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administrative package

DCType (Deleted)

Class has been removed, isn’t used anywhere in the codebase

app.bulkedit package


  • registerRemove,registerAdd, registerConstant, getAdds, getRemoves, getConstant, getComplete, now require a newly created BulkEditMetadataValue instead of a Metadatum (values retrieved from a csv cannot be transformed into a MetadataValue anymore)


  • getAuthorityValueType() method moved to AuthorityValueService

app.itemexport package

ItemExport refactored into: ItemExportService

Factory usage: ItemExportServiceFactory.getInstance().getItemExportService()
  • Class has been split into ItemExportService & ItemExportCLITool
  • exportAsZip now requires an Iterator<Item> instead of an ItemIterator
  • getExportDownloadDirectory,deleteOldExportArchives methods now require an EPerson instead of an identifier
  • getExportFileSize & getExportFileLastModified now require a context

app.itemimport package

ItemImport refactored into: ItemImportService

Factory usage: ItemImportServiceFactory.getInstance().getItemImportService()

  • Class has been split into ItemImportService & ItemImportCLITool
  • addItemsAtomic(), addItems(), require a collection list instead of an array
  • getImportUploadableDirectory() now requires an EPerson
  • processUIImport() methods now require a template boolean
  • now has setters/getters to control if service should be used in test/resume, useWorkflow,

app.itemupdate package


  • addUndoDeleteContents method now requires a UUID.

app.util package


  • The class remains but all code related to the WebApp database table has been moved to the respective WebApp, WebAppService, WebAppDAO classes.
  • getApps method has been moved to WebAppService and now returns a list of WebApp objects

MetadataExposure refactored into: MetadataExposureService

Factory usage: UtilServiceFactory.getInstance().getMetadataExposureService();

  • Has been refactored into MetadataExposureService

OpenSearch refactored into: OpenSearchService

Factory usage: UtilServiceFactory.getInstance().getOpenSearchService();
  • Has been refactored into OpenSearchService
  • getResultsString(), getResultsDoc() methods now require a context


  • populate() method now requires a context.


  • getControlledVocabulariesDisplayValueLocalized now requires a list of MetadataValues instead of an array of Metadatum


  • deleteMetadataByValue(), appendMetadata() methods now require a context
  • getDCValueString now requries a metadata value
  • readDeleteContentsFile() now returns a list of strings, this is due to the fact that exported files can have both legacy integers as well as UUIDS.

app.mediafilter package

MediaFilterManager refactored into: MediaFilterService

Factory usage: MediaFilterServiceFactory.getInstance().getMediaFilterService()
  • Class been split into MediaFilterService & MediaFilterCLITool


  • getDestinationStream(), preProcessBitstream() now require verbose boolean
  • getDestinationStream() now requires an item


  • getThumbnailFile(), getImageFile(), now requires verbose boolean


  • preProcessBitstream() now requires verbose boolean

app.sfx package

SFXFileReader refactored into: SFXFileReaderService

Factory usage: SfxServiceFactory.getInstance().getSfxFileReaderService()
  • SFXFileReader migrated to SFXFileReaderService

app.statistics package


  • Now uses a discovery query to retrieve items by accessioned date instead of a complex query.

authenticate package

AuthenticationManager refactored into: AuthenticationService

Factory usage: AuthenticateServiceFactory.getInstance().getAuthenticationService()
  • Migrated to: AuthenticationService
  • getSpecialGroups() method now returns a list of groups instead of array of identifiers


  • getSpecialGroups() method now returns a list of groups instead of array of identifiers 


  • getSpecialGroups() method now returns a list of groups instead of array of identifiers 


  • getSpecialGroups() method now returns a list of groups instead of array of identifiers 

authority package


  • getAuthorityTypes() method moved to AuthorityServiceFactory.getInstance().getAuthorTypes();
  • fromSolr() method moved to AuthorityValueService.
  • updateItem() method now requires context

AuthorityValueGenerator & AuthorityValueFinder refactored into: AuthorityValueService

Factory usage: AuthorityServiceFactory.getInstance().getAuthorityValueService();
  • Migrated into AuthorityValueService


