Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Listed below are those who have made contributions to the DSpace open source code base or to DSpace in general.

It does not include people with uncommitted patches and many other people whose efforts have been equally important in bringing you DSpace.

DSpace Committers Group

DSpace Committers have autonomous control over the code and are also the primary support team for DSpace. The primary responsibilities of Committers are:

  • Maintain the public codebase
  • Review all code contributions/changes to ensure stability, etc
  • Merge/accept community code contributions
  • Help to resolve bugs or security issues within codebase
  • Help to provide ongoing support to community developers and users (via SlackMailing Lists, etc.)
  • Perform and manage new releases based on the roadmap.

Anyone may be nominated as a Committer by anyone else. Typically, nominations are made by existing Committers on the basis of sustained contribution to DSpace that indicates an ability to fulfill Committer responsibilities. Examples of such contribution are participation in discussions on mailing lists, Slack, IRC etc, participation in developer meetings, reporting bugs, help with testing/reviewing of code, and contribution of code via pull requests. A majority of current Committers must approve any nominations to the Committers group.


The following individuals are active Committers for DSpace open source software. (Surnames are in all caps):

DSpace committers attending the Open Repositories Conference 2019 in Hamburg, Germany.

Emeritus Committers

Emeritus Committers are those who, for one reason or another, are no longer able to contribute code or time to DSpace on a regular basis. They are still members of the Committers Group, but are currently acting in an advisory role within the DSpace development community. As such, while Emeritus Committers may participate in active votes, their votes are considered advisory in nature.  Emeritus Committers may move back to active Committer status once they are able to contribute again.

We wish to recognize the contributions each of these individuals has made to DSpace software over the years. Their code contributions and guidance have played an integral part in helping to make DSpace what it is today.

Committer Discussions / Meetings

As much as possible, Committers ensure that all DSpace technology decisions are transparent to the developer community. (The only exception is when security issues require us to resolve them before they are publicly reported)

Contributors (to v1.x - 6.x)

As of DSpace 7 (and above), this list of Contributors is no longer maintained, as all contributors are now listed in the Release Notes for every release.  However, this list is kept for historical reference & as a "Thank You" to everyone who contributed to DSpace in past releases.

This is a list of all known general contributors to DSpace software (prior to v7). These people and institutions have contributed to at least one version of DSpace. Contributions may have been in the form of: reporting a bug, fixing a bug, providing a new feature, helping with documentation, or otherwise contributing to the software product.

  • Ben ADIDA - Creative Commons
  • Facundo Gabriel ADORNO - SEDICI
  • Linna R. AGNE
  • Eija AIRIO
  • Saiful AMIN
  • @MIRE
  • David BAKER
  • Andrew BARHATOV
  • Vangelis BANOS
  • Jon BELL - Aberystwyth University
  • Patrik BERGVALL
  • BioMed Central
  • Jose BLANCO
  • Mykhaylo Boychuck - 4Science
  • Arnaud de BOSSOREILLE - IDM
  • Andrea BOLLINI  - 4Science
  • Flavio BOTELHO
  • Lester BOWSER
  • Margret BRANSCHOFSKY - MIT Libraries
  • Kyle BRENTNELL - The International Development Research Centre
  • Peter BRETON
  • Per BROMAN
  • Jacob BROWN
  • Simon BROWN
  • Pablo BUENAPOSADA - Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya
  • José CARVALHO - Universidade do Minho
  • Grace CARPENTER - MIT Libraries
  • Pasquale CAVALLO - 4Science
  • Juan Manuel CATÁ

  • David COOK - Prosentient Systems
  • Davor CUBRANIC
  • Marsa HAOUA - Technische Universität Berlin
  • Jonathan CHAMP
  • Pongtawat CHIPPIMOLCHAI - KIDS-D Project, Asian Institute of Technology
  • Daniel CHUDNOV - MIT Libraries
  • Zbigniew CIOK
  • Peter COETZEE
  • Arnaldo DANTAS - Universidade do Minho
  • Tom DESAIR - @MIRE
  • Brad DEWAR - Novanet
  • Giuseppe DIGILIO - 4Science
  • Roeland DILLEN - @MIRE
  • Danilo DI NUZZO - 4Science
  • Michael DREWITZ
  • Lieven DROOGMANS - @MIRE
  • Dryad
  • Serhij DUBYK
  • Christophe DUPRIEZ - DESTIN
  • Zuki EBETSU
  • Reinhard ENGELS
  • Enovation Solutions
  • Denis FDZ
  • Miguel FERREIRA - Universidade do Minho
  • John FINLAY - Brigham Young University
  • Paraskevi FRAGOULI - University of Patras
  • Phillip FRANKS
  • Stefan FRITZSCHE
  • Javier GARRIDO - Ibai Sistemas (Spain)
  • Barry GASKINS - North Carolina State University
  • Hendrik GEßNER
  • Luca GIAMMINONNI - 4Science
  • Jonas GILBERT - Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
  • Jonas Van GOOLEN - @MIRE
  • Àlex Magaz GRAÇA - Universitat de Lleida
  • Philippe GRAY - Virginia Tech
  • Werner GREßHOFF
  • Cody GREEN - Texas A&M University
  • Tiago GUIMARÃES - Universidade do Minho
  • Martin HALD - Eduworks Corporation
  • Andrew HANKINSON
  • Ladd HANSON
  • Marsa HAOUA
  • Corey HARPER - University of Oregon
  • Naveed HASHMI - University of Bristol
  • Leonie HAYES - The University of Auckland Library
  • William HAYS - MIT
  • Alfred HELLER - Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark
  • Brian HELM
  • Henry HEREZ - CNRI
  • Chris HERRON - @MIRE
  • Francisco Javier HERRERO VICENTE - Universitat Jaume I de Castellon
  • Stuart HICKS, OhioLINK
  • Lotte HOFSTEDE
  • Jieh HSIANG
  • HUANG WeiHua - Beihang University
  • Brian HUGHES
  • Neelawat INTARAKSA - KIDS-D Project, Asian Institute of Technology
  • Bjorn JASPERS - @MIRE
  • Paulo JOBIM
  • Aneesh JOY - Indian Institute of Science
  • Michael JUDD
  • Onivaldo Rosa JUNIOR
  • Kostas KARANTASIS - University of Patras
  • Petr KAREL - Czech Technical University in Prague
  • Fabio KEPLER
  • Austin KIM - MIT Libraries
  • Michael B. KLEIN
  • Petya KOHTS
  • Artur KONCZAK
  • Pantelis KARAMOLEGKOS - Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"
  • Aleksander KOTYŃSKI-BURYŁA
  • Dimitrios A. KOUTSOMITROPOULOS - University of Patras
  • Panagiotis KOUTSOURAKIS – EKT (National Documentation Centre)
  • Vlastimil KREJČÍŘ - Masaryk University
  • Tim Van den LANGENBERGH - @MIRE
  • Yin Yin LATT - The University of Auckland Library
  • Anne LAWRENCE - Virginia Tech
  • Rita LEE - Beihang University

