Archived / Obsolete Documentation

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  • [dspace-src]/xmlui/themes/[theme-dir]/template.xsl (Custom theme's stylesheet – may be named differently for custom themes)
  • [dspace-src]/xmlui/themes/dri2xhtml/structural.xsl (Page structure stylesheet for Class, Kubrick, Reference & dri2xhtml based themes)
  • [dspace-src]/xmlui/themes/dri2xhtml-alt/core/page-structure.xsl (Page structure stylesheet for Mirage & dri2xhtml-alt based themes)


  1. If you haven't already, you need to Create a new theme
  2. To modify the header, locate the template named "buildHeader" inside the proper XSLT in your theme (see above file locations). Copy this template into your theme's local 'template.xsl' (or whatever you named your custom theme's stylesheet) and modify the XSLT as needed.
    <xsl:template name="buildHeader">
  3. To modify the footer, locate the template named "buildFooter" inside the proper XSLT in your theme (see above file locations). Copy this template into your theme's local 'template.xsl' (or whatever you named your custom theme's stylesheet) and modify the XSLT as needed.
    <xsl:template name="buildFooter">