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Sprint Participation

From April until December of 2020, the first week of every month will be used as a one-week-long sprint with the top-level objective of releasing a Fedora 6.0.0 Beta this calendar year.

See the Fedora 6 Feature Tracking wiki page for progress updates.

To the degree possible, it is helpful to know who is able to commit to the sprint for any of the months in this period. Please list your name if you are available to participate in any of the sprints!

Upcoming Sprint


  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Peter Winckles
  4. Jared Whiklo


  1. Documentation to support successful alpha
    1. missing features - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. API compliance - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3.  breaking changes - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    4.  upgrade process - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  2. Wrap up tickets for Alpha
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  3. On the road to beta
    1.  Features
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      4. S3 Support
        1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Bugs
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      2. Detected by API test suite:
        1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  
        2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        4. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        5. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        6. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        7. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        8. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        9. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        10. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        11. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Improvements
    4. Performance


2020-11-03 (Wednesday)

[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  - Proposing language updates related to OCFL extensions
  - Migration Validation Tool design review
Working on today:
  - Reviewing:
  - Reviewing: Pass properties file to fcrepo as an alternative to command-...
  - None

2020-11-03 (Tuesday)

dbernstein  12:27 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - meetings
   - created tickets for documentation
   - started Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. and most of code changes:  pass fcrepo properties in a file
Working on today:
   - finish fcrepo-3504
   - documentation tickets
   - validation tool design review
   - None

awoods  12:35 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  - Reviewed/Merged: Perform reindexing in parallel
  - Reviewed/Merged: Upgrade ocfl-java version
Working on today:
  - Proposing language updates related to OCFL extensions
  - Reviewing:
  - None

Peter Winckles  12:42 PM
  - Upgraded the ocfl-java version:
  - Started working on handling deleted resources in the F3 migration:
  - Finished up migrating deleted F3 resources:
  - OCFL extension updates
  - Perhaps looking into url encoding issues
  - None

whikloj  12:55 PM
  - Finished work on parallelizing index rebuild - FCREPO-3503
  - Started working on memento containment relationships - FCREPO-3450
  - Trying to grok all the ins and outs of this design
  - None

Sprint board

Standup Reports


[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}

Future Sprints

2020-12 Fedora 6 Sprint


  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Jared Whiklo
  4. Peter Winckles


  1. Move towards Beta


Sprint board


type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  4. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  4. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  5. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  6. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Stand-up Reports

2020-12-04 (Friday)

awoods  10:49 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Merged: Stacktrace on webapp shutdown
   - Implemented: Scale tests - Archival Groups with Versions
Working on today:
   - Reviewing all the tickets!
   - None

whikloj  10:55 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
  - Finished "Spaces in IDs create problems when working with RDF"
Working on today:
  - Update migration-utils to output expected OCFL structure
  - Review documentation work
  - none

dbernstein  1:36 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
  - repository root only exists in mutable head.
Working on today:
  - addressing feed back on (side loading)
  - looking at
  - none

2020-12-03 (Thursday)

Peter Winckles  8:26 AM
  - Locking in review:
  - ID restrictions in review:
  - Did an initial review of the side-loading
  - PR reviews
  - Will work on URI encoding ( or improving the Fedora migration startup experience (
  - None

awoods  10:09 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Merged: Add search support to HTML UI
   - Implemented: Verify that JMeter tests work with fcrepo-docker
   - Merged: fcrepo-upgrade-utils: Transform WebAC representation from..
Working on today:
   - Reviewing tickets
   - Start archival group / versioning scale test
   - None

whikloj  10:12 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Unauthorized users may not delete child resources
        Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
   - Reviewed object locking PRs
   - Made an attempt at membership hash adjustments
Working on today:
   - Might make another attempt at membership hashes
   - Driving my son to school at 11:20 ET

2020-12-02 (Wednesday)

awoods  8:56 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Merged: Implement hea..
   - Closed: Migration failure: Unable to resolve internal ID
   - Reviewed/Merged: Refactor fedora ontology class names into constant values
   - Reviewed/Reopened: fcrepo-upgrade-utils: Transform WebAC representation..
   - Reviewed/Reopened: Add search support to HTML UI
Working on today:
   - Reviewing tickets
   - Creating test result wiki templates
   - None

whikloj  9:52 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
  - Finished adding Search to HTML UI -
Working on today:
  - eTags need to update when membership change -
  - none

