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Table of Contents

Bill - FedoraShare

  • Missing - Call disseminations using REST API
  • Web 2.0 - Add your content easily.
  • Relate the stuff from multiple sites.
  • What is the user experience?
  • Eddie - Goal is Fedora API improvements or FedoraShare application?
  • Inform, Include, Provide easy simple application (Sandy - note Timeline from Simile)
  • YouTube as a dissemination. (example dissemination)
  • Google has a different OpenID impl.
  • With FedoraShare HTML page with YouTube embed tag.
  • Yahoo Pipes? Investigate. Kepler.
  • Simple back-end.
  • Users as first class objects.
  • Messaging does API-A.
  • Dan - Rebuild slider in FedoraShare.
  • Triple benefits.
  • Replication into multiple sources.
  • Flex is well supported.
  • Low impact frontend.
  • Dan - Local App/Server
  • Paul - Apple written in Javascript as alternative
  • Developers - My shop does not support?
  • Reusable code?
  • Separable components.

Paul - Mulgara

  • JTA (Andre)
    • Handle all transactions
    • One write at a time - need to move to multiple writers
  • Connection API
    • Graph URIs (permits arbitrary URIs - does not identify host)
    • Rmi:// as opposed to # (fragment ID)
  • SPARQL Engine
  • SPARQL Language
    • Focused on join optimizations rather than filtering which is needed for complex SPARQL queries
    • Meeting W3C SPARQL spec especially what goes in must come back exactly (cannot be canonicalized)
  • Sesame Integration
    • James at Sesame giving good feedback
    • Sesame is 100% SPARQL but not Mulgara. SPARQL has distinct clause which causes problems with set semantics. Not easily fixed. No support for Regular Expression (different from Java). Order-by arbitrary expression support.
    • TQL (iTQL name going away)
    • SPARQL
    • Using Servlets
    • Throw exception if "insert" into Get operation
    • Post expects an RDF file
    • May be output in JSON
    • Cleaned up no longer implemented in Barracuda
    • Tutorial mentions graph URI: (not needed for real) Select Query: Query: Submit Button
  • XA 1.1
    • Scalability
    • Multiple writers
    • No problem with recycling Identifiers on 64bit systems
    • 192 to 32 files for storage
    • Better block writes
    • Get test info from Ronald/Paul for presentations
    • Change term from Model to Graph (W3C)
    • Can index on all three orders SPO, POS, OSP
    • Can index SPOG,POSG,OSPG,GSPO,GPOS,GOSP mostly these
  • RLog - RDF Prolog
    • hasUncle(X, Z) :- hasFather(X, Y), hasBrother(Y, Z). head :- body
    • (X Y Z) y(X, Z) [foo:bar rdf:type foot:person]

    • Foof:Person(foo:bar).
    • Supports transitivity, symmetry, will support consistency
    • User transitivity to implement a resolver
  • JLine - Library for Java but must use native code to do it. Supports a lot of platforms. Andy wrote

Bill - Admin Client

  • Minimal Version
  • Public Comment
  • Alpha Distribution
  • Keep the old version for at least one iteration

Eddie - funAPI

  • Make Fedora Zotero friendly
  • Easiest to use OAI-PMH

Eddie - AtomPub

  • Potential input servlet
  • Simple get/post to URL
  • How do we want to set all the other properties on the object
  • Separate from SWORD, they may do the Fedora implementation themselves

Eddie - Zotero as Client of Fedora

  • Uses WebDav, Raymond, does he think they will support Atom PP.
  • Do we want to rethink WebDav


  • Look at same platforms, MS Silverlight too small installed base, using Flex and ROR and simple HTML.
  • Cannot get full management info on datastreams
  • Timestamp checked for lazy lock
  • Cannot do relationships
  • No getDatastreams
  • Setting the content model
  • Indexing (e.g Search Engine)
  • Query by Relation (RISearch)
  • Find by Content Model hard to do
  • Find by Relationship
  • Directly support the DC datasets
  • Find by DC Terms
  • Find by a Specific Property or Value
  • Leverage off OTM finding objects query language

Aaron - NSDL Implementation in Fedora 3.0

  • In NSDL Wiki
  • Move to FR30 to reduce pain points.
  • OAIprovider does not have an understanding of NSDL Information model
    • Makes it difficult to find related items
    • Views are inconsistent
  • Resource -> Aggregator -> Aggregator -> Aggregator path can be traversed, queried, or be a service itself
  • Eddie - Repository should know its own structure without depending on client
  • Chris - Also like an inferencing problem
  • Both Content Model and SDef represent kinds of "typeiness"
  • For access this is easier to see but what about create/ingest/write
  • Could we generate Client code?
  • What REST style is most effective for Fedora?

Rick - Plone & CMS

  • Plone - CMS in Python
  • Collections are captured searches
  • Links (except the built-in generic isLinkedTo) are user defined strings
  • Content Modeler widely used.
  • Active content display server

Paul - Mulgara Roadmap

  • Rules engine has been around. Compile Horn Clauses to rules.
  • Has uptake.
  • Distributed queries but need improvement. Can improve performance especially network.
  • Cloud optimizations, wants help
  • Clustering, multi disk optimizations (RAID 1, configuration)
  • Hadoop
  • Loading RDF is still the bottleneck but clustering is the coming problem
  • SPARQL update, modify missing (delete then insert), no transactions
  • Virtual graphs through resolvers, Mulgara does not have filters
  • Rules, too course-grained for right now
  • Consistency Checking
  • RLog - needs to be more like a scripting engine, move to move parser then impl as resolver
  • RETE engine for dynamic updates (most expensive)
  • XA 1.1
  • Security

Development Community, Processes and Infrastructure

Chris - How we are provisioning projects

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
  • No labels