  • indexItem() method moved to AuthorityService

authorize Package

AuthorizeManager refactored into: AuthorizeService

Factory usage: AuthorizeServiceFactory.getInstance().getAuthorizeService()
  • getAuthorizedGroups now returns a list instead of an array of groups
  • isAnIdenticalPolicyAlreadyInPlace now requires a group as argument instead of a group identifier
  • isAnIdenticalPolicyAlreadyInPlace with dsoType & dsoId parameters has been removed, use the one which passes a DSpaceObject.
  • removeGroupPolicies(Context c, int groupID) now requires a group instead of a group identifier
  • getAuthorizedGroups now returns a list instead of an array of groups
  • findByTypeIdGroupAction(Context c, int dsoType, int dsoID, int groupID, int action, int policyID) has been changed to use Group & DSpaceObject instead of integers.
  • createOrModifyPolicy groupID parameter has been adjusted to use the group object


  • setPolicies() methods now require UUIDs instead of integers

ResourcePolicy refactored into: ResourcePolicy & ResourcePolicyService

Factory usage: AuthorizeServiceFactory.getInstance().getResourcePolicyService()
  • setResource() renamed to setdSpaceObject()
  • update(context) now also requires an object to update
  • delete(context) now also requires an object to delete

Browse package


Removed the following classes since this isn’t supported any more:
  • BrowseCreateDAOPostgres
  • BrowseCreateDAOOracle
  • BrowseDAOUtilsOracle
  • BrowseDAOUtilsPostgres
  • BrowseItemDAOOracle
  • BrowseItemDAOPostgres
  • ItemCountDAOOracle
  • ItemCountDAOPostgres
  • BrowseDAOOracle
  • BrowseDAOPostgres

BrowseItem (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed, uses Item/ItemService now

BrowseItemDAO (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed, use ItemService now


  • getBrowseItemResults() now returns list of items instead of array of BrowseItem objects
  • getItemResults() method removed, use getBrowseItemResults() instead


  • deleteByItemID(), deleteCommunityMappings(), updateCommunityMappings(), insertIndex(), updateIndex(), updateDistinctMappings(), deleteMappingsByItemID(), now require a UUID instead of an integer


  • getContainerID()/setContainerID() methods now require/return a UUID instead of an integer
  • oQuery() now returns items instead of browseItems


  • getItemInstance() method has been removed, we are now using itemService directly
  • getUtils() method removed, wasn’t used.

BrowseDAOUtils (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed (wasn't used anymore)

BrowseDAOUtilsDefault (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed (wasn't used anymore)


  • itemRemoved() method now requires a UUID instead of integer
  • itemMetadataProxy inner class has been removed, use Item class instead


  • getContainerID()/setContainerID() methods now require/return a UUID instead of an integer
  • deleteByItemID(), deleteCommunityMappings(), updateCommunityMappings(), insertIndex(), updateIndex(), updateDistinctMappings(), deleteMappingsByItemID(), now require a UUID instead of an integer

Checker package

BitstreamDAO (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed, use bitstreamService.retrieve to get an input stream for a bitstream


  • next() method uses bitstreams instead of integers

BitstreamInfoDAO (Deleted)

  • Uses combo of bitstreamService & ChecksumHistoryService to perform queries

ChecksumCheckResults refactored into: ChecksumResultCode

  • ChecksumCheckResults has been renamed to ChecksumResultCode and no longer is a class but an enum


  • ChecksumHistoryDAO has been moved from org.dspace.checker.ChecksumHistoryDAO to org.dspace.checker.dao.impl.ChecksumHistoryDAOImpl & code has been made hibernate compatible

DAOSupport (Deleted)

  • Class removed, relied on the old Database code

ChecksumResult (New)

  • ChecksumResult class created to represent a “checksum_results” table row


  • Class has been removed, was a value object for Bitstream, uses bitstream now

ChecksumResultDAO refactored into: ChecksumResultService

ReporterDAO (Deleted)

  • Class removed, use MostRecentChecksumService & ChecksumHistoryService

BitstreamInfo refactored into: MostRecentChecksum

  • Has been refactored into “MostRecentChecksum” class


  • Constructor now requires a context


  • getBitstreamId returns a UUID
  • getResult/setResult now require/return a ChecksumResult object instead of a string


  • collect() method now requires a context


  • next() method returns a bitstream instead of integer
  • Constructor now uses context & handle instead of BitstreamInfoDAO & handle.

ListDispatcher refactored into: IteratorDispatcher

  • Renamed to IteratorDispatcher
  • Now uses an iterator instead of a list for a performance boost


  • next() method returns a bitstream instead of integer


  • next() method returns a bitstream instead of integer


  • collect() now uses MostRecentChecksum instead of BitstreamInfo


  • getDefaultPruner(), getPruner(), constructor now require a context
  • addInterested() methods require a ChecksumResultCode object instead of string representation of this object.

