Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund
The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.
Code of Conduct
All DSpace support channels, mailing lists and meetings follow the LYRASIS Code of Conduct. We ask you to remain respectful in all discussions. We also encourage you to report any violations of the code of conduct to LYRASIS (see the Code of Conduct for more details).
English Lists
There are several public DSpace mailing lists you can join, depending on what your particular interest is.
- : General discussion about the DSpace platform, and setting up and running a DSpace service. It is open to all DSpace users to ask questions, share news, and spark discussion about DSpace with people managing other DSpace sites.
- Sign up for dspace-community (Click "Join group") or search the archives
- You may also sign up by simply emailing
- Technical support for the DSpace platform. If you have a technical query, or are having problems getting DSpace up and running, this is the place to go (refer to the Troubleshoot an error page for additional help and suggestions). If you are technically savvy, and would like to contribute by helping out those in need, please join!
- Sign up for dspace-tech (Click "Join group") or search the archives
- You may also sign up by simply emailing
- : DSpace Community Advistory Team (DCAT) mailing list. DCAT is a permanent working group which represents the interests of repostitory managers and administrators across the globe and, indirectly, DSpace end user.
- Sign up for DCAT mailing list (Click "Join group") or search the archives
- You may also sign up by simply emailing
- : DSpace developers list. DSpace developer discussions and upcoming release discussions take place on this list, as the people working on the DSpace code hang out here.
- Sign up for dspace-devel (Click "Join group") or search the archives
- You may also sign up by simply emailing
- : Notification list for all changes to the DSpace codebase in GitHub.This is for "hardcore" developers only. This listserv reports the latest code commits, allowing developers to keep in touch with the latest DSpace code changes.
- Sign up for dspace-changelog (Click "Join group") or search the archives
- You may also sign up by simply emailing
Non-English Lists
While we hope that the community works together by using the above lists, some mailing lists enabling non-English speakers to participate are emerging. We strongly encourage people on those lists who speak English to liaise between them.
- Czech - CZDSUG mailing list
- Japanese (日本語) - The National Institute of Informatics runs an email list for institutional repositories, including DSpace. Contact co5 (at) for further information.
- Spanish (Spain) - DSpace Spanish User Group, Gude
- Spanish (Peru) - DSpace Peru
- Spanish (Mexico) - DSpace Mexico
German DSpace-de German DSpace user community.
- Portuguese - DSpace Brasil
South Africa (incl. Africa) IR Community: