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Wednesday, October 27 at 11:00 EDT

LG members:

Paul Albert, Ann BeynonRobert Cartolano,  Anna GuillaumetDoug Hahn, Christian Hauschke,  (star) Terrie Wheeler


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Robert Miller, Michele Mennielli


Federico Ferrario,Mike Conlon, Tom Cramer

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information

Zoom connection information is available in the Outlook invitation.

Meeting Minutes


  1. Quarterly Financial Report – On October 22, 2021 Laurie Arp shared the VIVO Quarterly Financial Report. Key points Laurie noted were that we are in the black, we are awaiting a few more membership renewals, and given recent staffing shifts and availability, we may have at most a few thousand we could invest in concentrated development if needed.
  2. In 2020, IMLS funded a second phase of It Takes a Village work:ITAV in Practice to create and pilot an adaptable set of tools for practical use in sustainability planning for OSS programs. We are creating toolkits for each of the four facets: Governance, Technology, Resources, and Community Engagement. You can access the Beta Governance Toolkit at:
  3. Proposal accepted, CNI Fall ’21. Proposal Title:  Supporting University Resilience During the Pandemic through VIVO, the Open Source Research Information Management System (Bruce, Damaris and Robert Miller)
  4. Announcing (likely) a new event regarding the Spanish speaking VIVO group. Organizers meet at Oct 25 to discuss it.  Anna Guillaumet noted that they are working on next event, which will be held in the beginning of 2022.  She will make an announcement once they have a firm date.
  5. 2021 Annual Report presented to LG, and will be available at this link.

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Schedule for November Meeting – move meeting to NOV 17th?

Bruce proposed moving the November LG meeting to November 17th at 11:00am.  This may be problematic for some in Europe, but that was only suggested and not confirmed.  The elections schedule does allow for an earlier meeting if this is found necessary.  We will plan on an October 17, 2021 meeting unless there is subsequent requests for this to change.  No strong requests to keep this the week of American’s Thanksgiving were noted during the meeting.

  1. Reminder - 2021 Schedule for Elections

Sept 1 – 10             Nominations for the Bronze representative election

Sept 13 – 22           Elections for the Bronze election

Sept 23-Oct 1         Nominations for the Community Member election

Oct 4 – 13              Elections for the Community Member election 

Oct 14 – 22             Nominations for LG officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary)

Oct 25 - Nov 5      Elections for LG officers

Nov 8 – 16              Orientation, training (Bruce will ask Julia to do)

Nov 17 or Nov 24   First Leadership Group meeting with new officers and members (depending on whether we want to move up our Nov meeting due to American Thanksgiving – OK with me if we keep it on Nov 24)

  1. Terrie reviewed the schedule, and asked for forgiveness that she did not close the nominations for Officers on October 22 as planned. The nominations were closed on this day, October 26, 2021, and the ballot for officers will be sent out shortly, and before the end of the week.  Those nominated for offices are as follows:  Bruce Herbert and Ann Beynon were nominted for Chair, Anna Guillaumet was nominated for Vice-Chair, Terrie Wheeler and Doug Hahn were nominated for Secretary, and Doug Hahn and Terrie Wheeler were nominated for Treasurer.  Elections for VIVO Officers will close November 8, 2021.
  2. Report on the first VIVO-euroCRIS meeting

Anna:  On October 14 the inaugural meeting of euroCris and VIVO board members under the newly formed MOU took place.  Those representing VIVO included: Anna Guillaumet, Bruce Herbert, Mic Mennielli, Damaris Murry, Dragan Ivanovic, and Laurie Arp.  Those attending for euroCRIS were Pablo De Castro, Sadia Vancauwenbergh (euroCRIS President), and Miguel Angel Sicilia.  This group reviewed the MOU agreement, and proposed starting the mapping project between the VIVO and CERIF ontologies. VIVO and euroCRIS will each need 2-3 members to work on this project.  VIVO LG can nominate people to participate in this ontology sub-group, or you can send me nominations of who you would like to participate.  We would like to have this team formed within the next two weeks, or by November 15.  We would like to have a final working plan by the end of this calendar year. 

Bruce:  How many people the mapping project will require? 

Anna: Not many people.  About 2-3.  This work has been done previously, and this group would only need to review the work, and establish a plan for updating in the future.  There are tools for maintaining dates, but we need to decide how to do this.  The thinking is 2-3 people from each organization should be enough.  The mapping will be updated whenever SERIF or VIVO ontology changes. 

Bruce:  Would you like me to reach out to the Ontology Team?

Anna:  Yes

Christian:  I can do that, since I am on this team.  I think the Ontology Team is excited to do this!