SimpleReporter refactored into: SimpleReporterService

Factory usage: CheckerServiceFactory.getInstance().getSimpleReporterService();

  • getDeletedBitstreamReport(), getChangedChecksumReport(), getBitstreamNotFoundReport(), getNotToBeProcessedReport(), getUncheckedBitstreamsReport() methods all require a context.

SimpleReporterImpl refactored into: SimpleReporterService

Factory usage: CheckerServiceFactory.getInstance().getSimpleReporterService()


  • Constructor now requires a context instead of BitstreamInfoDAO object
  • next() method now returns bitstream instead of integer

content package

Bitstream refactored into: Bitstream, BitstreamService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getBitstreamService();

  • findAll, getBundles, now return a list instead of an array
  • create method has become public and can be called with our without a bundle. When called without a bundle the class calling on this method is responsible for linking it to the proper object (logo for community for example).
  • register method is now public and requries a bundle parameter
  • setUserFormatDescription(), setFormat(), setName(), setSource(), setDescription() now require a context
  • delete, isDeleted, setDeleted, setInternalId methods are now public
  • delete, update, retrieve, getFormat(), getFormatDescription() now require a context & a bitstream
  • isRegisteredBitstream now requires a bitstream

Bundle refactored into: Bundle, BundleService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getBundleService();

  • create method has become public and must be called with an item.
  • getBitstreamByName now requires a bundle
  • createBitstream method has been removed from bundle, use bitstreamService.create() instead
  • registerBitstream method has been removed from bundle, use bitstreamService.registerBitstream() instead
  • addBitstream, inheritCollectionDefaultPolicies, replaceAllBitstreamPolicies, getBitstreamPolicies, update, delete, removeBitstream methods require a context and a bundle
  • getBundlePolicies has been removed, use authorizeService.getPolicies
  • delete is now public
  • setOrder now requires a context a bundle & a list of UUIDS instead of integers
  • getItems now returns a list instead of an array
  • getPrimaryBitstreamID & setPrimaryBitstreamID now renamed to getPrimaryBitstream & setPrimaryBitstream and require/return a bitstream
  • setName(),getBundlePolicies() now requires a context

BitstreamFormat refactored into: BitstreamFormat, BitstreamFormatService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getBitstreamFormatService();

  • findAll, findNonInternal now return a list instead of an array.
  • setShortDescription is set on BitstreamFormatService & requires a context and the bitstreamformat alongside the description.
  • getSupportLevelText, setSupportLevel now require a bitstreamformat since they have been moved to the service.
  • update, delete now require a context and the bitstream format.
  • getExtensions & setExtensions now return/require a list instead of an array.

Collection refactored into: Collection, CollectionService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getCollectionService();

  • create methods have been made public
  • findAll(), findAuthorized(),getCommunities(),findDirectMapped(), findGroup2CommunityMapped(),findGroup2GroupMapped(),findGroupMapped() methods now return a list instead of an array
  • getItems() methods  have been moved to the itemService and has been renamed to findByCollection()
  • getAllItems() method has been moved to the itemService and has been renamed to findAllByCollection()
  • getWorkflowGroup(), getLicense(), hasCustomLicense(), setWorkflowGroup() methods now require a collection parameter
  • setMetadata(), setLogo(), createWorkflowGroup(),createSubmitters(), createAdministrators(),removeAdministrators(), createTemplateItem(), removeTemplateItem(),addItem(),removeItem(), canEditBoolean(), canEdit() methods now require a context and collection parameter.
  • setLicense() now requires a context.
  • countItems() method moved to itemService

Community refactored into: Community, CommunityService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getCommunity();

  • findAll, findAllTop now return list instead of array
  • getMetadata method now requires community as param
  • setMetadata, setLogo, createAdministrators,removeAdministrators, getAllParents, getAllCollections, addCollection, createSubcommunity, addSubcommunity, removeCollection, removeSubcommunity, delete, canEditBoolean methods now require context & community as param
  • getCollections, getSubcommunities, getAllParents, getAllCollections now return a list instead of an array
  • createCollection has moved to the collection service
  • getParentCommunity has been renamed to getParentCommunities now returns a list of communities since it is possible in the code to have multiple parent communities
  • countItems now requires a context

DSpaceObject refactored into: DSpaceObjectService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getDSpaceLegacyObjectService(type)

