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"3Space" - a tentative proposal for next-generation DSpace architecture
(M. Simpson, 5/7/2004)


Here's some (admittedly sketchy) architectural suggestions, as hashed
out by Mike Simpson and Jim+Downing across a series of IC and email
Some of the concepts that this design tries to embody include:

  • "programming to interfaces, instead of implementations", as defined
    in Design Patterns (Erich Gamma et al., Addison-Wesley 1995)
    p.17-18, to simplify development and integration of new components.
  • modular architecture, using either the "dependency injection" or
    "service locator" patterns to simplify interaction between
    components, as discussed in "Inversion of Control Containers and the
    Dependency Injection Pattern" (Martin Fowler,
  • (possible) a "chain of responsibility" design pattern (Design Patterns,
    p.223-232) for certain modules, to increase flexibility in how a given
    DSpace instance could be configured to respond to client requests.
    The above ideas hopefully contribute to a design that will
    enable/encourage lots of independent development of functionality by
    folks in the general DSpace user community, and make sure that
    independent code contributions can be easily integrated into other
    DSpace instances.


    The "3" in "3Space" comes from the three layers of the architecture.
    Each layer is defined by a Manager object, a set of APIs (implemented
    as Java interfaces), and one or more modules (implemented as Java
    classes each implementing one or more of the Java interfaces).
    There's also (probably) an instance-level object that ties the
    Managers together, which I've been calling the "scaffold", for want of
    a better term.
    The three layers in the architecture also implicitly define two
    "boundaries" between layers. The boundaries represent implied APIs as
    well: the set of objects that may be passed across them as parameters
    to and returned values from the API calls made by the implementing
    modules and their Manager objects.
    The working terms for the three layers are: "protocol", "service", and
    "support". The terms for the boundaries are: "protocol/service" and
    The whole point of the layered architecture is to isolate logically
    separate chunks of functionality, so that, i.e. someone implementing a
    module for the service layer doesn't need to know or care about any of
    the details of the protocol layer above, or the support layer below.
    Each module exists entirely within its layer, and sees only its own
    layer's APIs, and the objects that are allowed to pass the boundaries
    of the adjoining layers.


    The purpose of the protocol layer is to translate arbitrarily
    formatted requests from clients of the DSpace system into a neutral
    internal request format, which is then passed to the service layer for
    further action; and, upon receipt of the corresponding neutral
    internal response object from the service layer, translate it back
    into the appropriate client format.
    As a concrete example, DSpace should probably ship with a protocol
    module to handle HTTP/HTML requests and responses ("HttpHtmlModule").
    The Protocol Manager's job would be to instantiate this class,
    listen on a configurable hostname/port socket for client requests, and
    hand those requests to the HttpHtmlModule. The HttpHtmlModule would
    receive those HTTP requests, build a DSpaceequestObject, and then
    give it to the Protocol Manager for dispatch to the service layer,
    i.e. something like:
    public interface DSpaceModule { }
    public interface ProtocolModule extends DSpaceModule { }
    public class HttpHtmlModule implements ProtocolModule
    Unknown macro: {private ConfigurationManager config_mgr = getConfigManager();private ProtocolManager proto_mgr = getProtocolManager();public void initialize_module(){proto_mgr.listen_on( config_mgr.getHostname(),config_mgr.getPort() );}public String process_request( String request ){DSpaceequestObject ds_req = new DSpaceequestObject();// ... code to turn the request string received from the// client (i.e. an HTTP request) into the// DSpaceequestObject ...DSpaceesponseObject ds_rsp = proto_mgr.service_request( ds_req );Stringuffer sb = new Stringuffer();// ... code to turn the response object returned from the// service layer back into a String in whatever format// the client is expecting, i.e. HTML ...return sb.toString();}}}}
    The .getXXXManager() methods above are left deliberately blank - they could be Singletons bound by JNDI, ClassLoader (traditional singleton pattern implementation) or ServletContext. This is the Service Locator pattern - in the dependency injection pattern the component would specify exactly which services and configuration parameters it required for operation, rather than obtaining them through Locators (Managers). JimDowning
    A developer, core or otherwise, might choose to implement a web
    services interface to their DSpace instance, writing a new module
    ("HttpSoapModule") to receive SOAP-format requests from clients, and
    return SOAP-formatted responses to them. The HttpSoapModule could be
    implemented without having to touch any code, or in fact have any real
    knowledge of, below the protocol layer. Later, another developer
    might decide that SOAP-over-SMTP might be useful for certain functions
    (like bitstream retrieval) and might implement another module
    ("SmtpSoapModule") based on the original HttpSoapModule, again without
    having to touch anything below the protocol layer.


