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[To configure which fields display in result sets from "/islandora/repository/" requests, edit the template file islandora-basic-collection.tpl.php in the site's theme.]

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Display fields


  1. In the "Add another item" box, begin typing a Solr field name (the box will provide suggestions as you type). You may use multi-valued Solr fields. See Appendix D for a list of eligible field names. 
  2. Click Add to add the field to the display.
  3. Once a field has been added, click Configure for more options. Different Solr field types will have different options for configuration.
    1. Label: Enter a user-friendly display label to represent the field in the search results.
    2. Linking: Link this field to the object it describes (use for fairly unique values, like titles or identifiers). With some fields it can be used as a link to perform a new Solr search based on the value of the field (such as author names, subject terms, or series titles for a related items search).
    3. Highlight: Check this box to enable highlighting the search term in the field(s) where it is found (keyword in context). Only works on tokenized Solr fields. See Appendix D where this is explained. 
    4. Maximum length: Truncate field values in the search results display. Especially useful for potentially long fields such as notes, descriptions, and full text fields.
    5. Permissions: Specify user roles that should have access to this field.


Enter a number for how many objects should appear on each page of search results.

Caveat: The following are recently added settings not yet described in this document:y addied options not yet described here:

  • Advanced results per page
  • Field value separator
  • Truncated field value separator

Enable search navigation block


Default boolean operator - Specify whether search results must contain all (AND) of he the search terms or any (OR) of the search terms in the query.


To present the Advanced search block on its own page, add the block to the "Content" theme region (the main section on a page). Then create a new Drupal node and set the Advanced search block to display on only that node.

Caveat: The following are recently added settings not yet described in this document:

  • Allow Preservation of Filters
  • Human-friendly Current Query
  • Escape Lucene special characters

Query defaults

This menu contains settings that apply to all Solr queries in Islandora. Installations of Islandora that have namespace restrictions must enter the namespaces here to restrict the search results to only the relevant namespaces. You can enter more than one namespace.

Be careful with the "Solr field for default query" because it doesn't check to see the field actually exists. The Solr field must not be a multivalued Solr field, thus, it cannot be a Dublin Core field. Note also that this setting requires "asc" of "desc" in addition to the Solr field name.

The values appearing in the figure below serve only as examples.
