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Regular Attendees

  • Andrew
  • Bill
  • Brad (star) but we will switch off so no one has to do too much.
  • Chris
  • Dan
  • Jonathan (Presumed at CNI)
  • Danny


  • Call In To: Free Conference Call HD - DuraCloud Line

    Please note that we will be using the Free Conference Call HD line for this call. Information about calling into this line is available from the link above.

  • (star) - Indicates who will be taking minutes

The meeting will be in two parts:

First Part 11-1
Second Part 3-5

Discussion Topics

Useful Definitions

CSF = Critcal Success Factor
Risk = Not a negative but just a potential barrier to progress which needs to be identified and mitigated

What forms a critical code mass?

CSF - We should have an integrated product by the end of 0.2 upon which we can add features incrementally.

Question: What components/services are in this mix?

  • one or more client sources
  • full hook shot through DuraCloud, Fedora, and back into DuraCloud
  • SI frontend
  • security throughout
    Question: What are the set of features per component we can do in 0.2?

Synchronization Service Watcher

  • Additions to existing code?

Object Creation Service

  • Convert to Apache Camel
  • Deploy in Spring
  • Add Droid (without OSGI this time?)

Question: What is the development/demonstration environment?

CSF - Demonstration Stories

Question: How do we explain what is working and what is to be developed?

CSF - Partners

CSF - UI Work

  • Both for support base functionality?
  • As a way to provide requirements and human factors information?
  • Is the concentration mostly on the Synchronization Setup functionality?

Question: How do we want to engage researchers in 0.2?
Question: How do we want to work with SI in 0.2?

Risks (and how to mitigate them)

SI - What is there are problems integrating with SI from an information perspective?
SI - What if there are problems integration with SI from an security perspective?
SI - What do we do if we need to alter SI code?
SI - Can we demonstrate SI in an integrated fashion in 0.2?
SI - Is base Islandora a fallback?


  • Dan intros:  Meeting in two parts; notetaking to switch off.  Plan to cover the four existing cards, then move to new planning.
  • Review of open existing cards for DfR 0.1:
    • DFR-78 will be completed this week.
    • DFR-23 moves to DfR 0.2, and will be factored into smaller tasks.
    • DFR-74 DURACLOUD-575 closed today; waiting on DFR-76 (which went to DfR-0.2, and may move under epic).  Closing DFR-74.
    • Need to write up release notes.
  • Goals for this meeting, and for DfR 0.2:
    • Complete end to end system that we can then add features to.
    • Need to clearly establish what can be built in the two month iteration.
      • Expect design, storyboards, tech selection, wireframes; get validated by researchers in the project.
      • Do DuraCloud deliverables represent a challenge for scheduling of DfR deliverables?
      • (Discussion; will most deliverables be from Peter; can we get the planning done for Peter while the DuraCloud release is pending?)
    • For 0.2 goal is to get a basis; get all major components of the path in place, expose any risks, and be prepared to add features.
    • Do we want to cover the administrator or curator views in 0.2?
      • Implied as part of basic account structure and identity and group management
      • Rough out reporting and notification (are these the same technology base)
    • Security for 0.2:
      • All components with UIs will support Shib (entering user/pw flows throw shib provider).
      • All service to service / non-browser interactions continue to flow via basic auth - with an access key associated with user account, not user/pw.
      • Incorporate same into DuraCloud and DuraCloud management console and Fedora interaction and the SI UI.
      • (DuraCloud was moving in this direction anyway for InCommon).
      • Note that fine grained modeling of auth and associated UIs is expected to occur in a later iteration; determined by when user designs available.
      • Not dealing with Fedora level fine grained access until later (but mechanism to be tested)
    • SI Islandora for 0.2:
      • Show basic tree of content.
      • Not all SI content models supported.  Possible stretch goal to have one data set that goes to SI content models and shows visualization.
      • Can we show an exhibit display (Hydra/blacklight based) as a strong demo.  (Can we get someone from Hydra to build this)
      • We will need to choose the example data set and work towards the Fedora model to make that work.
    • Search capability for a future version?
      • Is this by 0.4, or 0.5 and beyond.
    • Two-way or multiway sync by 0.4?
      • NB difference between multiway sync and restore.
      • (Discussion)
      • Three Q's:
        • Will we do multiway ever?
        • How would we push augmented metadata back upstream (if we do)?
        • What do we guarantee / not guarantee if the user aggressively creates an unsupported multiway environment?
      • Decision:  Place these into a phase two (not in DfR 0.1 through 0.4).
    • Object characterization (e.g. format) in 0.2.
    • Expect to add content models incrementally.
      • 0.2:  something; (one content model and examine Islandora to understand the risks).  Also advanced processing in format characterization, ideally from a real data set.
      • 0.3:  add more, ...
    • What do we need to do about async vs sync around the OCS etc for 0.2?
      • Nothing?  Small delays aren't expected to be a problem in the short term.
    • Hookshot for 0.2:
      • Researcher places content on local data system;  watched by sync
      • Sync pushes to duracloud
      • Duracloud tells OCS, OCS pushes into Fedora
      • Fedora sends object back via cloudsync.
      • Can then find the file in Duracloud, see it in Fedora, and discover in SI frontend.

Need to define encryption strategy in 0.2 (strategy, not impl)

    •  OCS / microservices

Notes for Iteration Planning 2012-04-09

  • DFR-74 - DFR012 - DF02
  • DFR-76 Under Epic?
  • DFR Chat Last Week.
  • Expectations for Peter and Danny. What are needs to get started.
  • Full core code
  • Design, Wireframes, Technology Selection, validation with Researchers. DuraCloud deliverables.
  • What time is available? From Danny, from Everyone Else.
  • Bill Clients - Windows-client, Mac-client, Linux-client. Andrew meant what Bill meant.
  • Brad - Adminstrator not called out. Curator. Accounts, Identity and group managements. Reporting framework and debugging not to become a risk.
  • Notification - TBD
  • 0.2 Diagrams need to be started. -TBD
  • Security - How far in 0.2?
  • All UIs have Shib!
  • Service-to-service interactions have basing authN, authZ.
  • RESTful basic authN.
  • Bill: Follows for inCommon work.
  • Andrew: Basic Admin, AuthZ for course-grained. Later, than for toward post 0.2.
  • Jonathon: Content tree in demo in 0.2
  • Brad: Stretch goal - hook to SI content model
  • Dan: Just not SI.
  • Bill: Other sorts of presentation - Look at Hydra/Blacklight post 0.2, Get help from Hydra
  • Brad: Find a good data set underlying issue, finding might be 0.2 risk mitigation
  • Dan: Private search post 0.2 post 0.3
  • Synch tool: Additional capabilities post 0.4. Two way, Multi-way synch happens in the future.
  • Brad: What if user starts doing multi-way synch outside the environment. What happens.
  • Why would anyone put our synch tool in their environment.
  • Future: Micro-service Execution Environment
  • Bracket: In first forty minutes
  • Format: As an 0.2 format function.
  • Jonathan: More heterogenous demonstration
  • Spell out - Full Hook Shot
    • 0.2 Research puts content on local file system.
    • To OCS.
    • Back to DuraCloud.
  • GUI - Designed - Using primitive UI.
  • Bill: Stategy for Installing Monitor and Synch tooling, technology approach.
  • Encryption: After 0.2. Define what we want to do.
    MEE: OCS is steps within
  • No labels