Peter Winckles  11:18 AM
  - Working on resource locking: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  - Finishing lock testing
  - A few personal matters have required my attention

dbernstein  11:59 AM
  -  Working on Implement Side-loading
  - Finish up Implement Side-loading
  - Code review or grab another ticket
  - None

2020-12-01 (Tuesday)

awoods  8:43 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Reviewed/Reopened: Implement
   - Reviewed/Merged: Upgrade Utils release commits
   - Rebased/Pushed: Remove "respository" typos
Working on today:
   - Reviewing tickets
   - Creating test result wiki templates
   - None

whikloj  9:14 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Worked on search interface in UI
   - Updated: Implement with code review changes
Working on today:
   - Complete minimal search interface
   - Watch the utility workers out my window
   - None

Peter Winckles  1:52 PM
  - Started working on the resource locking: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  - Continuing to work on the locking. I have an implementation in place, but a lot of outstanding testing to do
  - None

dbernstein  2:14 PM
  - Issued PR for  ACLs being converted in 4.7.5->5.x upgrade
  - Starting Implement Side-loading
  - None

Standup Reports


[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}

Previous Sprints

April 6 - 10

2020-04 Fedora 6 Sprint


  1. Jared Whiklo
  2. Danny Bernstein
  3. Ben Pennell
  4. Peter Winckles


  1. Containment Index
    1. The containment index is designed to be used for:
      1. Keeping track of which Fedora resources are contained by which Fedora containers (resources)
      2. Facilitating the generation of 'ldp:contains' triples for responses to Fedora requests
    2. Success will be defined by:
      1. (tick) Storing containment relationships in index
      2. (tick) Storing containment relationships in OCFL
      3. (tick) Adding containment relationships when Fedora resources are added to a Fedora container
      4. (tick) Deleting containment relationships when Fedora resources are removed from a Fedora container
      5. (tick) Rebuilding containment relationships on application startup (if the index is empty)
      6. (tick) Providing ldp:contains triples in HTTP responses
      7. (tick) Ensuring the HTML UI renders contained resources
      8. (tick) Ensuring the HTML UI navigates containment relationships
  2. (tick) Initial JMS Messaging infrastructure
    1. The JMS messaging feature is designed to:
      1. Implement the Notifications section of the Fedora API Specification
      2. Per the Fedora messaging documentation
    2. Success will be defined by:
      1. Deciding on which message bus to use (was Guava)
        1. (Jared suggested this, but more reading indicates this is primarily for Android and maybe not a good choice)
        2. Guava
        3. → benchmarks compare to Guava (
      2. Wiring the bus into the code such that events are put on the bus
      3. Marshaling messages into the message format
      4. Publishing of messaging via JMS
  3. (tick)Long running transactions
    1. Implement start and commit operations on transaction endpoint
    2. Implement cancel transaction on transaction endpoint


Sprint board

  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  

May 4 - 8


  1. Jared Whiklo
  2. Danny Bernstein
  3. Peter Winckles
  4. Andrew Woods
  5. Ben Pennell (part time, just for review/discussion)


  1. Simple Search (Danny)
    1. Reference doc
    2. (question) Document the simple search API -  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Lay groundwork of the implementation -  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      1. (error) Setup database tables / indices
      2. (question) Create Search endpoint
      3. (error) Implement list all objects
      4. (error) Support pagination
  2. Migration tooling (Peter Winkles)
    1. (question) Update migration-utils to include an option to produce F6-compliant OCFL
      1. (question) Verify by rebuilding an empty Fedora6 over output of migrated Fedora3 objects
      2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  3. WebACs (Jared) 
    1. (tick) Test current state of WebACs
    2. (question) Perform CRUD on WebACs:   Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. (question) Ensure that WebACs are enforced (should involve wiring in existing WebAC processing/application logic and enabling ignored integtation tests)
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  4. Testing (Andrew)
    1. (question) Test unverified items from Fedora 6 Feature Tracking
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. (question) Run and document results of Fedora API Specification tests
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Sprint board

June 1 - 5


  1. Danny Bernstein 
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Jon Roby
  4. Peter Winckles
  5. Ben Pennell


  1. Simple Search
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  2. WebAC wrap up
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    4. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    5. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  3. Fixity on demand
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  4. External Content
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  5. Multiple Database support
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  6. Containment Index 
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Sprint board

Standup Reports

2020-06-05 (Friday)