    The purpose of the service layer is to receive requests (in a neutral
    internal format) from the protocol layer, make the necessary calls
    into the support layer to resolve the request and build a response
    object, and then return that object to the protocol layer.
    As a concrete example, DSpace will need to ship with a service module
    to handle simple object retrieval ("ObjectetrievalModule"). The
    Service Manager instantiates the object, which then awaits the
    appropriate request event from the protocol layer (I'm actually not
    sure who should broker this, the Protocol Manager or the Service
    Manager, or both? The Service Manager is going to need to have a
    configurable mechanism for dispatching the various kinds of requests
    to the appropriate service module – maybe some kind of regex-based
    system, configured in an XML file?). Upon receipt of a request
    object, the ObjectetrievalModule calls down into the support layer to
    service the request – authenticating and/or authorizing as necessary,
    retrieving the requested asset object, and formatting it into a
    DSpaceesponseObject which is then passed back to the protocol layer.
    More extremely rough pseudocode:
    public interface DSpaceModule { }
    public interface ServiceModule extends DSpaceModule { }
    public class ObjectetrievalModule implements ServiceModule
    Unknown macro: {private ConfigurationManager config_mgr = getConfigManager();private ServiceManager srv_mgr = getServiceManager();public DSpaceesponseObject service_request( DSpaceequestObject ds_req ){DSpaceesponseObject ds_rsp = new DSpaceesponseObject();// ... code calling into the support layer to do, i.e.// session authentication, principal authorization,// and object retrieval sid = DSpaceequestObject.getSessionId();DSpaceSession ds_sess = srv_mgr.getSession( sid );boolean authenticated = srv_mgr.authenticate_session( ds_sess, username, passphrase );if( ! authenticated ){throw new DSpaceAuthenticationFailureException();}boolean authorized = srv_mgr.authorize_for_retrieval( ds_sess.getPrincipal(),ds_req.getetrievalPath() );if( ! authorized ){throw new DSpaceAuthorizationFailureException();}DSpaceId did = ds_req.getObjectetrievalId();DSpaceObject dso = srv_mgr.retrieve_object( did );// ... code to translate the DSpaceObject into the// DSpaceesponseObject ...return ds_rsp;}}}}
    New service modules can be implemented and added to either the core
    code, or as optional plugin modules, as needs for new services arise.
    The service module developers can implement these new modules without
    any knowledge of the layers above or below, i.e. any new service
    immediately becomes available through any/all of the deployed protocol
    modules, without extra work on the part of the developer; and changes
    to the support layer implementations won't affect the existing service