  • getIdentifiers now returns a list instead of an array
  • getParentObject now requires a context & the dspaceObject you want the parent for
  • updateLastModified now requires context & the dspaceObject you want to update
  • update() now requires context & the dspaceObject you want to update
  • deprecated getDC, addDC methods have been removed
  • getMetadata methods now return a list of metadata values instead of an array of Metadatum
  • getElements(String fieldName) & getElementsFilled(String fieldName) have been made protected, wasn’t used outside of the object
  • replaceMetadataValue has been removed, use the setters on metadataValue instead.
  • addMetadata, getMetadata & clearMetadata methods now require a dspaceObject as a parameter
  • addMetadata & clear metadata require a context as a parameter
  • addMetadata has been altered to use lists instead of arrays to pass repeatable params
  • find(context, type, id) method has been removed, use: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getDSpaceObjectService(type).find(context, id) instead
  • finding by legacy id can be done using: 
  • ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getDSpaceLegacyObjectService(type).findByIdOrLegacyId(context, String id)
  • resetIdentifiersCache() has been removed, caching is not used, hibernate takes care of the caching for us.
  • getAuthoritiesAndConfidences() method now requires a collection.

FormatIdentifier (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed, uses BitstreamFormatService.guessFormat() instead

InProgressSubmission refactored into: InProgressSubmission, InProgressSubmissionService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getInProgressSubmissionService(submissionInfo)

  • deleteWrapper(), update() methods moved to InProgressSubmissionService

InstallItem refactored into: InstallItemService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getInstallItemService();

  • method getBitstreamProvenanceMessage() now requires a context.

Item refactored into: Item, ItemService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getItemService();

  • create is now public & requires a workspaceItem (if the workspace item is linked to another item an exception will be thrown).
  • isIn(), getBundles(String name), isOwningCollection(), hasUploadedFiles() require an item
  • getCommunities(), addBundle(),removeBundle(), createSingleBitstream(), removeDSpaceLicense(), removeLicenses(), withdraw(), reinstate(),delete(), replaceAllItemPolicies(), replaceAllBitstreamPolicies(),removeGroupPolicies(), getNonInternalBitstreams(), inheritCollectionDefaultPolicies(),adjustBundleBitstreamPolicies(), adjustItemPolicies(), move(), getCollectionsNotLinked(), canEdit() now require a context and an item
  • getCommunities, getBundles, getNonInternalBitstreams, getCollectionsNotLinked(), getCollections() now return a list instead of an array
  • createBundle has been removed, creating of a bundle is now done in the BundleService
  • item deletion is now public
  • findByMetadataField(), findByAuthorityValue(), findByMetadataFieldAuthority() now return an Iterator<Item> instead of ItemIterator
  • getThumbnail now requires an item instead of an itemid


  • Is now an interface instead of a class and has become part of the DAO, model, is no longer public. Use itemService instead.

ItemDAOFactory (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed, DAO’s are autowired into the services & no factories are present

ItemDAOOracle (Deleted)

ItemDAOPostgres (Deleted)

ItemIterator (Deleted)

  • You can now use Iterator<Item>


  • Has now become an interface
  • getThumbnail is available in this interface
  • getFirstMetadataValue removed use

MetadataAuthorityManager refactored into: MetadataAuthorityService

Factory usage: ContentAuthorityServiceFactory.getInstance().getMetadataAuthorityService();

  • isAuthorityControlled now requires a metadata field object instead of schema, element, qualifier, ..
  • isAuthorityRequired now requires a metadata field object instead of schema, element, qualifier, ...
  • getMinConfidence now requires a metadata field object instead of schema, element, qualifier ….

Metadatum (Deleted)

  • Class has been removed, MetadataValue is used

MetadataField refactored into: MetadataField, MetadataFieldService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getMetadataFieldService();

  • create(Context context) method has been moved to MetadataFieldService.create(Context, MetadataSchema, element, qualifier, scopeNote)
  • findByElement now requires a metadataSchema OR a metadata schema name instead of an identifier
  • findAllInSchema now requires a schema instead of the identifier of a schema
  • update(context) now also requires an object to update
  • delete(context) now also requires an object to delete
  • formKey has been removed, use the toString() method from a metadataField
  • findAll, findAllInSchema now return lists instead of arrays

MetadataSchema refactored into: MetadataSchema, MetadataSchemaService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getMetadataSchemaService();

