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This document applies to VIVO release 1.6. For documents that apply to other releases, please consult the Documentation Archive page.


This document is a summary of the VIVO installation process. For information about this release, consult the VIVO 1.6 Release Announcement. Links to this and other documentation can be found on the support page at

These instructions assume that you are performing a clean install, including emptying an existing database, emptying the VIVO home directory, and removing a previous installation from the Tomcat webapps directory. VIVO may not work as expected if you install over an an earlier version. If you are upgrading an existing service, please consult the Upgrade Instructions for VIVO release 1.6.

The section entitled A simple installation describes a standard, simple installation for those who want to get VIVO up and running. The second called Installation options section describes several choices; some are intended for a full-scale production installation of VIVO, and some are intended for a person who is developing VIVO on their own machine.

A simple installation

This section describes the process of getting VIVO up and running on your computer, for testing or experimentation, or just to gain familiarity with the process.

If you want to install VIVO on a production server, or if you want to develop VIVO code, you should also read the section on Installation options.

Where is VIVO on your computer?

Before beginning the installation, let's look at the four locations on your computer that will hold VIVO.

The VIVO distribution directory

This is created when you unpack the VIVO distribution file (see Download the VIVO source code, below). This is where you will create your file (see Specify build properties, below), and where you will make any modifications to the VIVO theme or code. You can create this wherever you choose.

VIVO inside Tomcat

When you run the build script to compile and deploy VIVO (see Compile and deploy, below), the files will be deployed to a directory inside Tomcat. This is the actual executing code for VIVO, but you won’t need to look at it or change it. If you need to change VIVO, make the changes in the distribution directory, and run the build script again. Tell the build script where to find Tomcat by setting tomcat.home in the file (see Specify build properties, below).

The VIVO home directory

This directory contains the runtime configuration properties for VIVO. VIVO will also use this area to store some of its data. Uploaded image files are stored here, and the Solr search index is stored here also. This is also a place for the files or RDF data that will initialize the VIVO knowledge base. You can create this wherever you choose. Tell VIVO where to find the home directory by setting vitro.home in the file (see Specify build properties, below). You must create this directory before starting VIVO. You must create the file in this directory (see Specify runtime properties, below), and you must ensure that Tomcat has permission to read and write to this directory when it runs.

The VIVO knowledge base

By default, nearly all of the data that you enter into VIVO will be stored in MySQL. The actual location of this data depends on what system you have, and on how you install MySQL (see Install required software, below). but you won’t need to know the location. You will access the data through VIVO, or occasionally through the MySQL client application.

Depending on your Installation options, these directories may have different locations, or may be specified in different ways. They may even exist on different computers. Regardless of the options, these four locations are important for any installation of VIVO.

Preparing for VIVO

Install required software

Before installing VIVO, make sure that the following software is installed on the desired machine:

Be sure to set up the environment variables for JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME and add the executables to your path, as required. This requirement depends on the operating system you are using. Consult the installation directions from the software support websites.

The following browsers are supported for this release

  • Mac:
    • Chrome 30.0.1599.69 and above
    • FireFox 3.6.28, 10.0.12, 24
    • Opera 12.02
    • Safari 5.0.3
  • PC:
    • Chrome 25.1364.2 and above
    • FireFox 10.0.12, 24
    • Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10
    • Opera 12.02

Did it work?

You can test the software installation by typing these commands:

java -version
mysql --version
ant -version

Each of these command should print a response that tells you what version is installed. If any of these commands prints an error message, or reports an unexpected version number, you should review your installation.

Create an empty database and a database account

Decide on a database name, username, and password.You will need these values for this step, and again when you Specify runtime properties.

Log into your MySQL server and create a new database in MySQL that uses UTF-8 encoding. At the MySQL command line you can create the database and user with these commands substituting your values for dbname, username, and password. Most of the time, the hostname will be localhost.

