Much of the functionality that is exposed through the REST API Specification is also available using an HTML user interface interpreted by your favorite web browser.  Whether your request for particular HTTP API endpoints results in an HTML UI or more machine-readable formats is based on content negotiation headers.  This tour walks you through the major user interface components when accessing the HTTP API through a web browser.

Home Page

When you access the root path of the RESTful HTTP API you are presented with a rendering of the root level of your Fedora repository.

From here you can:

The user interface is divided into regions.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar, which appears at the top of each page, includes links to the following:

Resource Information

Information about the resource requested is displayed below the navigation bar, filling the left two thirds of interface.

1 Object Title  

If a title (either or ) is available, it is displayed here. If no title has been assigned, the resource URI is displayed in this location.

2 Object Path 

With respect to how resources are organized in the repository, Fedora 5 is identical to Fedora 4, maintaining a tree hierarchy to the repository.   Fedora 5, however, is different from Fedora 3, which supported a flat structure. The path (list of ancestors) for the viewed resource is presented below the object title. Performance is expected to be better with a deeper hierarchy, with fewer items per level, versus a shallow hierarchy, where each level has a larger number of siblings. The automatic ID (and path) generated by Fedora is meant to optimize performance, but you may use your own organizational strategy when creating resources.

In this particular example, the container was created with a fully qualified name including a namespace and local name (separated by a colon), but Fedora 5 neither requires nor recommends identifiers have namespaces.

3 Featured Properties

Very basic metadata such as the creation and modification times and users are presented below the resource path.

4 Children

Any children that the container has will be listed and linked here.

5 All Resource Properties 

All properties of the resource are presented here. Hover your mouse over the namespace prefix to see the full namespace.

6 Other Resources 

A subset of properties from the parent resource.  If there are any, a gray box will be present.  Click on the gray box to expand the list of properties or the label text to view that resource directly.
