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Attendees: Tim, Jason, Lynette, Huda, Simeon

Regrets: Steven (DC), John (Boston)

Agenda & Notes

Review actions from 2019-10-25 Cornell LD4P2 Meeting notes , there was no 2019-11-01 meeting

  • E. Lynette Rayle will describe current state of wikidata work (as identified on Prioritization page) and then ask Christine Fernsebner Eslao what we might consider "done" for the next pass on wikidata, then perhaps create new and more specific issues for later improvements
    • 2019-10-11 Updated Issue #15 to touch base with Christine Fernsebner Eslao
    • 2019-10-18 Steven has had some discussion, question remaining is what might be "good enough" for this round given Sinopia's ability to let the user go out to the native environment and bring in a URI. Lynette comments that no response from wikidata folks who seemed interested in the feedback we gave. Will discuss in a future QA "study hall"
    • 2019-10-25 On agenda for study hall 1 Nov
    • 2019-11-08 Discussion in study hall, suggestion is that we need to explore all wikidata APIs to make the fetch faster, sense is that the search speed is adequate for now. Currently known APIs return huge amounts of data and are thus very slow; using the SPARQL endpoint will require some extra code in QA to POST the query and parse result → 
  • Huda Khan to finish off KPAOW Usability results write up and lessons learned and possible future steps, then upload copies to this wiki
  • John Skiles Skinner , Huda Khan and others working on white paper on knowledge panels as followup from Blacklight LD @ Stanford
    • 2019-10-25 Will be discussed in DAG next Tuesday
    • 2019-11-08 Discussed in last week's DAG meeting, to be revisited by next DAG meeting 11/26
  • Huda Khan to discuss with Astrid and David possible collaboration with U Chicago over usability (and maybe others in DOG team)
    • Meeting with Astrid, Lynette, Steven and David and Emma set for 11/21 (Tim is out that week) to discuss potential usability work for discovery and Sinopia
  • Huda Khan working with EBSCO on scheduling vocabularies and data tool demo
    • 2019-10-25 EBSCO are going to suggest a time

Status updates and planning

  • Prep for DC cohort and partner meetings
  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
    • STARTING with items not in DIscogs but AWAITING more work in Sinopia to import data. Sinopia work cycle 2 (through December 6) will we hope include the ability to read in RDF back from Trellis. We hope that we can leverage this to import RDF from a lookup in Discogs or ShareVDE. 
  • Enhanced Discovery (see also and
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Lookup infrastructure:, Authority requests:
    • Sinopia work cycle will end December 6. After then we can only expect big fixes (perhaps somewhat expansively defined) through the rest of this grant
    • Understood difference between DIscogs and QA context results (hash or array of hashes) and have decided that Sinopia will always expect the more complex form. Tim has modified the discogs authority to match this pattern. Output from QA will be unified when these changes have been merge. Lynette will reviews Tim's PR for this today.
    • Lynette will also complete another PR (refactor with some other things) for community review today
    • Will release new QA with these when approved. Will then need Sinopia team to make the corresponding adjustments, Jeremy says this should be straightforward
    • Question of when Sinopia shows extended context – currently this happens in term lookup but not in the larger search ==> we expect that context will be necessary to select search result, should discuss on Wednesday. Jason will find some good examples in SHARE-VDE data to illustrate the point
    • Given limited time remaining in Sinopia work cycle, items in that require both QA and Sinopia work (except pagination which is high priority in both) probably should be de-prioritized
    • Dave want to discuss indexing issues with cohort to decide on priorities
    • Pagination - Dave has added number of results to responses and Lynette will work passing this through when the data appears properly
    • Dave is still looking at move from CONSTRUCT to SELECT for a larger index (SHARE-VDE)
  • Travel and meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
    • Fall partner and cohort meeting in DC, November 12/13
      • Cohort and Partner Meetings#3: November 12-13 2019, Library of Congress
      • Tim will be on D&A sprint that week, everyone else should plan on attending
      • Team bus will leave Ithaca ~2pm Monday, return Thursday morning. We'll stay around Dupont, perhaps Holiday Inn or Darcy next door?
      • Simeon has reserved minivan from Enterprise Ithaca, planning 2pm departure Monday
    • 5th International LODLAM SUMMIT at the The Getty Center in Los Angeles. February 3-4, 2020
      • Steven is on the planning committee, Lynette and Simeon applied
      • Expect to have a "tool challenge" - a competition before the conference
    • LD4 Conference at College Station, TX (TAMU) - May 13/14, 2020
      • Jason is on PC
    • rdfs:seeAlso Conferences Related to Linked Data in Libraries
  • Next meetings:
    • 2019-11-08 ... ?
  • No labels