. Aaron Birkland
  3. Rosalyn Metz
  4. Mark Jordan
  5. Melissa Anez
  6. Jared Whiklo
  7. Andrew Woods
  8. Dan Coughlin
  9. Jennifer Gilbert
  10. weixuan
  11. Ben Pennel
  12. Tim Shearer
  13. Bethany Seeger
  14. Scott Prater
  15. Tammy Wolf
  16. Peter Winckles
  17. Chris Awre


  1. State of Fedora 6 development
    1. Monthly sprints
    2. Progress towards F6 
    3. Community testing
  2. Open development questions
    1. Fedora 6 and vanilla OCFL
      1. Do we value Fedora being able to run on top of vanilla OCFL? - in a read-only fashion? in a read/write fashion?
      2. Do we value a post-Fedora OCFL that is not peppered with Fedora-specific content?
      3. Example of Fedora-specific content

        1. {"parent":"info:fedora/new",
          # binaries have additional extras:

  3. Leadership updates
    1. Product Technology Subgroup


State of Fedora 6 Development

Action Items