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Attendees: Tim, Greg, Steven, Lynette, Huda, Lynette

Regrets: none!

Action from 2020-07-17 Cornell LD4P3 Meeting notes


  • LD4 Conference highlights (in addition to those noted on 7/10 and 7/17)
    • Huda did a great job with her discover talk (excellently moderated by Steven too)
    • Emma Boettcher from U Chicago discussed grad students interviewed, and relationship to linked data
    • Carnegie Hall data lab presentation, demos very good
  • LD4P2 wrap up
    • Discovery: Much documentation completed.  Still to do: Indexing Processes (started/in progress).  Committing to doing demo intro/closing today to be done with it (Using wham! autosuggest video Tim sent earlier).
      • slides linked above include use cases, questions we wanted to address and info on indexing. Huda Khanwill be adding more. Demo video has some walk thru of indexing. 
      • intro and closing for technical demo will be done today (Huda commits to this)
    • Huda closed out the project on github, created ld4p2 branch
    • We should put copies of google docs content on the wiki (PDF dumps) just to record a copy
    • Huda will post video draft link on slack for comment
  • LD4P3 planning questions (kickoff)(proposal)
    • WP2 - A key element of this work package is a sustainable solution that others can deploy. Questions of budget for deployment. Need to get all code into LD4P repository. What would a good end-product look like both for our maintenance and for others to use
      • Cache Containerization Plan - no significant updates this week, plan to look at containerization next week
      • ACTION - Simeon to organize meeting of Lynette/Greg/Steven/Dave/Simeon
        • 2020-07-24: Meeting with Dave this pm
      • Coordination
        • Questions about how to host these containers
        • Discussion of boundary between Dave's work and ours
        • QA itself has clearer path to containerization
        • Decision to focus on LC Demographics - modest size and widely used (no wonky alarm), new vocab so folks are working out how to integrate 
      • SF- reached out to Jennifer Baxmeyer and Nancy Lorimer about PCC prioritization of QA work. Current thinking acknowledges that we need POCO/others to make leadership decisions about core vocabs to make sure are serviceable, and also possibly fold in QA UX questions into the larger Sinopia UX discussion.
    • WP3 - Which parts of LD4P2 should we take forward? What is a good candidate for production? Are there new areas of user research?
      • ACTION: look at Blacklight and Cornell meeting notes to better understand what people liked... and what is near-to production.
      • Started brainstorming document after all
      • Question: If considering a "deep dive" meeting, who would need to be there that hasn't already been in a preliminary meeting?  Project directors? Other LD4P3ers? (Follow on meetings will happen and have to have continuing "DOG" meetings on a regular basis but wondering from the point of view of the entire grant team as a whole)
      • ACTION - Huda to reach out to CUL staff who expressed interest at March session for informal discussion
      • ACTION - Discuss possible organization of brainstorming session with CUL staff on directions
        • what data sources are useful? what interactions do we want to facilitate?
        • suggestion to start with some big/open question - may be fruitful, may be quiet
        • have some of our ideas too
        • be ready to switch to examples from work so far and where we might take it
      • ACTION - Work out plan for auto-suggest
        • auto-suggest work has progressed since March and would be worth showing to folks again - want to get this on D&A agenda
        • Need to be very clear of value proposition for our approach
        • Need to understand what would be require in order to get this into production
      • Should there be a partner deep-dive on WP3? Yes 
        • ACTION - Huda to work with Michelle on setting this up
  • LD4P3 demo blacklight site
    • Greg wonders whether worthwhile working on full CI/deploy
    • ACTION - Huda to check that is going to be continuing repo
    • Need to work out whether we want to resync our fork of BL with the current Cornell code – better to start with a new fork and then port in anything we want to keep
      • ACTION - Greg/Tim/Huda to design github branching strategy for LD4P3 work
    • Note that various buttons on 
  • What are Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data? C.f. Stanford functional requirements document:
    • What does success look like? And then how do we get there? 
    • Jason Kovari : will start organizing thoughts around this and will speak more next week
  • Other Topics
    • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
      • Huda did UI tests and saw wikibase instance with search tasks. Very familiar because of wikidata, use top right search box that has auto-complete. Focus on people 
      • Also API access
    • Steven filled out cohort survey on Sinopia pointing out strengths weaknesses with the profile approach.
  • SWIB 2020 - Deadline extended to July 27
    • ACTION - Lynette will submit a proposal
    • Huda submitted revised proposal
    • Steven reached out to PCC Application Profile Group about a possible proposal that would highlight scheduled work over the summer.

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?

  • Huda and Greg might be out next week
  • Simeon out Aug 7
  • No labels