Peter Winckles 8:23 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Worked on yesterday:
- Code reviews
- Started on
Working on today:
- Continue on
- I have an appointment this morning

awoods 8:59 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Reviewed/Merged: "Creating RDFSource with Content-type with charset results in a NonRDFSource"
- Re-reviewed/Merged: "Surface default digest for binaries"
- Reviewed/Merged: "Add support for configuring mysql and postgresql"
- Very initial documentation of internals of Fedora-specific files in wiki
Working on today:
- Documenting internals of Fedora-specific files in wiki
- None

bbpennel  9:24 AM

[Fedora 6 Standup]
- Completed FCREPO-3200 (default digests)
- Opened PR for transmission fixity when writing to OCFL
Working on today:
- Follow up on feedback related to FCREPO-3201
- Working on "Implement Fixity on Demand"
- doctors appt this afternoon

robyj 9:37 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Working on today:
- Still
- None

dbernstein 12:03 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Worked on List all resources via the search endpoint
- Feature works and has two working integration tests.
Working on today:
- Putting the final polish on List all resources via the search endpoint
- None

2020-06-04 (Thursday)

awoods 9:32 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Start documenting internals of Fedora-specific files in wiki
- Helped debug: "Fix test suite failure: Must return 409 on unable to create ACL"
- Reviewed/Reopened: "Surface default digest for binaries"
- Re-reviewed: "Delete a tombstone resource for deleted BasicContainer Resource"
- Some minor issues remain
- It would also be good to know which previously discovered issues are going to be addressed in this PR and which will be in their own tickets.
Working on today:
- Documenting internals of Fedora-specific files in wiki
- None

robyj 9:40 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Working on today:
- Still
- found that the Response (on the testsuite side) to the test doesn't include the Link header and if I try to
print the body (where logically the Link header could be), The test suite says that it contains malformed RDF
and cant parse it ("RDF was not parasable: [line: 1, col: 10] Premature end of file: [EOF]), so im trying to
chase this down.

Peter Winckles 9:41 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Worked on yesterday:
- Put into review:
- Talked with @awoods about documentation
Working on today:
- Code reviews
- Start on
- None

bbpennel 9:56 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
- Opened PR for default digest algorithm and responded to initial feedback
- Started implementation for supplying transmission digests to OCFL on write
Working on today:
- Follow up on further feedback for PR
- Continue working on FCREPO-3201
- If time, will start on "Implement Fixity on Demand"
- some local work/meetings

dbernstein  11:16 AM

[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Worked on List all resources via the search endpoint
Working on today:
- Continuing work on List all resources via the search endpoint
- Hitting a snag on spring injection problem.

2020-06-03 (Wednesday)

awoods 10:22 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Finished initial draft of: Fedora / OCFL Storage design to wiki
- Reviewed/Reopened: "Delete a tombstone resource for deleted BasicContainer Resource"
Working on today:
- Start documenting internals of Fedora-specific files in wiki
- None

bbpennel 9:05 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
- Worked on implementing ticket for having a default digest for internal binaries
- Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
- laying groundwork for the other digest related tickets in the sprint
- Some local work, OR presentations
Working on today:
- Hopefully finish up FCREPO-3200
- Start "Perform transmission fixity check when writing to OCFL" FCREPO-3201
- some local stuff

robyj 9:20 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Working on today:
- Still
- I'm not sure I understand. I've traced it down to fcrepo-kernel-impl/src/main/java/org/fcrepo/kernel/impl/services/ and checkAclLinkHeader, but this only checks a pattern of "rel=" and "acl" and throws an exception if those are contained (the exception generates a HTTP 400). Is it supposed to do more? If i change the exception to generate a HTTP 409, it breaks tests during the build, so i'm trying to figure out if i'm looking for criteria to generate 409 instead of a 400

Peter Winckles 9:33 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Worked on yesterday:
- Continued fighting with MySQL in
- Reviewed the wiki @awoods put together
Working on today:
- More MySQL
- None, apart from MySQL

dbernstein 11:47 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Worked on List all resources via the search endpoint
Working on today:
- Continuing work on List all resources via the search endpoint
- I had to switch gears for a good part of yesterday to deal with a problem with our Duracloud Archive-It integration.