GRANT ALL ON dbname.* TO 'username'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Building VIVO

Download the VIVO source code

Download the VIVO application source as either or rel-1.6.gz file and unpack it on your web server:

Specify build properties

At the top level of the VIVO distribution directory, copy the file to a file named simply Edit the file to suit your installation, as described in the following table.

These properties are used in compiling VIVO and deploying it to Tomcat. They will be incorporated into VIVO when it is compiled. If you want to change these properties at a later date, you will need to stop Tomcat, repeat the Compile and deploy step, and restart Tomcat.

Windows: For those installing on a Windows operating system, include the windows drive, but use the forward slash "/" and not the back slash "\" in the directory locations, e.g. c:/tomcat.

Property name


DescriptionThe directory where Vitro code is located. In most deployments, this is set to ./vitro-core (It is not uncommon for this setting to point elsewhere in development environments).
Default valueNONE
Example value./vitro-core
Property name


DescriptionThe directory where tomcat is installed.
Default valueNONE
Example value/usr/local/tomcat
Property name

DescriptionThe name of your VIVO application. This is not a name that will be displayed to the user. This name appears in the URL used to access VIVO, and in the path to the VIVO directory within Tomcat.
Default valueNONE
Example valuevivo
Property name


DescriptionThe directory where VIVO will store the data that it creates. This includes uploaded files (usually images) and the Solr search index. Be sure this directory exists and is writable by the Tomcat service.
Default valueNONE
Example value/usr/local/vivo/home

Compile and deploy

In the previous step, you defined the location of the VIVO home directory, by specifying vitro.home in the file. If that directory does not exist, create it now.

At the command line, from the top level of the VIVO distribution directory, type:

ant all

to build VIVO and deploy to Tomcat's webapps directory.

The build script may run for as much as five minutes, and creates more than 100 lines of output. The process comprises several steps:

  • collecting the source files from the distribution directory,
  • compiling the Java source code,
  • compiling and running unit tests,
  • preparing the Solr search engine,
  • deploying VIVO and Solr to Tomcat.

Did it work?

The output of the build may include a variety of warning messages. The Java compiler may warn of code that is outdated. Unit tests may produce warning messages, and some tests may be ignored if they do not produce consistent results.

Total time: 1 minute 49 seconds

If the output ends with a success message, the build was successful. Proceed to the next step.

Total time: 35 seconds

If the output ends with a failure message, the build has failed. Find the cause of the failure, fix the problem, and run the script again.

Running VIVO

Configure Tomcat

Set JVM parameters

VIVO copies small sections of your RDF database into memory in order to serve Web requests quickly (the in-memory copy and the underlying database are kept in synch as edits are performed).

VIVO may require more memory than that allocated to Tomcat by default. With most installations of Tomcat, the or setenv.bat file in Tomcat's bin directory is a convenient place to set the memory parameters. If this file does not exist in Tomcat's bin directory, you can create it.
For example:

export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"

This configures Tomcat to allocate an initial heap of 512 megabytes, a maximum heap of 512 megabytes, and a PermGen space of 128 megs. Lower values may be sufficient, especially for small test installations.

If an OutOfMemoryError is encountered during VIVO execution, it can be remedied by increasing the heap parameters and restarting Tomcat.

Set security limits

VIVO is a multithreaded web application that may require more threads than are permitted under your Linux installation's default configuration. Ensure that your installation can support the required number of threads by making the following edits to /etc/security/limits.conf:

apache	hard	nproc	400
tomcat6	hard	nproc	1500

Set URI encoding

In order for VIVO to correctly handle international characters, you must configure Tomcat to conform to the URI standard by accepting percent-encoded UTF-8.

Edit Tomcat's conf/server.xml and add the following attribute to each of the Connector elements: URIEncoding="UTF-8".

<Server ...>
  <Service ...>
    <Connector ... URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>

Some versions of Tomcat already include this attribute as the default.

Take care when creating Context elements

Each of the webapps in the VIVO distribution (VIVO and Solr) includes a "context fragment" file, containing some of the deployment information for that webapp.

