Old Release

This documentation relates to an old version of VIVO, version 1.14.x.
Looking for another version? See all documentation.


VIVO is often used by institutions to highlight and promote the works of their scholars.  Promotion works best if the VIVO profile and related pages are easily found by search engines, and considered to be high value by search engines.  VIVO provides citation metatags and a site map to help search engines recognize the value of VIVO pages in search results.

VIVO sites can do more to improve boost SEO.  See the recommendations from the University of California San Francisco below for additional ideas.

Citation Metatags

Citation meta tags are included on the pages of works.  An example from the VIVO sample data is shown below.

Citation metatags regarding a publication
<meta tag="citation_author" content="Bogart, Andrew " />
<meta tag="citation_author" content="Roberts, Patricia " />
<meta tag="citation_author" content="Stevens, Emily K" />
<meta tag="citation_date" content="2015" />
<meta tag="citation_journal_title" content="Journal of Political Rhetoric" />
<meta tag="citation_firstpage" content="1" />
<meta tag="citation_lastpage" content="54" />
<meta tag="citation_volume" content="15" />
<meta tag="citation_issue" content="2" />


For better indexing and discoverability of your VIVO installation, a sitemap generator is included - only profile pages are included in the sitemap.  To see your sitemap, append /sitemap.xml to your VIVO URL.

Additional SEO Considerations

The University of California San Francisco has done considerable work on SEO for research networking systems.  They have compared VIVO installations to other systems, and provided guidelines for enhancing SEO.  We strongly recommend sites implement as many of their recommendations as possible to boost their SEO for their scholars and their works.

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