    The purpose of the support layer is to respond to a variety of calls
    filtering down from the service layer – i.e. for authentication,
    authorization, session maintenance, asset store maintenance, etc.
    Each module in the support layer implements one or more of the Support
    Layer APIs, and then indicates to the Support Manager upon
    initialization which methods it will be responsible for supporting.
    I.e. some DSpace instances may choose to configure a
    KerberosAuthNZModule support module that handles both authentication
    and authorization to a Kerberos-based back end; other instances may
    only want a KerberosAuthenticationModule (for authentication), but a
    locally-developed SomeLocalSystemAuthorizatioNModule (for
    authorization). The idea is to maximize pluggability into arbitrary
    backend systems, and hide all of specific configuration and
    implementation details behind the Support Manager, so that other
    support modules, or the services layer above, don't need to worry
    about them.
    More pseudocode:
    public interface DSpaceModule { }
    public interface SupportModule extends DSpaceModule { }
    public interface AuthorizationModule extends SupportModule { }
    public interface AuthenticationModule extends SupportModule { }
    public interface AssetStoreModule extends SupportModule { }
    public class KerberosAuthenticationModule implements AuthenticationModule
    Unknown macro: {private ConfigurationManager config_mgr = getConfigManager();private SupportManager sup_mgr = getSupportManager();// methods to implement the AuthenticationModule interface ...public boolean authenticate_session()
    Unknown macro: { ... authenticate against a local Kerberosbackend datasource ... }
    // ...}public class LdapAuthorizedAssetStoreModule implements AuthorizationModule,AssetStoreModule{// okay, having a single module deal with authorization and asset// store management is a contrived example to prove a point. }
    New support modules can be developed either by local sites, to tie
    into local legacy backends, or more general modules (Kerberos, LDAP)
    could be developed as part of the core codebase, with configurable
    options to hook them into local instances of well-known protocols.
    Each support module is isolated from changes in the protocol and
    service layers above it, and independent of what other support modules
    are deployed by a particular instance's configuration.


    The support layer is one place where it might be useful to allow for
    multiple individual modules to declare their interest in handling API
    calls. I.e. you might try to authenticate first against a remote
    Kerberos service, but fall through to a small filesystem-based
    directory if the Kerberos authentication is unsuccessful; or you might
    want to try object retrieval from the local asset store, but fall
    through to a remote object retrieval module for certain object
    The Apache webserver has a similar setup, where individual Apache
    modules can register their interest in various phases of the request
    transaction process, and indicate (via return values from a funtion
    dispatch mechanism) that they decline to process this particular
    request (passing it on to the next module registered for that
    particular phase); that they have handled the phase, and the request
    should move on to the next phase; or that they have rejected the
    request, and an error code should be returned to the client; etc.
    Under this module, the Support Manager becomes responsible for
    managing "chains" of modules that have registered their support for
    various APIs; call priority for individual modules could either be
    based on position in a configuration file (modules listed first get a
    chance to respond to an API call first) or on explicitly configured
    priority levels (i.e. the KerberosAuthenticationModule answers
    Authentication API calls at a priority of 50, and
    LocalAuthenticationModule answers calls to the same API, but at a
    priority of 25).
    The "Chain of esponsibility" design pattern, where a manager passes a
    method call down a chain of object, giving each a chance to respond in
    turn, is not hard to implement, and would add a lot of flexibility to
    the support layer.
    I don't know if doing something similar at the higher layers is
    worthwhile – are their times where, for instance, multiple distinct
    modules might want to implement and respond to a single Service API?
    Something to think about further.


    In considering the above, I want to emphasize that individual details
    like which methods wind up in which APIs, what we call particular
    objects, etc., isn't at all what I'm trying to describe. I went back
    and forth on whether or not to leave in the chunks of pseudocode
    precisely because I didn't want to let implementation details muddy up
    the overall architectural design. I wound up leaving them in, mainly
    to emphasize the "writing to interfaces" and "service locator"
    (i.e. the Manager objects) paradigms.
    And of course, this is just One Way To Do It. Maybe we only need the
    service and support layers, and the protocol layer is more trouble
    than it's worth. Or maybe the "chain of responsibility" stuff needs
    to be dropped from the support layer, if it makes the configuration
    file syntax too horrible.
    I do think that the two things we should be striving for are maximum
    flexibility of deployment (individual instances should be able to
    easily mix-and-match modules to serve their specific needs, and the
    core code should ship with a sufficient number of base modules to
    immediately answer the needs of most of the community); and minimum
    difficulty of code development and integration (individual module
    writers should be insulated from side-effects introduced by other
    module writers – the framework should make all other modules
    transparent, from the point of view of a single module).
    I hope that the design I've described moves us towards those two
    goals, or at least suggests some directions for further discussion.
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