Major Deliverables Status




Message Queue Infrastructure
RPC low level libraryUsed by multiple languages to connect to Active MQ



Uses Java low level JAR file


Uses Java low level JAR file


Can PHP also use Java low level JAR file???

RPC wrapper to low level libraryRequired for writing messages


N/A - access Java RPC low level library directly




location of code???


RPC ListenerRequired for listening to a queue to read messages


NOTE: Required by: Raven






JSON RPC 2.0 classesstandard API for manipulating JSONRPC messages






Mixed into the dm-r-jsonRPCvisMQ code


JSON RPC 2.0 classesprogressive response extension to JSONRPC message API


dm-java-messageQueueRPC/trunk/src/main/java/edu/cornell/clo/jsonrpc2 & messageQueueRPC


dm-matlab-messageQueueRPC/trunk/MATLAB/+jsonrpc2 & +messageQueueRPC



DM Internal Service Infrastructure

Scheduled service for listening in background

(link to) JIRA Issue 62 (for all infrastructure work)

Message delegator to read, interpret, and delegate work

(link to) JIRA Issue 62

API Method: dataset.create

(link to) JIRA Issue 62

API Method: dataset.export

(link to) JIRA Issue 62

API Method: dataset.createAndExport

(link to) JIRA Issue 62

DM Progressive Response Infrastructure

Listen for progressive responses

(link to) JIRA Issue 42

Show progress bar in Workflow Config UI

(link to) JIRA Issue 42

Exporting dataset sends progressive response

(link to) JIRA Issue 64

Ingesting dataset sends progressive response

(link to) JIRA Issue 60

Cataloging sounds sends progressive response

JIRA Issue - ?

Identify other long running DM tasks that should send progressive response

JIRA Issue - ?

Status Legend

Complete and Active

Complete, Not Fully Tested

In Process

Has Issue

Not Started

Not Supported

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