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Call Details




Week 1, Day 1 (10/15)

  • Attendees: Bill, Nick, Danny
  • Danny starting DURACLOUD-956
  • Process: 
    • Test the change prior to creating the PR
    • Another developer handles the PR merging, with testing as well
    • Is there a template for the PR? Not yet, something to look. Danny to grab this from Fedora.
    • Create a PR, then put this into the JIRA as you move it to In Review. When closing the Jira, add link to the commit that resolved the issue.
    • How do we want to be handling PR merging
  • Code changes, when is testing done?
    • Depends on the change. Some aren't possible to test locally. Best to test locally when that's possible.
  • Courtney and Heather did meet and divided up tasks for documentation updates
  • Nick starting DURACLOUD-1196 and DURACLOUD-623
  • Discussion of DURACLOUD-1192, would be nice to have Heather or Courtney on the call. Decision to wait for discussion.
  • Discussion of DURACLOUD-1205
    • When starting the SyncTool UI, the UI needs to get loaded before the clear button could be displayed. This is a problem because often the UI can't be displayed when something is wrong with the config.
    • Could we have an option on the loading screen? This would display before the config is loaded.
    • The loading dialog is a Swing component, which could be extended to ask the user if they want to clear config
    • There is an option to automatically start the app on OS startup, want to make sure not to cause problems in this scenario
      • If the user doesn't make a choice in a given amount of time, then the app starts with existing config. So there would be a countdown to startup, and if no action is taken, the app starts normally.

Week 1, Day 2 (10/16)

Week 1, Day 4 (10/18)

  • How best to use the Range header
    • Want to speed up transfers, by having parallel transfers. But we're not doing this now, so wait on it.
      • This would require more disk. Would need to keep track of order (probably temp files with a naming scheme).
      • If you do the checksum at the end, and it's not right, you'd have to throw it all away.
    • Being able to restart from where we run into a problem (re-start). This reduces the amount of content we need to re-download.
      • Danny is close to being done with this. Update to the contentstore API.
  • Nick: Local deployment
    • Local deploy of DuraCloud 5.0 wars seems to work fine
    • Will swap out the Oracle JDK, to see if that makes a difference
  • Nick: Picking up config file, but the file isn't available from the classloader as it's an external file
    • Use @PropertySource annotation instead, to pull from system property. Still use independent class to load the config data.

Week 1, Day 5 (10/19)

  • Danny: For 1191, bump up the retries
  • Danny: Testing 1201 now, will pick up 1177 afterwards
  • Nick: Local issue appears to be due to use of a static variable, which doesn't allow spring to auto-wire the expected dependency
  • Bill: Continuing to work on AWS Imagine Grant writing

Week 2, Day 1 (10/22)

  • Danny has 1201 out for review. Nick to take a look, make sure it meets TDL needs.
  • Danny has 1191 out for review, Bill to take a look. Performance issue on Retrieval Tool should be resolved
  • Nick working on 623. Was having issues last week, seems to have been an issue with vscode adding .classpath files. May consider IntelliJ
  • Bill working on AWS Imagine Grant, will share with Heather
  • Heather and Courtney planning to work on documentation. There is some file directory docs on the TDL side to incorporate. Planning to work together on Wed and Friday.

Week 2, Day 2 (10/23)

  • Nick working on 623, needing to wire in the new classes via the XML config

Week 2,, Day 3 (10/24)

  • Nick completed 623, Danny and Bill to review. Does there need to be a test for the bean?
  • Nick started 1196, will be adding another tab on the MC interface for handling root users
  • Courtney to be working on docs today
  • Danny working on 1177, so will need to make sure no conflicts with Nick's work on 1196
  • For 1192: deleting spaces is not a common action. We want to make it really obvious.
    • Having to type the name of the space is more of a cognitive interrupt
    • Sticking with the AWS model makes sense here
    • Still include language that says "you're doing something different here"
    • Can use all caps to bring attention (don't use color, for accessibility reasons)
    • Bill to update the ticket with notes
  • Bill to pick up 1209 then 1207
  • Heather reviewing AWS grant doc, planning to work on docs on Friday

Week 2, Day 4 (10/25)

  • Nick, things going well on 1196, most of the classes are there. Added setRoot in duracloud-db. Issue getting the build process to use local version.
  • IntelliJ tend to drop unnecessary tabs/spaces
  • Danny stuck on 1191. If unplugging router, seems to just hang.
    • Issue may not be related to Danny's recent changes
    • If stopping wifi, the transfer continues - may be due to buffering, but not clear why this is different
    • Could test this in AWS, not clear if this would help
    • When stepping through with wifi off, the error was thrown and everything seemed to work
    • There isn't an incremental backoff currently for retrieving the list of content items


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