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Meeting Schedule and Attendance

DSpace Developer meetings are a time when Committers and interested Developers can discuss new software features, upcoming releases of DSpace software, and generally plan out the roadmap of DSpace. All meetings are public. We welcome anyone and everyone to attend, speak their opinions or just listen in on the discussions. Please note that we archive all discussions (see Meeting Archives), as a service for those who are unable to attend.

DSpace Developer meetings take place on the following schedule:

  • Every Wednesday at 20:00 UTC/GMT in #duraspace IRC channel
  • All meetings are held for 1 hour (although, admittedly, discussion sometimes extends beyond that)

See the world clock to determine the meeting time where you live.
This meeting schedule is also available via the DuraSpace Public Events Calendar (iCal, RSS Feed).

Meeting topics often include:

  • Recent updates on upcoming DSpace releases, bug fixes or features
  • Reviewing of recent reported issues/bugs/feature requests (see JIRA Cleanup Sessions for more info)
  • Occasionally we vote or make decisions on upcoming DSpace technology plans/roadmap (see Developer Voting Procedures for more info)

If you are unable to attend a meeting, please feel free to add your own notes/comments to the meeting's wiki page.

Developers Meeting on Weds, January 5, 2011


  • Reflections on the 1.7.0 Release Process
    • What went well?
    • What could have been improved?
    • General feedback / suggestions?
    • Has anyone begun/completed their local institution's upgrade to 1.7.0?

Meeting Notes

Reflections on 1.7.0 release process, JIRA Review

  • Performed a JIRA review – ended with DS-645
  • Reflections on 1.7.0 Release process
    • Good:
      • Time-based release seemed to have worked well & we were on time!
    • Problematic / Could be improved:
      • Maven release issues – these are now fixed, and new Maven release process (via Sonatype) is heavily documented in our Release Procedure
      • Documentation processes – We need better processes/procedures for updating the new Wiki-based Docs. There was a quick scramble in the week before 1.7.0 to get all the necessary documentation in place.
      • Sharing Code & Earlier Feedback
        • General consensus that we'd like to (1) share code earlier, (2) get feedback/testing earlier, and (3) preferably get that feedback well before RC1, so that a feature has time to morph/change.
        • No agreement yet on how best to accomplish these goals. Several ideas came to mind (one or more of which could potentially be helpful):
          1. Early "Beta" releases – these would be early releases of DSpace to show off one or more new features and give opportunity for immediate feedback. They'd likely need to happen one or more month(s) before the feature freeze & Release Candidate #1, so that features could change/morph based on initial feedback.
          2. DCVS (e.g. git) – could be used to promote more early code sharing
          3. Agile Release practices – could be used to establish intermediate/early deadlines ("iterations") throughout the year (e.g. separate deadlines for "beta1", "beta2", "rc1", etc.), to get us to try and get code out there earlier, and perhaps even allow for early "beta" releases.
  • We ran out of time and didn't get to discussion about timeframes for 1.7.1 or 1.8.0, yet
  • We are still looking for a volunteer to act as Release Coordinator for 1.7.1 and/or 1.8.0

Meeting Transcript

Meeting Archives

Notes and Transcripts from all recent Developers Meetings are available off of the Developer Meeting Archives page.

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