  • MetadataSchema.DC_SCHEMA_ID has been removed, best to use the lookup by name.
  • MetadataSchema(String namespace, String name) constructor has been moved to metadataSchemaService.create(Context context, String namespace, String name)
  • create(Context context) method has been moved to metadataSchemaService.create(Context context, String namespace, String name)
  • update(context) now also requires an object to update
  • delete(context) now also requires an object to delete
  • findAll now returns a list instead of array

MetadataValue refactored into: MetadataValue, MetadataValueService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getMetadataValueService();


  • create(Context context) method has been moved to metadataValueService.create(Context, DSpaceObject, MetadataField)
  • findByField(Context context, int fieldId) now uses a metadata field object instead of its identifier
  • update(context) now also requires an object to update
  • delete(context) now also requires an object to delete

SupervisedItem refactored into: SupervisedItemService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getSupervisedItemService();

  • getAll(), findbyEPerson() methods now return a list of workspaceItem objects instead of supervisedItems
  • getSupervisorGroups() method has been removed, this is now a getter on WorkspaceItem

Site refactored into: Site, SiteService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getMetadataValueService();

  • Is no longer a static object, but contains an actual database object. 
  • Site.SITE_ID is now siteService.findSite(context).getID();
  • Site.getSiteHandle() is now siteService.findSite(context).getHandle();

WorkspaceItem refactored into: WorkspaceItem, WorkspaceItemService

Factory usage: ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkspaceItemService();

  • When a workspaceItem is created the rights granted to reviewer groups used in the basic workflow are no longer hardcoded, this section has moved to the workflowService. This way the workflow determines which rights are granted.
  • findByEPerson(), findByCollection(),findAll() now return a list instead of an array.
  • update(), deleteWrapper() & deleteAll() methods now require a context and a workspace item.

content.authority package

ChoiceAuthorityManager refactored into: ChoiceAuthorityService

Factory usage: ContentAuthorityServiceFactory.getInstance().getChoiceAuthorityService();

  • getLabel(), getVariants() methods now requires a metadataValue
  • getManager() method removed, use the factory to get an instance.
  • getMatches(), getBestMatch() methods now requires a collection object instead of an identifier
  • makeFieldKey() method has been removed, use metadataField.toString();


  • getMatches(), getBestMatch() methods now require a collection instead of collection identifier


  • getMatches() method now requires a collection instead of a collection identifier

content.crosswalk package


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • ingest() method requires additional boolean that indicates if metadataFields should be created prior to adding metadata.


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context


  • disseminateList, disseminateElement methods now require a context
  • createDIM now requires a list of MockMetadataValue object instead of array of metadatum
  • ingestDIM() methods now require an extra boolean createMissingMetadataFields

content.packager package


  • makeBitstreamURL() method now require a context


  • updateDSpaceObject(), removeAllBitstreams(), clearAllMetadata(), getBitstreamByFormat() methods now require a context

core package


  • clearCache(), removeCached(), cache(), fromCache(), getCacheSize() methods removed, hibernate takes care of our caching
  • getSpecialGroups() now returns a list instead of an array of groups
  • getDBConnection() is now package protected, we don’t wan’t anybody but the DAO to access it.
  • setSpecialGroup() method now requires a UUID instead of an identifier
  • commit() method has been removed, hibernate can only commit a transaction ONCE, everything is persisted so there should be no need for the commit method. If the events needs to be flushed, a new dispatchEvents() method is available

LicenseManager refactored into: LicenseService

Factory usage: CoreServiceFactory.getInstance().getLicenseService();

NewsManager refactored into: NewsService

Factory usage: CoreServiceFactory.getInstance().getNewsService();

curate package


  • setCacheLimit() method removed, no longer required since object cache is no longer used


  • limit option removed, no longer required since object cache is no longer used

WorkflowCurator refactored into: WorkflowCuratorService

Factory usage: CurateServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowCuratorService();

disseminate package

CitationDocument refactored into: CitationDocumentService

Factory usage: DisseminateServiceFactory.getInstance().getCitationDocumentService();

  • getOwningCommunity(), makeCitedDocument(),canGenerateCitationVersion() methods now require a context object

embargo package

EmbargoManager refactored into: EmbargoService, EmbargoCLITool

Factory Usage: EmbargoServiceFactory.getInstance().getEmbargoService()

  • Main method has moved to “EmbargoCLITool” class

eperson package

Group refactored into: Group, GroupService, GroupCLITool

Factory usage: EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getGroupService();

