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  Planning | Description | Requirements | UI Mockup |  Triples Examples | ORE Triples

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The following is a list of all ontologies used by the Triple Examples.

RDF Schemardfs
Dublin Coredc
Dublin Core Termsdcterms
specificationRequired by OA
Dublin Core Typesdctype
specificationRequired by OA
specificationRequired by OA
OREore specificationRecommended as an alternative to the Collections ontology by Rob.  Represents both ordered and unordered items using the Aggregation class.



Can represent unordered items using the Bag class and ordered items using the List class. 
Open Annotationoa
Friend of a Friendfoaf
specificationAlso used by OA


Virtual Collections

Virtual Collection's owner

Note: The owner is represented as dc:creator in the Virtual Collection's metadata.

<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
@prefix foaf:    <> .

<> a foaf:Person, foaf:Agent .


  • ORE  uses foaf:Agent as the dc:creator.


  • Do we want to keep any other foaf properties beyond setting the type to foaf person? 
    • ANSWER:  None extra needed in our triplestore.   We can revisit this if it becomes clear by the implementation that we need to keep additional information.


Virtual Collection's metadata

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> "My Virtual Collection" .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> "These are resources I am gathering together for personal use." .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
@prefix dc:         <> .
@prefix dcterms:    <> .
  dcterms:title        "My Virtual Collection" ;
  dcterms:description  "These are resources I am gathering together for personal use." ;
  dc:creator           <> .
  • What properties should be used to express the virtual collection metadata? Possibilities and answer as Selected Property…

    ConceptPotential PropertiesSelected PropertyComments
     Titlerdfs:label, dc:title, dcterms:titledcterms:titleBased on ORE ontology specification
     Descriptionrdfs:comment, dc:description, dcterms:descriptiondcterms:descriptionBased on ORE ontology specification
     Ownerdc:creator, dcterms:creatordc:creatorBased on ORE ontology specification

Virtual Collection's list of items

Two ontologies have been identified as potential candidates for representing a list of items. The pros and cons are listed below for each ontology,  followed by examples using each ontology.

  Collections ontology  ORE ontology
unordered and ordered collections are represented by two separate class constructs, Bag and List respectively+unordered and ordered collections are represented by the same class construct, Aggregation
+item property names are easy to understand (e.g., index, itemContent, nextItem)item property names are cryptic (e.g., proxyFor, proxyIn, next)
order is determined by an item property pointing to the next item, i.e.,  nextItem.order is determined by an item property pointing to the next item, i.e., next

URI for the item is not associated with the collection class (e.g., List, Bag).

URI can be associated directly to the collection class through co:element. co:element is defined through

a chain:  has sub-property chains [has item o has item content]. That means that the inference layer can resolve both (Paolo).

+URI for the item is associated with the collection class (i.e., Aggregation) via of the aggregates property.
+URI for the item is associated with the item class (i.e., Item) via the itemContent property.+URI for the item is associated with the item class (i.e., Proxy) via the proxyFor property.


Ordered Collection Examples
Example 1-co:  A Virtual Collection as an ordered collection of items using Collection Ontology's List with one item
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <> .

Turtle using Collection ontology's List class
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix co:      <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> a co:List ;
  co:size       "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
  co:firstItem  <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> ;
  co:lastItem   <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> a co:ListItem
  co:index        "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
  co:itemContent  <> .
Example 1-ore:  A Virtual Collection as an ordered collection of items using ORE Ontology's Aggregation with one item
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .

Turtle using ORE ontology's Aggregation class
@prefix ore:     <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> a ore:Aggregation ;
  ore:aggregates <> .


Example 2-co: A Virtual Collection as an ordered collection of items using Collection Ontology's List with multiple ordered items
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> "4"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> "2"^^xsd:positiveInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> <> "3"^^xsd:positiveInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> <> "4"^^xsd:positiveInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> <> <> .

Turtle using Collection ontology's List class
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix co:      <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> a co:List ;
  co:size       "4"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
  co:firstItem  <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> ;
  co:lastItem   <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> a co:ListItem ;
  co:index        "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
  co:itemContent  <> ;
  co:nextItem     <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> a co:ListItem ;
  co:index        "2"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
  co:itemContent  <> ;
  co:nextItem     <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> a co:ListItem ;
  co:index        "3"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
  co:itemContent  <> ;
  co:nextItem     <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165> a co:ListItem ;
  co:index        "4"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
  co:itemContent  <> .

Example 2-ore:  A Virtual Collection as an ordered collection of items using ORE Ontology's Aggregation with multiple ordered items
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .


Turtle using ORE ontology's Aggregation class
@prefix ore:     <> .
@prefix iana:    <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> a ore:Aggregation ;
  ore:aggregates <> ;
  ore:aggregates <> ;
  ore:aggregates <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> a ore:Proxy ;
  ore:proxyFor <> ;
  ore:proxyIn <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> ;
  iana:next <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci163> a ore:Proxy ;
  ore:proxyFor <> ;
  ore:proxyIn <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> ;
  iana:next <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci164> a ore:Proxy ;
  ore:proxyFor <> ;
  ore:proxyIn <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .


Unordered Collection Examples
Example 3-co:  A Virtual Collection as an unordered collection of items using Collection Ontology's Bag with one item
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> <> <> .
Turtle using Collection ontology's Bag class
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix co:      <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> a co:Bag ;
  co:size       "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> a co:Item ;
  co:itemContent  <> .


Example 3-ore:  A Virtual Collection as an unordered collection of items using ORE Ontology's Aggregation with one item
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <>
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <>
Turtle using ORE ontology's Aggregation class
@prefix ore:     <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> a ore:Aggregation ;
  ore:aggregates <> .


Example 4-co: A Virtual Collection as an unordered collection of items using Collection Ontology's Bag with multiple unordered items
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> "4"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci263> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci264> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci265> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> <> <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci263> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci263> <> <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci264> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci264> <> <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci265> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci265> <> <> .

Turtle using Collection ontology's Bag class
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix co:      <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> a co:Bag ;
  co:size       "4"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci263> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci264> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci265> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci262> a co:ListItem ;
  co:itemContent  <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci263> a co:ListItem ;
  co:itemContent  <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci264> a co:ListItem ;
  co:itemContent  <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci265> a co:ListItem ;
  co:itemContent  <> .


(Paolo) This can be simplified to (see :

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> a co:Bag ;
  co:element    <> ;
  co:element    <> ;
  co:element    <> ;
  co:element    <> .



Example 4-ore:  A Virtual Collection as an unordered collection of items using ORE Ontology's Aggregation with multiple unordered items
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> <> <> .
Turtle using ORE ontology's Aggregation class
@prefix ore:     <> .
@prefix iana:    <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc255> a ore:Aggregation ;
  ore:aggregates <> ;
  ore:aggregates <> ;
  ore:aggregates <> .
  • Should Virtual Collection's type be a subclass of co:List instead of a co:List?
    • Discussion:
      • If so, what is the type?  Perhaps:   Subclass of co:List  Ontology to be defined by ontology group.
      • Is it LD4L specific?  Consensus:  YES to be defined by ontology group.
      • How is LD4L defining new types?  Naming convention, namespace, etc.?  Final definitions by ontology group.
    • ANSWER:
      • NO - from Rob in Ontology group
      • Reason - When only adding a few extra properties from other existing ontologies, you do not make a new subclass to formally specify that those properties are expected in the subclass.  Only create a new subclass if new properties not existing in another ontology are required.




Comments as Free Form Text Annotation

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/ab205> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93> <> "2014-07-21T12:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93> <> <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93/body> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93/body> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93/body> <> "This is my favorite book." .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci165/comment/changeme:93/body> <> "text/plain" .
@prefix rdf:      <> .
@prefix dcterms:  <> .
@prefix dctypes:   <> .
@prefix cnt:      <> .
@prefix oa:       <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/cm93> a oa:Annotation ;
  oa:hasTarget <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> ;
  oa:hasBody <http://localhost:3000/individual/ab205> ;
  oa:annotatedBy <> ;
  oa:annotatedAt "2014-07-21T12:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime
  oa:motivatedBy oa:commenting .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/ab205> a dctypes:Text, cnt:ContentAsText ;
  cnt:chars      "This is my favorite book." ;
  dcterms:format "text/plain" .


URI Generation


EnvironmentBase URI




Virtual Collectionvc
Virtual Collection Itemvci
Annotation Bodyab



  • Is it best practice to use the format specified for identifier?
    • The alternative could be to use the URL for the webpage with a .nt  extension if a webpage representation exists AND use the above format if a webpage does not exist. 
    • OR force the webpage URL to match this format whenever possible AND continue to use the .nt extension to show the triples. 
    • We can punt  the final decision on this question until implementation is further along.


Access Thoughts


  • What method is used to protect private Virtual Collections?
    • Option 1:  maintain two triple stores: 1) private, 2) public
    • Option 2:  use named graphs within a single triplestore
  • What triples, if any, are stored for the following concepts related to access control?
    • Roles  (e.g. site-admin, library-admin, user)
      • only a small set of roles will exist
    • Groups (e.g. shared_read_group, shared_write_group)
      • potential for large number of groups to be created by users
    • Privileges
      • definitions of what users with specific roles can do
  • What of these are application specific and what are needed in triples?


Private vs. Public

  • Public Virtual Collection
    • Is discoverable through public search.
    • Any user, logged in or not, can view a public virtual collection.
  • Private Virtual Collection
    • Is NOT discoverable through public search.
    • User must be logged in and be the owner/creator of the virtual collection to view/edit a private virtual collection.

Semi-Private with Shared Access 

  • Allow shared read-only access.  Virtual Collection is not discoverable through public search.
    • Option 1:  Provide a URL that the owner can share with other users.  Anyone using the URL will be able to view the Virtual Collection. 
    • Option 2:  Owner identifies other users who are allowed to view the Virtual Collection


  • Allow share write access
    • Option 1: Owner identifies other users who are allowed to edit the Virtual Collection.

NOTE: This doesn't really come into play until Use Case 1.2, but I want to think about the other access issues with this in mind

  • No labels