2020-06-02 (Tuesday)

Peter Winckles 9:04 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Worked on yesterday:
- Adding support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB
Working on today:
- Adding support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB
- I have a little local work I need to do

bbpennel 9:06 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
- Started planning and working through how to handle the tickets involving the digests in the OCFL object
- Reviewed document about simple search, trying to get caught up
- Some local work
Working on today:
- Work on Fcrepo-3200 and Fcrepo-3201
- Going to try the approach of pre-calculating the digest that will be used in the OCFL object so that it can be written into the header file.
- OR2020 online stuff is happening today, which I'll sit in on
- a little local work

robyj  9:33 AM
Fedora 6 Standup]
Worked on yesterday:
   - updating codebases
   - making sure codebases actually compile and run
   - learn a bit about WebAC
Working on today:
   - IntelliJ doesn't seem to want to run fedora in debug mode

awoods 10:20 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Worked on: Adding Fedora / OCFL Storage design to wiki
Working on today:
- Finish draft of: Fedora / OCFL Storage design to wiki
- Noting that some questions have surfaced in the process
- Start documenting internals of Fedora-specific files in wiki
- None

dbernstein 12:17 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Worked on List all resources via the search endpoint
Working on today:
- Continuing work on List all resources via the search endpoint
- None

2020-06-01 (Monday)

robyj 9:53 AM
- Was sunday
- working on FCREPO-3328 (Fix Test Suite failure: Must return 409 on unable to create ACL)
- None

awoods 11:00 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Organizing the barn
Working on today:
- Adding Fedora / OCFL Storage design to wiki
- None

dbernstein  12:24 PM

[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- N/A
Working on today:
- List all resources via the search endpoint
- None


[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}

July 6 - 10

2020-07 Fedora 6 Sprint


  1. Danny Bernstein 
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Jared Whiklo
  4. Peter Winckles
  5. ...


  1. Simple Search (add support for unimplemented fields) 
    1. Add support for size field -  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Add support for mimetype field -  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Add search in HTML UI
    4. List children contained by ancestor (specify depth)
  2. Refining F6 persistence
    1. Fedora ID to OCFL ID mapping : 
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Encapsulation directory naming
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Object validation on-(re)index
    4. OCFL side-loading (API and single-object indexing)  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  3. WebAC wrap up
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  4. Potential topic: loose ends 
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    4. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    5. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    6. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    7. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

August 3 - 7

2020-08 Fedora 6 Sprint


  1. Danny Bernstein 
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Peter Winckles (taking the 7th off)
  4. Ben Pennell 


  1. Implement external content
  2. Initial implementation of Fedora 4 & 5 migration to 6
  3. Refine search service
  4. Initial performance testing of Fedora 6

September 7 - 11

2020-09 Fedora 6 Sprint


  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Peter Eichman
  3. Ben Pennell
  4. Peter Winckles
  5. Andrew Woods
  6. Jared Whiklo


  1. F4/5 → F6 migration (upgrade-utils)
  2. Integrate fcrepo-storage-ocfl into core
  3. Fedora API Alignment
    1. Prefer header (Inbound references)
    2. Direct and Indirect Container Support
    3. * Valkyrie verification


Sprint board

Standup Reports

2020-09-11 (Friday)

Peter Eichman 9:19 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* resolved IDE issues (mostly)
* issued PR for FCREPO-3321 (allow authenticated users to create transactions)
* addressing review comments for FCREPO-3321
* looking at FCREPO-3332 (side-loading of OCFL objects)
* will be out early, ~2pm ET

bbpennel 9:32 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* Worked on implementation of FCREPO-3409 (Implement Direct Containers)
Working on today:
* Continue working on implementation of FCREPO-3409 (Implement Direct Containers)
* Implementation was getting a bit complicated, considering switching persistence of membership, feedback appreciated:
* Reviewing
* none

whikloj 9:56 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* Completed: Triples for NonRdfSourceDescriptions FCREPO-3269
* Completed: Inbound Reference Service FCREPO-3316
* any code review comments on my PRs.
* Look at PRs
* Continuing on new tickets
* none

awoods 10:41 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Reviewed: NonRdfSource descriptions are missing triples
- Reviewed: WebACL for /rest/fcr:tx
- Reviewed: fedora6 with remote mysql 8 timeout
- Running jmeter test-4 with empty containers
- Still running: summary = 1,346,076 in 25:05:04
Working on today:
- Reviewing tickets
- Feeding the jmeter
- Tying loose ends before holiday
- None

Peter Winckles 10:42 AM
* Continued working on the 5->6 migration ( Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. ). I have all of the functionality in place. The remaining work is tidying up, tests, and javadoc
Working on today:
* Continue working on migration
* None

dbernstein 12:07 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* started migration utils stop at bad fedora3 Id
* continued jmeter testing
Working on today:
* finishing migration utils stop at bad fedora3 Id
* finish review migration-utils: Update to use fcrepo-ocfl-storage
* Yesterday I had an unplanned domestic errand that derailed me.

