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Developers Meeting on Weds, September 15, 2010


Meeting Notes

Some discussion of License Headers (Not enough attendees for a quorum)

Meeting Transcript

The IRC Logger wasn't working – so, here's a full transcript of discussions provided by Peter Dietz:

* Topic for #duraspace is: Welcome to DuraSpace - This channel is logged -
* Topic for #duraspace set by cwilper at Tue Jun 30 16:32:05 2009
<PeterDietz> Hi All who are here. Here's the agenda for today:
<PeterDietz> Are there enough to do a jira review today? I think there are about two/three people online
* keithg (~keithgilb@ has joined #duraspace
<PeterDietz> For getting things ready to commit, clearing away good code to go into production, my question is what is the step to do when you're ready to commit? Write code, test it, ask someone to review?
<PeterDietz> Tell the RC to test you're code?
<PeterDietz> Important Dates: Oct 22 is feature freeze. Since RC1 will cut on Nov 5, code needs to be in before then. Bug fixes will come in as needed.
* mdiggory ( has joined #duraspace
<PeterDietz> Just so today isn't completely a NOOP. What is the plan for shortening license headers for 1.7? Trim the license on all files so they include a link. And have a central / public license file?
* alxp has quit (Quit: alxp)
<keithg> Will we have to touch all of the files?
* alxp (~alxp@PC044.ROBLIB.UPEI.CA) has joined #duraspace
* alxp has quit (Client Quit)
<PeterDietz> You can have maven take care of that:
<mdiggory> keithg: yes we would need to touch all the files, we already have the mechanism in place to handle the license formating
<keithg> alright - I feel like Brad posted the new license or the location of the new license once, but I can't find it
<mdiggory> or, its present int he modules directory
<mdiggory> look at <artifactId>maven-license-plugin</artifactId>
<mdiggory> in
<keithg> thank you
<mdiggory> the async prototype is attempting to utilize this pom as the parent... which would enable license formatting throughout the project, but for the time being I'd just steal the line and put it into the dspace-parent pom
<mdiggory> sorry (lines)
* robint (5229fd08@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
<mdiggory> some recommendations...
<keithg> this is a dense question, maybe, but do we manually take the existing headers out or does the plugin handle that?
<mdiggory> plugin does that
<mdiggory> 1.) I'd drop the lines for svn keyword replacement out of the template
<mdiggory> they cause the plugint o constantly bark that the license headers are incorrect
<mdiggory> even though they are not.
<mdiggory> reformats the header, but svn determines that the file didn't change because all that changed were keyword replacement contents
<mdiggory> 2) Brad gave a new location for....
<mdiggory> 3.) Copyright (c) 2002-2009, DuraSpace
<mdiggory> needs to be 2010...
<keithg> okay
<PeterDietz> I don't see any lib/licenses directory, which is referenced in LICENSE.txt
<mdiggory> :-) theres no "lib" directory anymore in the trunk
<mdiggory> hmm, maybe research if maven can populate Licenses from artifacts included in dpendencies
<keithg> it looks like there's still a repo/dspace/trunk/dspace/LICENSE file in addition to, too
<mdiggory> but that sounds like a different project.
<mdiggory> yes, but Brad/Tim would know more about their wanting to control the source of the "official" license file
<keithg> alright
<mdiggory> note... fedora is licensed via Apache license and with multiple copyright holders
* robint has quit (Quit: Page closed)
<PeterDietz> I was somewhat wondering that too. Noticing that MIT and HP weren't on the license.txt
<PeterDietz> OK, Meeting Conclusion, thanks for the excellent and productive DSpace meeting. And, keep on chugging away on your code so that its not too much of a rush to get it in the release.
<keithg> goodnight
* keithg has quit (Quit: keithg)
<PeterDietz> later mdiggory. I'll be in #dspace
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