June 12, 2015, 1 PM EST


Steering Group Members

Robert H. McDonald , Mike Conlon (star)Paul Albertdebra hanken kurtz 

(star)= note taker


Dean, Melissa, Jonathan, Jon, Kristi

Dial-In Number:  (209) 647-1600, Participant code: 117433#


1Review Updates5 minAllSee below
2The Site List20 minMikeSee Sites implementing VIVO and International VIVOs
3Completing the web site

20 min

MikeVideos, sites, partners, flyer, white paper
4Additional Topics15 minAll 


  1. Updates
    1. No meeting next week
    2. Fedora will offer training in October. Three days. $1000 for industry, $600 for academic, $400 for Duraspace member. Donated space at a university. No instructor compensation. Must have 10 students or cancel. Make $10K twice a year.
    3. Nominations open for Steering group.  Please encourage nominations
    4. Roadmap process underway.  Please discuss roadmap items during your meetings
    5. Trip report from Open Repositories.  Lots of Duraspace.
    6. SHARE Notify looks like an interesting source of data for VIVO.  41 sources so far in a single RESTful interface.
  2. Site List
    1. Purposes
      1. Registry.  Duraspace has a master registry of sites using its software.  The registry drives various displays in the Duraspace Drupal sites.  Expected to have a site view in the new VIVO web site.
      2. Wiki.  Currently the "best" list of sites.  Need to reconcile with other lists.  Perhaps not have a list of international sites.  Just one page with public VIVO and sites implementing VIVO.  Need to retire sites that are no longer active and archive their names.
      3. Prospects.  Some sites a prospects for membership.  Having a better list of sites provides a better foundation for developing a list of prospects (not all prospects are VIVO sites).
      4. Premium sites.  Some sites have outstanding VIVO implementations.  These will be featured on the new web site.  We will need to identify 6 or 9 sites (numbers are the result of the web design) that have top notch implementations.
    2. Improve the list
      1. Steering Group members and the Community
      2. Adding new sites from the listserv
      3. Reviewing the list with Zoho for contacts
      4. Contacting the contacts
  3. Completing the Web site
    1. Videos.  Three 90 second videos – VIVO Intro (cut down version of the Duraspace QuickByte video), VIVO ontology (one of the ontologists describing the concept and its importance for sharing across site, and a third video by a faculty member using VIVO data for new kinds of work (a social network application)
    2. Flyer.  Two page 8.5" by 11" flyer.  "Current" one from 2012.  Will update for download from web site as PDF.
    3. White paper.  4-5 page academic style paper on VIVO with the names of the collaborating authors and references and screen shots.  Will provide as a PDF on the web site for download.
    4. Partners.  Need a list of partners for the web site.  9, 12 or 15.

Action Items

  • Mike Conlon will produce a draft of the white paper for collaboration with members of the steering group.
  • Mike Conlon will work with Valorie Hollister on the list of sites, sharing with the Steering Group and community to improve the lists.
  • Mike Conlon will poll the Steering Group regarding premier sites to be featured on the web site.
  • Mike Conlon will poll the Steering Group regarding partners to be listed on the web site.
  • debra hanken kurtz will set up a follow up meeting with SHARE Notify people regarding potential collaboration