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The DSpace Community Advisory Team, the DuraSpace organization and @mire, a DSpace Registered Service Provider, invite all DSpace enthusiasts to a half day DSpace user group meeting immediately following the SPARC 2014 Open Access Meeting. The meeting will feature presentations on DSpace update, tutorials and community presentations/networking. 


Please note that only coffee and tea will be provided for the meeting. Attendees are on their own for both breakfast and lunch.

Location and Time

The meeting will be held in same hotel as the 2014 SPARC Conference, the Intercontinental Hotel in Kansas City, on Wednesday, March 5 from 8:30am until 12:30pm in the Pav 1 room. Please see the SPARC Conference site for information on hotel accommodations and other logistical info:

Meeting Schedule

We still refining the agenda and recruiting presenters. This has traditionally been a fairly informal meeting with lots of opportunity for networking with other DSpace users. We highly recommend that if possible you plan to allow time after the session to go to lunch and continue small group conversations around specific areas of interest. 

8.30-9.00:      Welcome and Update on DuraSpace and DSpace presented by Valorie Hollister, DuraSpace

9.00-9.30:      "Breaking down barriers: This is your community, here's how to participate!" presented by Hardy Pottinger, University of Missouri

9.30-10.00:    "Secrets of the Submission Form" presented by Bram Luyten, @mire

10.00-10.15:  BREAK

10.15-12.00:  Community Show and Tell (see below)

12.00-1.00:    Structured Networking (see below)

If you have specific suggestions for other content (presentations, tutorials, discussions, etc.) to include in the meeting please feel free to email Valorie Hollister at


"Secrets of the Submission Form", Presented by Bram Luyten, @mire

Learn how your DSpace repository submissions can be easier for you and your content contributors. By modifying your submission configuration you can use these not-so-obvious hints to improve the quality of information in your repository as well as minimizing the time it takes to complete a submission. Topics to include:    

  • Collection templates: pre-filling certain metadata fields on a per collection basis.
  • Reviewer only fields: option to qualify fields in input forms to have them only visible for reviewers in the workflow
  • Type based submission: inclusion of certain metadata fields in the form, based on a selected submission type
  • Modifying your lists of dropdown values (the lists that are included at the bottom of input-forms.xml)
  • Working with hierarchical controlled vocabularies (the XML based subject categories)
  • Enabling LC Name authority control for author values
  • Collection based Input forms: duplicating an input-forms configuration & showing the match between an input-forms config and a collection
  • Simple embargo & private item state

"Breaking down barriers: This is your community, here's how to participate!", Presented by Hardy Pottinger, University of Missouri

If you are new to community-driven open source software development, you may experience barriers to participation. This spirited and opinionated talk will provide an overview of how community-driven open source software projects work. You will be challenged to participate in the community in ways you may have thought were not available to you. Traditional development tools and practices will be faced off against more modern approaches.

Community Show and Tell 

Attendees are invited to talk between 5 and 10 minutes about their own current projects. The use of a few key slides is encouraged but not required. This can include but should not be limited to work on the DSpace repository, best practices and lessons learned on:

Budget: how you are managing your repository budget and responding to user needs
Strategic planning: developing a strategy and costing for future development of the repository
Fundraising: sourcing funding opportunities for repository projects
Personnel: coordinating and managing activities of repository personnel and coordinating repository development with associated departments
Other ideas?.....

  • Speakers:
    • Ann Devenish
    • bharat
    • Bram Luyten
    • Ed War
    • Justin Maranga
    • Lilly Li
    • Marty Courtois

Structured Networking Session

This is a chance for you to hear from other members of the community and learn what they are working on. Depending on your travel plans, you are invited connect with other users to continue networking over lunch. Potential topics for discussion - include upgrading to 4.0, repository bibliometrics, identifiers, APIs, DSpace and CC licenses, JSPUI vs XMLUI.

Meeting Registration

The meeting is being sponsored by the DuraSpace organization and @mire, a Registered DSpace Service Provider. The event It is free for anyone who wishes to participate. For planning purposes, please complete this registration form by March 1:

Planning Committee

DSpace Community Advisory Team
Valorie Hollister - DuraSpace
Bram Luyten - @mire

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