Current Release

This documentation covers the current version of Fedora. Looking for another version? See all documentation.

Table of Contents



The Fedora HTTP API is generally a RESTful API. HTTP methods like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE are implemented on most resource paths. The API also relies heavily on content negotiation to deliver context-appropriate responses, and a HATEOAS-driven text/html response (providing a decent GUI experience on top of the repository).

The Fedora RDF-based responses may be serialized as:

  • application/ld+json
  • application/n-triples
  • application/rdf+xml
  • text/n3 (or text/rdf+n3)
  • text/plain
  • text/turtle (or application/x-turtle)

The text/html response also includes embedded RDFa markup.

Fedora  implements the Linked Data Platform 1.0 Architecture, which:

[...] describes the use of HTTP for accessing, updating, creating and deleting resources from servers that expose their resources as Linked Data.  It provides clarifications and extensions of the rules of Linked Data [LINKED-DATA]:

  1. Use URIs as names for things
  2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names
  3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)
  4. Include links to other URIs, so that they can discover more things



Repository objects can be loosely divided into two classes of resources:

 - Containers ("fedora:Container"), containing RDF properties and 0 or more child resources
 - Binaries, containing any binary payload (roughly corresponding to Fedora 3 datastreams)


RESTful HTTP API - Containers
Request URI: /path/to/some/resource




Backup and Restore

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include'

User 'null' does not have permission to view the page.


RESTful HTTP API - Fixity

Request URI: /path/to/some/binary

Methods: HEAD, GET

HEAD Request the fixity checksum for a given digest algorithm

Checking fixity requires retrieving the content from the binary store and may take some time.

Request Headers:

WANT-DIGEST  md5, sha, sha-256, sha-512, sha-512/256


curl -I -H "Want-Digest: sha-256" "http://localhost:8080/rest/path/to/some/binary"

Response (fixity success):

Status: 200 OK
ETag: "51c5ed5fff4b6c79233cc7573a387902f7d171e7"
Last-Modified: Fri, 04 May 2018 18:14:47 GMT
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="IMG_4023.JPG.jpg"; creation-date="Fri, 04 May 2018 18:14:47 GMT"; modification-date="Fri, 04 May 2018 18:14:47 GMT"; size=47021
Link: <>;rel="type"
Link: <>;rel="type"
Link: <http://localhost:8080/rest/examples/binary/fcr:acl>; rel="acl"
Link: <http://localhost:8080/rest/examples/binary/fcr:metadata>; rel="describedby"
Link: <http://localhost:8080/static/constraints/NonRDFSourceConstraints.rdf>; rel=""
Link: <http://localhost:8080/rest/examples/binary>; rel="timegate"
Link: <http://localhost:8080/rest/examples/binary>; rel="original"
Link: <http://localhost:8080/rest/examples/binary/fcr:versions>; rel="timemap"
Link: <>; rel="type"
Link: <>; rel="type"
Accept-External-Content-Handling: copy,redirect,proxy
Digest: sha-256=08692ca74dc1e08c84f90feda5e64c72617be850a7c7adca88b03f6ccd3db406
Content-Length: 47021


200  OK

400 Bad request (the 'Want-Digest' request-header algorithm type is either invalid or unsupported)

404 Resource not found

Request URI: /path/to/some/resource/fcr:fixity

Methods: GET

GET Get the fixity report for an object

Checking fixity requires retrieving the content from the binary store and may take some time.

The /fcr:fixity endpoint is not part of the Fedora API Specification at this time.

Request Headers:

ACCEPT  application/ld+json, application/n-triples, application/rdf+xml, application/x-turtle, text/html, text/n3, text/plain, text/rdf+n3, text/turtle


curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" "http://localhost:8080/rest/path/to/some/resource/fcr:fixity"

Response (fixity success):

Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/turtle

@prefix premis:  <> .
@prefix rdf:  <> .

        premis:hasFixity  <http://localhost:8080/rest/path/to/some/resource#fixity/1494431303920> .

        rdf:type                 premis:Fixity ;
        rdf:type                 premis:EventOutcomeDetail ;
        premis:hasEventOutcome   "SUCCESS" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigestAlgorithm  "SHA-1" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigest  <urn:sha1:ca3392593351ef8e6554bdabfbd8bdc1002ecb6f> ;
        premis:hasSize           "1277811"^^<> .