  • Alex LEMANN
  • Ralph LEVAN - OCLC
  • Xiang Kevin LI
  • Ariel J. LIRA
  • David LITTLE - UCSD Libraries
  • Bruc LIONG
  • Corrado LOMBARDI - 4Science
  • Álvaro LOPEZ
  • Emilio LORENZO
  • Xaquin LORES
  • Art LOWEL - @MIRE
  • Van LY - The University of Sydney
  • jawadmakki
  • Alexey MASLOV - Texas Digital Library
  • Alessandro MARTELLI - 4Science
  • Paulo MATOS
  • Greg MCCLELLAN - Brandeis University
  • Patricio MARRONE - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • MARTON Jozsef - Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Mike MARTTILA - Georgetown University
  • Dylan MEEUS - @MIRE
  • Dinesh MENDHE
  • Elliot METSGER - John Hopkins University
  • André MEUNIER
  • Monika MEVENKAMP - Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Steve MICHAELS
  • Filbert MINJ - Indian Institute of Science
  • Hardik MISHRA
  • Philip MÜNCH
  • Sébastien NADEAU - Université Laval
  • Paul NEEDHAM - Cranfield University
  • Caryn NEISWENDER - University of California, Irvine Libraries
  • Antero NETO
  • Mateusz NEUMANN - Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Vanessa NEWTON-WADE - The University of Auckland Library
  • Miika NURMINEN
  • OhioLINK
  • Oriol Olivé Comadira - Universitat de Girona
  • Alan ORTH
  • Samuel OTTENHOFF
  • Nestor OVIEDO
  • Georgios PALOUKIS - University of Patras
  • Kostas PARASKEVOPOULOS - Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
  • Luigi Andrea Pascarelli - 4Science
  • Christina PASCHOU
  • Reuben PASQUINI
  • Ekaterina PECHEKHONOVA - NYU
  • Mini PILLAI - @MIRE
  • Marvin POLLARD
  • Dale POULTER - Vanderbilt University
  • Rodrigo PRADO DE JESUS
  • Ivo PRAJER - Czech Technical University in Prague
  • Jordi PRATS
  • Toni PRIETO
  • Pedro PRÍNCIPE - Universidade do Minho
  • Mads PULTZ - Nordija A/S
  • John RAE - BioMed Central
  • William REILLY - MIT
  • Jakub ŘIHÁK
  • Nicholas RILEY
  • Adan Roman
  • Jeroen RUIGROK
  • James RUSSELL
  • Dorothea SALO - University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Luiz Claudio SANTOS - Inter-American Development Bank
  • Ricardo SARAIVA
  • Navalkishore SARDA
  • Nathan SARR - University of Rochester
  • James SAVELL
  • Christian SCHEIBLE
  • Bernadette SCHLONSOK - University of Dortmund
  • Andreas SCHWANDER - Siemens
  • Nicolas Schwab
  • Jonathon SCOTT
  • Milton SHINTAKU
  • Sarah SHREEVES - University of Illinois
  • Dan SCOTT - Laurentian University
  • Christian SCHEIBLE - Universität Konstanz
  • Ilja SIDOROFF - University of Helsinki / University of Eastern Finland
  • Mike SIMPSON - University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Antoine SNYERS - @MIRE
  • Sven SOLIMAN
  • Georgia SOLOMOU - University of Patras
  • Eduardo SPERONI
  • Elin STANGELAND - Cambridge University
  • David STUVE - HP Labs
  • Alexander SULFRIAN
  • Trevor SWARM - Kansas State Historical Society
  • Oleksandr SYTNYK
  • Bill TANTZEN
  • Andrew TAYLOR
  • Brad TEALE
  • Jenny TOVES - OCLC
  • Dimitriy TSYGANOK
  • Elias TZOC
  • Guillermo VARELA
  • Marie-Helene VEZINA
  • Pere VILLEGA
  • Martin WALK
  • Gareth WALLER
  • William WELLING - Texas A&M University
  • Jennifer WHALAN
  • Jennifer WHITNEY
  • Steve WILLIAMS - University of Texas at Austin Libraries
  • Chris WILPER - @MIRE
  • Andrew WOOD
  • Chris YATES - Aberystwyth University
  • Ed YU
  • Bruno Nocera ZANETTE - Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Vladislav ZHIVKOV - Sofia University

Note: Names are all given with family name (surname) CAPITALISED