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Request URI: /path/to/some/resource/fcr:fixity

Methods: GET

GET Get the fixity report for an object

Checking fixity requires retrieving the content from the binary store and may take some time.


Request Headers:

ACCEPT  application/ld+json, application/n-triples, application/rdf+xml, application/x-turtle, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/html, text/n3, text/plain, text/rdf+n3, text/turtle



curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" "http://localhost:8080/rest/path/to/some/resource/fcr:fixity"

Response (fixity success):

Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/turtle

@prefix premis:  <http://www.loc.gov/premis/rdf/v1#> .
@prefix rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .

        premis:hasFixity  <http://localhost:8080/rest/path/to/some/resource#fixity/1494431303920> .

        rdf:type                 premis:Fixity ;
        rdf:type                 premis:EventOutcomeDetail ;
        premis:hasEventOutcome   "SUCCESS" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigestAlgorithm  "SHA-1" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigest  <urn:sha1:ca3392593351ef8e6554bdabfbd8bdc1002ecb6f> ;
        premis:hasSize           "1277811"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#long> .

Response (fixity failure):

Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/turtle

@prefix premis:  <http://www.loc.gov/premis/rdf/v1#> .
@prefix rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .

        premis:hasFixity  <http://localhost:8080/rest/path/to/some/resource#fixity/1494445619308> .

        rdf:type                 premis:Fixity ;
        rdf:type                 premis:EventOutcomeDetail ;
        premis:hasEventOutcome   "BAD_CHECKSUM" ;
        premis:hasEventOutcome   "BAD_SIZE" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigestAlgorithm  "SHA-1" ;
        premis:hasMessageDigest  <urn:sha1:1d3d03c656cf0a944c393bf9257c6cecdba5263f> ;
        premis:hasSize           "1287509"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#long> .


200  OK

404 Resource not found

Default Fixity Algorithm

When ingesting a binary resource, one or more checksums may be provided, see API reference (POST example 4b). The supported algorithms are: SHA-1, SHA-256 and MD5.
By default, the algorithm used by the Fixity service is SHA-1. However, that may be changed to one of the other supported algorithms by configuring the property: fedoraconfig:defaultDigestAlgorithm . See API reference (PATCH example 2).


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