  • addMember, removeMember, delete, update now require a context & group object parameters
  • isMember(EPerson e) has been renamed to isDirectMember & now require a context & group object parameters
  • isMember(Group g) has been renamed to isDirectMember & now requires the parent group parameter
  • isMember(Context c, int groupid) now requires a group object instead of a group id
  • allMemberGroups, allMembers, findAll, search, getMembers, getMemberGroups now return a list instead of an array
  • allMemberGroupIDs is now removed, use allMemberGroups instead (returns a list of groups instead of identifiers)
  • allMemberIDs is now removed, use allMembers instead (returns a list of epeople instead of identifiers)
  • isEmpty now requires a group
  • setName() now requires a context.
  • Group main code moved from “Group” to "GroupCLITool"
  • Finding groups sorted by identifier is nog longer possible since it doesn’t make sense to sort on a UUID.

EPerson refactored into: EPerson, EPersonService, EPersonCLITool

Factory usage: EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getEPersonService();

  • search(), findAll() methods now return a list instead of an array
  • setPassword(), setPasswordHash(), getPasswordHash()  methods now require an ePerson
  • checkPassword(), setMetadata() methods now require a context and an EPerson
  • main method has moved to the “EPersonCLITool” class.
  • setLanguage(), setFirstName(), setLastName() methods now require a context

Subscribe refactored into: SubscribeService, SubscribeCLITool

Factory Usage: EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getSubscribeService();


  • Main method has moved to “SubscribeCLITool” class
  • getSubscriptions(), now return a list of Subscription objects instead of array of collections
  • getAvailableSubscriptions() now return a list instead of an array

Supervisor refactored into: SupervisorService

Factory Usage: EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getSupervisorService();

  • isOrder(),remove(),add() now require workspaceItem and group objects instead of identifiers
  • removeRedundant() method no longer needed, linking table is auto cleared when deleting a workspaceItem/group.

AccountManager refactored into: AccountService

Factory usage: EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getAccountService();

event package


  • Constructor now requires an ArrayList of identifiers instead of an array (arrayList is used because it is cloneable)
  • Constructors now require UUIDs as object id’s instead of integers
  • getIdentifiers now returns a list instead of array

EventManager refactored into: EventService

Factory Usage: EventServiceFactory.getInstance().getEventService();

handle package

HandleManager refactored into: HandleService

Factory Usage: HandleServiceFactory.getInstance().getHandleService();


 Script has been improved to update metadataValue objects instead of a regular query. The benefit is that the indexes & last modified dates are also updated.

harvest package

HarvestedItem refactored into: HarvestedItem, HarvestedItemService

Factory usage: HarvestServiceFactory.getInstance().getHarvestedItemService();

  • exists method removed, wasn’t used
  • find, create methods now require item object instead of item id
  • findByOAIId now requires collection object instead of collection identifier
  • update, delete now require a context & HarvestedItem objects
  • getItemID renamed to getItem & now returns item object

HarvestedCollection refactored into: HarvestedCollection, HarvestedCollectionService

Factory usage: HarvestServiceFactory.getInstance().getHarvestedCollectionService();

  • find(), create(), isHarvestable(), isReady() methods now require collection object instead of collection identifier
  • isHarvestable(),isReady() methods now require a harvestedCollection object
  • findAll, findReady, findByStatus, findOldestHarvest, findNewestHarvest, now return HarvestedCollection object(s) instead of integer(s)
  • getCollectionId renamed to getCollection() now returns a collection
  • setHarvestResult method removed, use setLastHarvested & setHarvestMessage


  • HarvestScheduler, HarvestThread inner classes have moved to separate classes
  • The scheduling logic of the Harvester has been moved to the “HarvestSchedulingService" class
    • Usage: HarvestServiceFactory.getInstance().getHarvestSchedulingService()
  • scrubMetadata() internal method that created metadata fields/schema’s has moved to the IngestionCrosswalk class

identifier package

DOI refactored into DOI, DOIService

Service Usage: IdentifierServiceFactory.getInstance().getDOIService();


  • getDOIOutOfObject, getObjectByDOI methods are no longer static, the only static call they had was from the unit test.