Tomcat allows you to override these context fragments by adding Context elements to server.xml. If you decide to do this, be sure that your new Context element includes the necessary deployment parameters from the overridden context fragment.

See the section entitled Running VIVO behind an Apache server for an example of overriding the VIVO context fragment.

Specify runtime properties


The build process in Step 5 created a file called in your VIVO home directory (vitro.home in the file). Rename this file to, and edit the file to suit your installation, as described in the following table.

These properties are loaded when VIVO starts up. If you want to change these properties at a later date, you will need to restart Tomcat for them to take effect. You will not need to repeat Step 5.

Windows: For those installing on Windows operating system, include the windows drive and use the forward slash "/" and not the back slash "\" in the directory locations, e.g. c:/tomcat.

External authentication: If you want to use an external authentication system like Shibboleth or CUWebAuth, you will need to set an additional property in this file. See the step below entitled Using an External Authentication System with VIVO.

Property NameExample Value
Default namespace: VIVO installations make their RDF resources available for harvest using linked data. Requests for RDF resource URIs redirect to HTML or RDF representations as specified by the client. To make this possible, VIVO's default namespace must have a certain structure and begin with the public web address of the VIVO installation. For example, if the web address of a VIVO installation is "" the default namespace must be set to "" in order to support linked data. Similarly, if VIVO is installed at "" the default namespace must be set to ""
* The namespace must end with "individual/" (including the trailing slash).
URL of Solr context used in local VIVO search. Should consist of:
    scheme + servername + port + vivo_webapp_name + "solr"
In the standard installation, the Solr context will be on the same server as VIVO, and in the same Tomcat instance. The path will be the VIVO (specified above) + "solr"
Specify an SMTP host that the application will use for sending e-mail (Optional). If this is left blank, the contact form will be hidden and disabled, and users will not be notified of changes to their accounts.
Specify an email address which will appear as the sender in e-mail notifications to users (Optional). If a user replies to the notification, this address will receive the reply. If a user's e-mail address is invalid, this address will receive the error notice. If this is left blank, users will not be notified of changes to their accounts.
Specify the JDBC URL of your database. Change the end of the URL to reflect your database name (if it is not "vivo").
Change the username to match the authorized user you created in MySQL.
Change the password to match the password you created in MySQL.
Specify the maximum number of active connections in the database connection pool to support the anticipated number of concurrent page requests. It is not necessary to adjust this value when using the RDB configuration.
Specify the maximum number of database connections that will be allowed to remain idle in the connection pool. Default is 25% of the maximum number of active connections.
Change the dbtype setting to use a database other than MySQL. Otherwise, leave this value unchanged. Possible values are DB2, derby, HSQLDB, H2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer. Refer to for additional information.
Specify a driver class name to use a database other than MySQL. Otherwise, leave this value unchanged. This JAR file for this driver must be added to the the webapp/lib directory within the vitro.core.dir specified above.
Change the validation query used to test database connections only if necessary to use a database other than MySQL. Otherwise, leave this value unchanged.
VitroConnection.DataSource.validationQuerySELECT 1
Set the endpointURI only if you wish to store semantic data in an external triple store instead of MySQL. Enter the URI of the triple store's SPARQL endpoint for querying data.
Set the updateEndpointURI only if you wish to store semantic data in an external triple store instead of MySQL. Enter the URI at which the triple store responds to SPARQL UPDATE requests. This setting is only necessary if the triple store does not support updates via its main URI. If the endpointURI above is not set, this setting has no effect.
Specify the email address of the root user account for the VIVO application. This user will have an initial temporary password of 'rootPassword'. You will be prompted to create a new password on first login.

