Implementation Team Meeting Notes 4.28.11
Dial 415-363-0070
Access Code: 587-610-457
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 587-610-457

Attendees: Chris C,Val,Brian K, Michaeleen, Richardo,Ken,Eliza,Paul,Elly,Jon C-R, Curt,Damaris, John R.


  • May 12th Implementation call: request call time change to 1:30pm to 2:30pm-Elly states that Cornell can join late
  • Mike Conlon to lead discussion on implementation updates for the next call
  • Site Administrator Guide now on the Sourceforge mediaWiki - Elly asks that media wiki state it is v. 1.2


Group discussion to consider ways to open up the call to all groups implementing VIVO outside of the original 7 institutions

  • Jon CR-GTM maxes out at 15 at Cornell, UF GTM has 25.
  • Elly suggests perhaps a SourceForge list link to involve others. Send implementation call info(Pre), or meeting minutes(Post).
  • Formal invite on the VIVO blog, Kristie is the contact for blog. Team thinks this is a good idea.
  • more issue driven discussions. Pre-plan, invite quest speakers.
  • shorten site-updates, have specific feedback request to other participant groups

Future changes in format suggestions

  • Keep site updates short and limit to particular issues
  • JIRA issues - create a specific project for "Implementation" per Elly and Jon CR

Known issues identified with v1.2

  • UF Production and Test environments-committees and teams org moved to foaf groups which does not show up in drop down menu (group, committee and teams) looking for fixBack-end-Looking at "People" showing multiple triple statements (class) although it does not appear to affect performance. Seems to be related to fresh installs versus upgrades. Brian Lowe knows of this issue, may be a model

Publications-delete pubs does not totally remove the triple, object properties have to be deleted as well-perhaps a fix or work around. Solution - Delete Authorship (linked author) first solves the issue, but this is awkward. Chris will write instructions and post. Micaeleen notes that this occurs with position entry, same fix is to delete the connection.

Solution- When deleting a position

  1. Object property person to position
  2. Object property position to organization
  3. Need to go to the position and delete position.
  • Merge Tool issue-(Val) UF has stubs that get merged to the primary, but retains labels. UF has changed labels of entity to be merged to fix the issue. DSR run produced duplicates, Alex scripted a merge as a solution. Tool needs to be fixed!
  • Applicable to the Smush tool?
  • Largest pages loading latency issues? 30 seconds from Weill, they are checking configuration for issues.
  • UF has issues with the back-end databases connection terminating and performance declines.
  • Scripps states that under "Service"- the organizer of cannot be added (plus), default is set as "nobody" ontology issue.
    • Change object property privileges to allow entry of the "organizer of" (change from 'nobody')
    • Change the range level to 'event:Events'
    • Alternately: create an event, and from the event profile, choose the persons to include.

Site Updates (challenges, successes, data acquisition and status)

  • Cornell (Elly) - v. 1.2 upgrade coupled with ingest created a huge database, data increased by threefold (occurs due to two different data sources being ingested)
  • UF-Close to acquiring Gator 1 images and courses to ingest, some performance issues due to SDB (MYSQL database), CV entry led by Chris Case has uncovered some issues
  • IU-(Brian) Close to moving 1.2 to Prod, working on Shibboleth and Apache server setup.
  • Ponce-no report
  • Scripps-manually entering showcase CVs and finding issues associated with v 1.2. Would like update to "Pub-med" ingest information and instructions? Chris will check on release date.
  • WASU-no report
  • Weill-Approaching v1.2 upgrade and theme customization and doing outreach activities for data pull

*Team Updates *

  • Marketing -no report
  • Outreach (Elly)- discussed conferences and a new logo was installed
  • Development (Jon CR)-focus is on search relevance, still trying to do a fast release for 1.3, code freeze being contemplate.

Meeting adjourned at 2:57am