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Regular Attendees

  • Andrew
  • Bill
  • Brad
  • Chris
  • Dan (star)
  • Jonathan


  • Call In To: Free Conference Call HD - DuraCloud Line

    Please note that we will be using the Free Conference Call HD line for this call. Information about calling into this line is available from the link above.

  • (star) - Indicates who will be taking minutes

Discussion Topics


Discussion Leader

Object Conversion Service

Chris and Dan



DuraCloud Modifications

Bill and Andrew

Security and Shibboleth

Andrew and Brad

Process - Threaded Discussions, Documentation, Jira, Greenhopper


Project and Partners


Actions from last meeting
DfR Software Next Steps - Jan 2012
2012-01-03 - Architecture Meeting, Temple University


  • Andrew
    • DuraCloud/Shib architecture updates
  • Bill
    • Broke out actions into Jira issues for tracking
  • Brad
  • Chris
    • Did some wiki stuff
    • Read up on several existing approaches applicable to the Object Creation Service.
  • Dan
    • Posted Aarons' presentation on his service pipe (in which the Feature Extraction Framework was built) and reviewed it and the code
    • Gardened the Wiki into threaded discussions and starting to links to technology for potential use for the Object Conversion Service
    • Added some new (draft) documentation to the Object Conversion Service section of the Wiki
    • Refreshed Duracloud and look again and CloudSync
    • Downloaded Islandora and began ramping
  • Jonathan


  • Object Conversion Service - Chris/Dan looking into various approaches (Aarons, Work-Do). There are many operating environments that provide a lot of services but we can start simple. Likely divides into three threads: Operating Environment (e.g. Aaron pipeline, orchestation tooling), Tool Integrations (e.g. Droid), and Patterns (e.g. Work-Do). Need to find first step tasks.
  • DuraCloud Modifications - Bill entered a number of items into Jira (and Greenhopper) that represent know work to perform for DfR especially Duracloud modification. Many have been factored into Duracloud planning where the issue is sufficiently understood or can be adequated marked for tracking. Some near-term work as already in flow for additions and refactored into DuraCloud starting after the Duracloud 1.4 release.
    Some items in the DfR Jira may cross into the DuraCloud Jira after assessment. In most cases, however, some investigation is needed before this can happen (as is currently being performed by the team).
  • Islandora - Dan downloaded Islandora and is ramping to see how to integrate with DfR. Work has just started and he has not yet contacted Paul Pound.
  • Security (including Shibboleth) - Andrew and Brad had documented a first cut design on in the Shibboleth discussion thread. Andew described the drawings. Jonathan asked how mature the REST/direct Shibboleth shim library was at this time. Andrew said it needs to be assessed but believes it is in use at a few sites. Chris noted that we may be able to simplify REST calls made entirely inside one of the DfR containers. Dan noted that the drawing will need to be extended to Fedora at an appropriate poing. Dan noted that we also must work on near term security architecture/design outside Shibboleth for kick off of coding next month.
    • Brad: Arranging a call on 30th with Unicon. Likely to include discussions on both consulting and implementation, part sales pitch part technical.
    • Andrew: Extending diagrams to extend to Fedora.
    • Chris: Adam working on Shib for Fedora but not done and will arrange a conversation
  • Process - Need to work out development process. Need story points and types in Greenhopper. Everyone will try things this week and make the process discussion a bigger part of next week's discussion. It will take several weeks until we establish our style even after starting coding on next month but we need to start now. We have a broad consensus on the process but need to pull in the details from our resources and document them.
  • Project and Partners -
    • Jonathan noted we will start code next month. We need to concentrate on this year items especially to estimate the project. Longer term items can go into the threaded discussion but pull out core items for this year into Jira, Greenhopper.
    • Jonathan and Brad talked to Fluid, reviewed UI components, need to scope activities, Fluid asked many questions about how its all going to work, Offered help finding researchers.
    • Jonathan went to PASIG, hardware oriented, interest good in DfR.
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