  • getDOIsByStatus() method removed use DOIService.getDOIsByStatus()
  • register, reserve, update, methods now require a DOI instead of a tableRow & DSpaceObject
  • findTableRow renamed to resolveToDOI and now returns a DOI instead of tableRow


  • lookup() method now returns a list instead of an array

license package

CreativeCommons refactored into: CreativeCommonsService

Service Usage: LicenseServiceFactory.getInstance().getCreativeCommonsService();
  • getCCField() method now returns a LicenseMetadataValue instead of an internal class MdField
  • getLicenseURL(), getLicenseText(), getLicenseRDF() now require a context

rdf package


  • generateIdentifier,delete methods now use a UUID as dso identifier & a list of identifiers

rdf.conversion package


  • bitstreamURI method also requires a context package


  • generateIdentifier now requires a list of identifiers instead of array and a UUID instead of an integer as DSpaceObject identifier


  • generateIdentifier now requires a list of identifiers instead of array and a UUID instead of an integer as DSpaceObject identifier


  • generateIdentifier now requires a list of identifiers instead of array and a UUID instead of an integer as DSpaceObject identifier


  • generateIdentifier now requires a list of identifiers instead of array and a UUID instead of an integer as DSpaceObject identifier

statistics package

ElasticSearchLogger refactored into: ElasticSearchLoggerService

Factory usage: StatisticsServiceFactory.getInstance().getElasticSearchLoggerService();
  • getInstance() method removed, use the factory method from above

SolrLogger refactored into: SolrLoggerService

Factory usage: StatisticsServiceFactory.getInstance().getSolrLoggerService();

storage.bitstore package

BitstreamStorageManager refactored into BitstreamStorageService

Factory Usage: StorageServiceFactory.getInstance().getBitstreamStorageService()
  • store() & register methods now requires a bitstream and returns a UUID
  • retrieve now requires a bitstream instead of a bitstream identifier
  • delete(context, bitstreamid) has been removed, use bitstreamService.delete() instead.

requestitem package


Factory usage: RequestItemServiceFactory.getInstance().getRequestItemService()
  • public constructor removed, use factory method from above
  • bitstreamId getter & setters now require bitstream instead of bitstream identifier
  • itemId getter & setters now require item instead of item identifier
  • update method now requires requestItem object
  • getNewToken moved to the new create method, requires same parameters as the old constructor 

version package


  • Interface replaced by Database entity


  • Has moved to the DAO sub package and been split into VersionDAO (interface) & VersionDAOImpl (the new DAO implementation)


  • Interface replaced by Database entity


  • Has moved to the DAO sub package and been split into VersionHistoryDAO (interface) & VersionHistoryDAOImpl (the new DAO implementation)

VersionHistoryImpl refactored into: VersionHistoryService

Factory usage: DSpaceVersionServiceFactory.getInstance().getVersionHistoryService();
  • getLatestVersion(), getFirstVersion(), getPrevious(), getNext(), hasNext(), add(), getVersion(), isFirstVersion(), isLastVersion(), remove(), now require a VersionHistory object

VersionImpl, VersioningService, VersioningServiceImpl refactored into: VersioningService

Factory usage: DSpaceVersionServiceFactory.getInstance().getVersioningService();
  • createNewVersion(),findVersionHistory(), updateVersion(),  methods require item object instead of item identifier
  • removeVersion(), restoreVersion() methods require a version object instead of identifier

workflow package

WorkflowItem refactored into: Interface (old usage moved to: BasicWorkflowItem)

  • Has now become an interface, to use the original WorkflowItem class check BasicWorkflowItem (this is an implementation of workflowItem).
  • findByEPerson() method has been renamed to findBySubmitter & is also available from the WorkflowitemService

WorkflowManager refactored into: WorkflowService (old usage moved to BasicWorkflowService)

  • Renamed to WorkflowService and has become an interface, to use the old WorkflowManager look at BasicWorkflowService & BasicWorkflowServiceImpl

workflowbasic package (new)

TaskListItem, TaskListItemService

Factory usage: BasicWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getTaskListItemService();

  • A new class “TaskListItem” has been created with a service & dao interface + implentation. Quering this table was done in the old workflowManager, but this has been extracted from it.

BasicWorkflowItem (previously WorkflowItem)

Factory usage: WorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowItemService(); OR BasicWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getBasicWorkflowItemService();

  • The old WorkflowItem class now extends WorkflowItem (which in turn extends the InProgressSubmision)
  • findAll(),findByCollection(), findBySubmitter() methods now return a list instead of an array
  • findByEPerson has been renamed to findBySubmitter and returns a list instead of an array
  • deleteWrapper(), update() now require a context and a BasicWorkflowItem

BasicWorkflowService (previously WorkflowManager)

Factory usage: WorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowService(); OR BasicWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getBasicWorkflowService();