NOTE: The root user account has access to all data and all operations in VIVO. Data views may be surprising when logged in as the root user. It is best to create a Site Admin account to use for every day administrative tasks.
The URI of a property that can be used to associate an Individual with a user account. When a user logs in with a name that matches the value of this property, the user will be authorized to edit that Individual (the value of the property must be either a String literal or an untyped literal).
If an external authentication system like Shibboleth or CUWebAuth is to be used, this property says which HTTP header will contain the user ID from the authentication system. If such a system is not to be used, leave this commented out.
The temporal graph visualization can require extensive machine resources. This can have a particularly noticable impact on memory usage if
  • The organization tree is deep,
  • The number of grants and publications is large.
VIVO V1.4 (and later) mitigates this problem by the way of a caching mechanism and hence we can safely set this to be enabled by default.
The temporal graph visualization is used to compare different organizations/people within an organization on parameters like number of publications or grants. By default, the app will attempt to make its best guess at the top level organization in your instance. If you're unhappy with this selection, uncomment out the property below and set it to the URI of the organization individual you want to identify as the top level organization. It will be used as the default whenever the temporal graph visualization is rendered without being passed an explicit org. For example, to use "Ponce School of Medicine" as the top organization:
visualization.topLevelOrg =
An absolute file path, pointing to the root directory of the Harvester utility. You must include the final slash.
Types of individual for which we can create proxy editors. If this is omitted, defaults to
Tell VIVO to generate HTTP headers on its responses to facilitate caching the profile pages that it creates. This can improve performance, but it can also result in serving stale data. Default is false if not set. For more information, see the VIVO wiki page: Use HTTP caching to improve performance
Show only the most appropriate data values based on the Accept-Language header supplied by the browser. Default is false if not set.
Force VIVO to use a specific language or Locale instead of those specified by the browser. This affects RDF data retrieved from the model, if RDFService.languageFilter is true. This also affects the text of pages that have been modified to support multiple languages.
A list of supported languages or Locales that the user may choose to use instead of the one specified by the browser. Selection images must be available in the i18n/images directory of the theme. This affects RDF data retrieved from the model, if RDFService.languageFilter is true. This also affects the text of pages that have been modified to support multiple languages.
languages.selectableLocalesen, es, fr_FR
On the VIVO home page, display a global map highlighting the geographical focus of foaf:person individuals. The default is enabled.
homePage.geoFocusMaps = enabledenabled
MultiViews for foaf:person profile pages. VIVO supports the simultaneous use of a full foaf:Person profile page view and a "quick" page view that emphasizes the individual's own webpage presence. Implementing this feature requires an installation to develop a web service that captures images of web pages or to use an existing service outside of VIVO, usually for a small fee. The default is disabled.

Start Tomcat


Was the installation successful?


Using VIVO


Log in and add RDF data


Set the Contact Email Address


Review the VIVO terms of use


Installation options


Running VIVO behind an Apache server


Using an external authentication system


Developers' installation: obtaining VIVO source code from Git


Customizing VIVO with a "3-tier" build


Using a database other than MySQL


Optional external triple store

VIVO can configured to use a different triple store for the bulk of its semantic data, so long as this triple store supports Web-based use of the SPARQL language to query and modify its data. If you elect to use a separate triple store, note that VIVO's MySQL database is still required for basic configuration and user account data. In order to connect VIVO to an external triple store, you will need to know two URIs: the store's endpoint URI for issuing SPARQL queries that read data, and its URI for issuing SPARQL UPDATE commands. These URIs are typically kept separate in order to make it easier to secure the triple store against unauthorized edits. With Sesame, for example, the update URI is usually the query endpoint URI with "/statements" appended. You will need to know these two URIs later when you specify runtime properties.


Using a servlet container other than Tomcat


Adding OpenSocial gadgets to VIVO

These values are used when deploying VIVO as an OpenSocial container and integrating with OpenSocial gadgets (see Step 13, below). If you are creating a VIVO installation that does not use OpenSocial gadgets, these values are omitted.

VIVO in a language other than English

Languages (in addition to American English) that will be built into your VIVO site. The languages must be found in the languages directory of the VIVO distribution. See the VIVO Wiki for more information.


Other installation options

  • No labels