2020-09-10 (Thursday)

Peter Winckles 8:28 AM
* Had some meetings
* Continued working on the 5->6 migration ( Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. ) but didn't make as much progress as on Tuesday
Working on today:
* Continue working on migration
* More meetings
* None

awoods 8:53 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Ran jmeter test-4 in AWS (
- PostgreSQL... failed with out of disk space error
- Wiki results captured:
- Updated jmeter configuration to correctly create empty containers
- Updated logging configuration - In-review
Working on today:
- More jmeter testing
- Reviewing tickets (only seeing one for review at the moment: FCREPO-3269)
- Need review of
- Improve application logging

whikloj 9:06 AM
* Finished up Translating IDs in PATCH requests. FCREPO-3311
* Finished up missing triples in NonRdfSourceDescriptions FCREPO-3269
* Worked on Inbound reference retrieval service. FCREPO-3316
Working on today:
* Continue working on inbound reference service.
* Finish any code review on missing triples.
* None

bbpennel 9:25 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* Discussions about how to handle membership triples
* Planning for implementation of FCREPO-3409 (Implement Direct Containers)
* Local meetings
Working on today:
* Work on implementation of FCREPO-3409 (Implement Direct Containers)
* hopefully less local stuff

Peter Eichman 9:48 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* Work on FCREPO-3321 (ACL for fcr:tx endpoints)
* Local meetings
Working on today:
* Finish FCREPO-3321
* Build issues in my environment/IDE

dbernstein 10:51 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* jmeter testing
* PRs
Working on today:
* Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. : migration utils stop at bad fedora3 Id
* more jmeter testing
* None

2020-09-09 (Wednesday)

bbpennel 9:39 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
* Started investigating FCREPO-3409 (Implement Direct Containers), looking at the implementation in fedora 5 and infrastructure in fedora 6
* Switched to working on FCREPO-3165 (Implement membership triple retrieval service) as it is a major portion of implementing Direct Containers
* Some local fires needed tending
Working on today:
* Continue with FCREPO-3165
* Some local meetings

Peter Winckles 9:48 AM
* Started working on the 5->6 migration ( Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. ) and was able to get a rough implementation working
Working on today:
* Continue working on migration
* None

Peter Eichman 10:26 AM
* started work on FCREPO-3321 (Allow authenticated users to create transactions), got a first implementation done
Working on today:
* writing tests for FCREPO-3321
* local meeting from 11-1:30

awoods 10:41 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Reviewed: PATCH requests are not parsed with the HttpRdfService so internal identifiers are not stored.
- Created bug ticket: Stacktrace in response: PATCH with unknown prefix
- Created bug ticket: Stacktrace in response: PUT without Content-Type
- Ran two jmeter tests in AWS (
- MariaDB failed at 12,799 resources
- PostgreSQL failed at 264,792 resources
Working on today:
- Exploring jmeter test failures
- none

whikloj 10:49 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Finished: PATCH requests are not parsed with the HttpRdfService so internal identifiers are not stored.
- Worked on: NonRdfSource descriptions are missing triples
Working on today:
- Finish FCREPO-3269
- Work on Inbound references: FCREPO-3166
- Getting a new charging USB-C cable
- Meeting this afternoon (3:00 ET)

dbernstein 11:13 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Finished: PR updates and testing on (preparing fcrepo-upgrade-utils to support 4->5 and 5->6 upgrade paths).
- Finished: (f6 mysql timeout issue) / tested using jmeter tests.
Working on today: migration utils stop at bad fedora3 Id

2020-09-08 (Tuesday) - Monday was Labor Day holiday


[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}

October 5 - 9

2020-10 Fedora 6 Sprint


  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Peter Winckles
  4. Jared Whiklo


  1. F4→F5  migration: (versions) to complete F4→F6 migration path
  2. S3 Support
  3. Fedora API Alignment
    1. Prefer header support
      1. omit ?
      2. include ?
      3. minimal ?
    2. Direct and Indirect Container Support
  4. Loose Ends
  5. Testing


Sprint board

Standup Reports

2020-10-09  (Friday)