Bruce:  Great, Christian!  Please do that and let us know who will be involved.

Anna:  The second agreement of this meeting was that VIVO will have a VIVO track at the euroCRIS conference in May, 2022, in Croatia.  We can organize this track as VIVO and present only the contents to EuroCRIS.  In this manner we can design the track ourselves, and submit the entire track at once.  All we need is a description of the track, and we organize the content of this track internally.

Bruce:  How would you suggest we develop this track thing for the EuroCRIS meeting?

Anna;  Maybe we need 2 people to do a small call for papers.  Announce to community that we will have a track, and then seek interest for those who would want to present. 

Bruce:  Will do

Anna:  I will send the notes for the Ontology Mapping endeavor via e-mail.  People can nominate themselves or propose someone else.   I can also send these links to the chat.

Bruce:  Save the date for the euroCRIS conference.  It will be held May 12-14 in Dubrovnik (Croatia) as an on-site event.  A call for proposals will be issued soon.

Bruce:  Any more questions/comments for Anna?

  1. Discussion of VIVO Leadership Group Composition (Anna, Christian, Laurie, Michele, 20 Mins)

Bruce:  Anna, Christian, Laurie, Ann and Mic, are you ready to speak about the Ad Hoc Group recommendation to change leadership group composition.  This document is displayed. 


Ann:  Our group focused on the first two proposals, one seat per institution and a mechanism by which the entire VIVO Community can vote for the Community member seats.  The rationale for the first proposal is that some institutions have two seats and others only have one.  Therefore the voices of those with only one seat is less than those with two seats.  It is perceived that the interests of the larger members dominate the interest of the smaller members.  We therefore propose that every institution only have one seat.

Damaris:  Each institution only has one seat currently.  But platinum institutions do pay more, and the VIVO community benefits from these resources.  Those with two members have the second member elected via a Community member election.  Platinum members should continue to be permitted to have another member of their team elected through the community member process.

Terrie:  I agree with Damaris.  Platinum members pay as much as two Gold Members.  I could argue that Platinum members should get two seats for what they pay for, to incentivize platinum membership.  The VIVO Community depends on their platinum members to pay the Lyrasis bills, for example.  And my volunteer work as an officer, on top of what Weill Cornell pays, means that I am contributing inordinately more to the VIVO Community.  Shouldn’t this be acknowledged and rewarded?

Rob:  Terrie makes very good points.  Weill Cornell’s contributions are significant, as are Duke’s and Texas A&M’s.  What is done in other organizations is that when there are multiple members, each institution gets one vote.  This may be another approach to consider.

Christian:  That would be fine.  Organizations can have as many seats as they want, but only one vote.

Terrie:  Please again note that I am arguing for platinum institutions to have more than one seat if the second is elected by the community.  I am not advocating that any institution have more than one seat.  Although I could be open to one vote per institution.  It would depend on how the vote was administered, but that may make good sense.  I speak as an expert in administering the vote!

Ann:  The second proposal we are putting forth is one that would allow voting for Community Members by the VIVO Community, and not just by the LG.  To do this we thought about what is a good way to determine who is a VIVO Community member, and not someone’s relative or neighbor?  We thought that perhaps administering the Community Member vote through the VIVO Slack channel would be a great way to do this.  Those with Slack accounts can vote, and there are various voting platforms employed by Slack that we could explore.

Terrie:  I like this idea.  It would ensure that people who are in the VIVO Community vote, and some are more familiar with the slack channel and use it frequently. 

Ann:  We didn’t consider why there was only three community members.  Does anyone know why only three?

Bruce: I am not aware of why there is only three.  We could consider more if we all agree that more engagement is better.  I’ve been advocating for a while that membership on the VIVO Leadership Group is not all that it is cracked up to be.  The real work gets done in the interest groups and task forces.  We need more active membership in those groups.  I’ve also suggested having the interest groups and task forces report twice a year on their progress to the Leadership Group.

This conversation became so fast paced, that the secretary lost the ability to follow individual contributions.  In general, the following ideas were proposed:

  1. Platinum members may have more than one seat if the second seat is elected through the community
  2. Every institution may have one vote
  3. We may expand the number of community members from 3 to 5
  4. Voting for the community members would be done through Slack

The ad-hoc task force that has initiated this discussion will take these ideas back and formulate a series of motions.  Each motion will be presented at the next LG meeting for further discussion and revision.  Once motions are finalized, then each written motion will be put to a formal vote. 

  1. Lyrasis Assessment of the VIVO Community – this presentation by Robert Miller will be held over to the November meeting.
    1. Project goals
    2. Assessment rubric and evaluation
    3. Group discussion of future action

The meeting was adjourned at noon Eastern time.


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