  • abort now returns a workspace item (used to be void)
  • notifyOfCuration() now requires a list of EPeople instead of an array
  • archive() method is now public
  • reject has been renamed to sendWorkflowItemBackSubmission and requires a “provenancePrefix” (not used in the basic workflow)

xmlWorkflow package

ClaimedTask refactored into: ClaimedTask, ClaimedTaskService

Factory usage: XmlWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getClaimedTaskService();

  • findByWorkflowId renamed to findByWorkflowItem & now requires an XmlWorkflowItem instead of id
  • findByWorkflowIdAndEPerson renamed to findByWorkflowAndEPerson & now requires XmlWorkflowItem & EPerson objects instead of an id
  • findByEperson requires an EPerson object
  • All “find” methods now require objects instead of identifiers
  • delete(), update() now require a context & a claimedTask object
  • setOwnerID/getOwnerID renamed to getOwner/setOwner and returns/requires an EPerson
  • setWorkflowItemID/getWorkflowItemID renamed to getWorkflowItem/setWorkflowItem and returns/requires an XmlWorkflowItem

CollectionRole refactored into: CollectionRole, CollectionRoleService

Factory usage: XmlWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getCollectionRoleService();

  • find() methods now require a collection object instead of an identifier
  • find() method now returns a list instead of an array
  • create method now also requires a collection, roleId & group
  • delete(), update() now require a context & a collectionRole object
  • setCollectionId/getCollectionId renamed to setCollection/getCollection an requires/returns a collection object
  • setGroupId renamed to setGroup

InProgressUser refactored into: InProgressUser InProgressUserService

Factory usage: XmlWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getInProgressUserService();

  • findByWorkflowItemAndEPerson now requires an XmlWorkflow item & an EPerson object instead of two identifiers
  • findByEperson now requires an EPerson object instead of an identifier
  • findByWorkflowItem(), getNumberOfInProgressUsers(), getNumberOfFinishedUsers() now require an Xmlworkflow item object instead of an identifier
  • delete(), update() now require a context & an InProgressUser object
  • setUserID/getUserID renamed to setUser/getUser and now require/return an EPerson object
  • setWorkflowItemID/getWorkflowItemID renamed to setWorkflowItem/setWorkflowItem and now require/return an XmlWorkflow item object


  • findByEperson() method now requires an EPerson object instead of an identifier
  • findByWorkflowIdAndEPerson() method requires an EPerson & XmlWorkflowItem object instead of identifiers
  • delete(), update() now require a context & a PoolTask object
  • setEpersonID/getEpersonID renamed to setEperson/getEperson and now require/return an EPerson object
  • setGroupID/getGroupID renamed to setGroup/getGroup and now require/return a Group object
  • setWorkflowItemID/getWorkflowItemID renamed to setWorkflowItem/getWorkflowItem and now require/return an XmlWorkflowItem object 


  • removeEperson now requires an EPerson object instead of an identifier

WorkflowItemRole refactored into: WorkflowItemRole, WorkflowItemRoleService

Factory usage: XmlWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowItemRoleService()

  • find(), findAllForItem() methods now require an XmlWorkflowItem instead of an identifier & returns a list instead of an array.
  • delete(), update() now require a context & a WorkflowItemRole object
  • setWorkflowItemID/getWorkflowItemID renamed to setWorkflowItem/setWorkflowItem and now require/return an XmlWorkflow item object

WorkflowRequirementsManager refactored into: WorkflowRequirementsService

Factory usage: XmlWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowRequirementsService();


  • createCollectionWorkflowRole(), getRoleGroup() methods now require a collection instead of an identifier

XmlWorkflowItem refactored into: XmlWorkflowItem, XmlWorkflowItemService

Factory usage: WorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowItemService(); OR XmlWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getXmlWorkflowItemService();

  • create now requires an item & a collection.
  • findAll(), findByCollection methods now return a list instead of an array
  • findAllInCollection() method now returns a list instead of an array and requires a collection object instead of an identifier
  • countAllInCollection() method now request a collection instead of an identifier
  • findByEPerson has been renamed to findBySubmitter and returns a list instead of an array
  • deleteWrapper(), update() now require a context and an XmlWorkflowItem

WorkflowFactory refactored into: XmlWorkflowFactory

Factory Usage: XmlWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowFactory()
  • XmlWorkflowFactory has been moved to the factory sub package and is now an interface


XmlWorkflowManager refactored into: XmlWorkflowService

Factory usage: WorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowService(); OR BasicWorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getXmlWorkflowService();

  • No labels