2020-10-08 (Thursday)

awoods  1:00 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Started empty-container performance tests
   - Reviewed/Reopened: Remove Modeshape properties from RdfLexicon.
   - Reviewed/Merged: Version Listing  not working in HTML UI
   - Reviewed/Merged: Ghost nodes should be immutable
Working on today:
   - Reviewing tickets
   - Continuing to run performance tests
   - None

dbernstein  5:12 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - version files are being rewritten to the proper F5 export location: handle  4->5 version upgrade
Working on today:
   - rewriting version files: handle  4->5 version upgrade
   - None



[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Merged: Add a framework for capturing server metrics
   - Reviewed/... follow-on to: Add a framework for capturing server metrics
   - Reviewed/Reopened: Ghost nodes should be immutable
   - Merged: Add S3 Support to fcrepo
Working on today:
   - Reviewing tickets
   - Re-starting performance tests
   - None

Peter Winckles  10:42 AM
   - Added more metrics:
   - Wrote a wiki:
   - Some local work
   - A little local work
   - Direct container migration:
   - Maybe some PRs
   - None

dbernstein  12:10 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
   * Analysis of changes to be performed to handle  4->5 version upgrade 
Working on today:
   * Translating into code the results of the analysis: handle  4->5 version upgrade
  * None

whikloj  3:52 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
   * Finish up Interaction model and SMT validation - FCREPO-3258
   * Finish up making ghost nodes immutable - FCREPO-3256
Working on today:
   * Clean up modeshape-isms - FCREPO-3444
   * Fix HTML UI version stuff - FCREPO-3445, FCREPO-3446 & FCREPO-3421
  * None

2020-10-06 (Tuesday) 

dbernstein  9:18 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
   * fixed issue related to missing identity profile on fcrepo-aws-deployer (to support uva pilot)
   * started handle  4->5 version upgrade
   * meetings
Working on today:
   * handle  4->5 version upgrade
  * None

awoods  10:08 AM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - Reviewed/Merged: migration-utils is not closing files
   - Reviewed/Merged: Implement DirectContainers
   - Reviewed/Reopened: Add interaction model to the containment index.
   - Reviewed/Reopened: add metrics framework
      - Needs JIRA ticket
   - Reviewed/Reopened: cleanup exceptions
      - No JIRA :(
   - Reviewed: Add S3 Support to fcrepo
Working on today:
   - Reviewing tickets
   - Re-starting performance tests
   - None

whikloj  1:06 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
   * Opened PR for enforcing SMT and interaction model validation. FCREPO-3258
   * Worked on ghost nodes - FCREPO-3256
Working on today:
   * Code review comments on FCREPO-3258
  * None


[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}

November 2 - 9

2020-11 Fedora 6 Sprint


  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Peter Winckles
  4. Jared Whiklo


  1. Documentation to support successful alpha
    1. missing features - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. API compliance - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3.  breaking changes - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    4.  upgrade process - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  2. Wrap up tickets for Alpha
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  3. On the road to beta
    1.  Features
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      4. S3 Support
        1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    2. Bugs
      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      2. Detected by API test suite:
        1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  
        2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        4. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        5. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        6. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        7. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        8. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        9. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        10. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        11. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    3. Improvements
    4. Performance


2020-11-03 (Wednesday)

[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  - Proposing language updates related to OCFL extensions
  - Migration Validation Tool design review
Working on today:
  - Reviewing:
  - Reviewing: Pass properties file to fcrepo as an alternative to command-...
  - None

2020-11-03 (Tuesday)

dbernstein  12:27 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday:
   - meetings
   - created tickets for documentation
   - started Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. and most of code changes:  pass fcrepo properties in a file
Working on today:
   - finish fcrepo-3504
   - documentation tickets
   - validation tool design review
   - None

awoods  12:35 PM
[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  - Reviewed/Merged: Perform reindexing in parallel
  - Reviewed/Merged: Upgrade ocfl-java version
Working on today:
  - Proposing language updates related to OCFL extensions
  - Reviewing:
  - None

Peter Winckles  12:42 PM
  - Upgraded the ocfl-java version:
  - Started working on handling deleted resources in the F3 migration:
  - Finished up migrating deleted F3 resources:
  - OCFL extension updates
  - Perhaps looking into url encoding issues
  - None

whikloj  12:55 PM
  - Finished work on parallelizing index rebuild - FCREPO-3503
  - Started working on memento containment relationships - FCREPO-3450
  - Trying to grok all the ins and outs of this design
  - None

Sprint board

Standup Reports


[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}

Standups (please post update by 10am EST)

Slack Standup Template

[Fedora 6 Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}


  • No labels