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Attendees: Lynette, Huda, Tim, Greg, Simeon, Steven (late), Jason


Discovery (WP3)

  • for issues etc. 
  • Draft of a discovery plan:
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
  • DASH! (Displaying Authorities Seamlessly Here)
    • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes
    • Usability testing and followup for DASH: Usability results
    • 2021-12-10
      • Lenora's and other feedback focused on three comments: 1 will be fix on Monday is something noticed in current system with "back to list" not making sense if user came from different context; case of work by multiple authors has only one in 100 field, other in 700 – the author in the 100 gets prime spot in item page where second author is relegated to other contributors which doesn't currently get an info button (and should any other contributors in 700 get info button?); reps like the subject detail page and exploring options for navigating subject data and getting to subject detail page. Additional exploration required for both of these cases.
      • Hope to work on DASH! video next week
  • BANG! (Bibliographic Aspects Newly GUI'd)
    • Jamboard link
    • Expect to include Works. Need to do something beyond what we already have live from the OCLC concordance data.
    • 2021-12-10
      • ISBNs and LCCNs returned from LOC Hubs navigation (focusing for translation hubs at the moment) now tied to Solr lookups and returning results in page
      • Worked on seeing if I could set up a proxy controller to get IMDB page and retrieve the JSON-LD with the markup (and it seems to work!)
      • Also reviewed some articles around discovery/visual representations based on FRBR/BIBFRAME, etc.: (Google doc). Objective: Identify possible use cases for discovery using work-instance relationships as well as look at examples of interface design for representing this information
        • Perhaps easier to demonstrate usefulness of BIBFRAME/semantic model for more complex use cases (although article focused on visualizations and found visualizations were effective regardless of complexity when compared with a faceted results view)
      • To dos: Still need to use the work to work relationships data (which is based on a partial query run) (i.e. related, etc.) and bring that to the page.  Will try to get that done by end of year. 
        • Using Wikidata relationships between item and IMDB to get appropriate IMDB link 
        • Design work/review options for displaying information to users (works/instances and how/whether to modify the current catalog view focus on item)
  • DAG Calls
    • 2021-12-03 - next Tuesday, last call of 2021! Recap slides to be made, and hope for some discussion on people's thoughts regarding topics and ideas for next year

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with Sinopia
    • 2021-12-10
      • Worked with Dave to get the ShareVDE PCC data in the cache and configured for access through QA and the Sinopia editor.  The data itself is not compatible with the desired shape for PCC templates.  Nancy at Stanford plans to provide feedback on the data to ShareVDE.
      • The deploy also included reindexing of all authorities to allow for case-insensitive search.
      • There is still a problem with the number of results returned.  When you request 4, you might get 4 or 5. This happens when there is a direct match, but seems to happen at other times as well.  I haven't been able to identify the pattern of when this happens.
      • Pagination header needs to be adjusted so that total results = total possible results allowing for a calculation of the number of pages.  It is currently the number of results returned.
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2021-12-10 
      • On hiatus until 3rd week in January.  I will be working on the documentation rewrite while the group is off.  Overview of the architecture and flow are being organized in Entity Metadata Management Architecture
  • Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
    • 2021-12-10
      • Justin testing at Stanford.  Hitting problems with the templates that we didn't hit.  Greg working with Justin to work through the errors on the first of the two templates.  So far, changes are required in the instructions as opposed to changing the templates.

Other Topics

  • Github branch renaming
    • See Renaming of LD4P Repositories – cul/blacklight-cornell now uses main but still has the old master branch too
    • Expect to be able switch this in LD4P as part of D&A work
  • Sinolio - Sinopia-FOLIO
    • 2021-12-10 - There is a now an "Export to Catalog" button in Sinopia that shows for Jason as a result of knowing that Jason is part of Cornell. Doesn't yet do anything
  • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
    • 2021-12-10 OCLC presented at bigheads meeting this week, in testing
  • ISNI - made a soft launch of LOD this week. Shhh... they are providing data dumps now, dereferenceable LOD sometime in 2022.
  • PCC 
    • 2021-10-27 Definitions and non-RDA examples in MARC examples continued to shift, but should be able to finalize the spreadsheet that generates the RDF today.
    • 2021-12-10 Nothing new to report.
  • Authorities in FOLIO
    • 2021-11-19 Julia walked group through what deletes would take in the current plan, it would be challenging to do this using a combination of Blacklight, Connexion, and FOLIO. Jenn and Nick suggested thinking about FOLIO authorities app (to keep us in FOLIO for search, copying, and editing in BIBs), timeline for EBSCO work on authorities app is ingest/search in Lotus (April)
    • 2021-12-10
      • Frances working to parse data and then Nick will use data via API to generate report. Expect the need to iterate.
      • Jenn did some analysis on copy of old Voyager data to look which controlled identifiers might be pull into BIBs

Upcoming meetings

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

  • 2021-12-17 - no
  • No labels