Response (fixity failure):

Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/turtle

@prefix premis:  <> .
@prefix rdf:  <> .

        premis:hasFixity  <http://localhost:8080/rest/path/to/some/resource#fixity/1494445619308> .

        rdf:type                 premis:Fixity ;
        rdf:type                 premis:EventOutcomeDetail ;
        premis:hasEventOutcome   "BAD_CHECKSUM" ;
        premis:hasEventOutcome   "BAD_SIZE" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigestAlgorithm  "SHA-1" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigest  <urn:sha1:1d3d03c656cf0a944c393bf9257c6cecdba5263f> ;
        premis:hasSize           "1287509"^^<> .


200  OK

404 Resource not found

Note: Default Fixity Algorithm

When ingesting a binary resource, one or more checksums may be provided, see API reference (POST example 4, POST example 4b, PUT example 3). The supported algorithms are: SHA-1, SHA-256 and MD5. 

By default, the algorithm used by the /fcr:fixity endpoint is SHA-1. However, that may be changed - per resource - to one of the other supported algorithms by configuring the property: fedoraconfig:defaultDigestAlgorithm . See API reference (PATCH example 2).


RESTful HTTP API - Transactions

POST Create a new transaction

After retrieving a transaction URI from the "Location" header in the response to the following HTTP request, the client can execute any POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/GET REST API method within the transaction scope by including the transaction URI in the "Atomic-ID" request header.

Transactions are automatically closed and rolled back after 3 minutes of inactivity. Transactions can be refreshed by POSTing to the transaction URI


curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:8080/rest/fcr:tx" 


Status: 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/rest/fcr:tx/ce4bb2bf-8ced-4c7d-b281-f2132e3064bb
Atomic-Expires: Thu, 07 May 2020 17:34:37 GMT


When a transaction has been created, it will return a Location header.  Use this location (transaction URI) as the value of the "Atomic-ID" request header for performing REST API operations within the transaction.  When you are done with the transaction, either commit the transaction to the repository by making a PUT request to the transaction URI,  or discard the changes and rollback the transaction by making a DELETE request to the transaction URI.

For further examples of the usage of Transactions, see: Transactions


201  Created: if the transaction is created successfully

GET  Get the current status of the repository in a transaction

To get the status of a transaction, perform a GET request on the transaction URI that was previously returned as the value of the "Location" header from the transaction creation request. The "Atomic-Expires" header indicates the time at which the transaction will auto-rollback.


curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:8080/rest/fcr:tx/ce4bb2bf-8ced-4c7d-b281-f2132e3064bb"


Status: 204 No Content

Expires: Thu, 7 May 2020 17:46:17 GMT


204 No Content: If the request was successful

404 Not Found: Transaction not found

410 Gone: Transaction expired

POST Keep an existing transaction alive

By performing a POST request on an existing transaction URI, the transaction's expiration time is extended by the value of the session timeout duration (default: 3 minutes)


curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:8080/rest/fcr:tx/ce4bb2bf-8ced-4c7d-b281-f2132e3064bb"


Status: 204 No Content
Atomic-Expires: Thu, 7 May 2020 18:00:38 GMT


204  No Content: if the transaction is renewed successfully

404  Not Found: if the transaction doesn't exist

410  Gone: Transaction expired

PUT Commit an open transaction

Any operations you made within the scope of the transaction will be applied together, meaning if any of them fail, the whole transaction will fail.


curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/rest/fcr:tx/ce4bb2bf-8ced-4c7d-b281-f2132e3064bb"


Status: 204 No Content


204 No Content: if the transaction is committed successfully

404 Not Found: if the transaction doesn't exist

409 Conflict: Transaction did not commit successfully

410 Gone: Transaction expired

DELETE Rollback and close an open transaction


curl -i -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/rest/fcr:tx/ce4bb2bf-8ced-4c7d-b281-f2132e3064bb"


Status: 204 No Content


204 No Content: if the transaction is discarded successfully

410 Gone: if the transaction has already been committed or rolled back

404 Not Found: if the transaction does not exist