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Overview of Dependencies

Most Islandora Solution Packs and some modules will require that you have one or more of the following dependencies installed so that Islandora Content Models can perform prescribed actions on your data objects. Review Islandora Solution Packs to see what dependencies are required for the solution packs you wish to install.

Apache Reverse Proxy

If you wish to use an iframe with the Islandora Viewer you must configure Apache with  a reverse proxy. Note: These instructions are for configurations with Fedora running on the same server as Drupal.


  1. Add the following to Apache's httpd.conf file or desired virtual host, if using Apache virtual hosts:

    Code Block
    ProxyRequests Off

    ProxyPreserveHost On
    <Proxy \*>

    	Order deny,allow

    	Allow from all

    ProxyPass /fedora/get http://localhost:8080/fedora/get
    ProxyPassReverse /fedora/get http://localhost:8080/fedora/get

    ProxyPass /fedora/services http://localhost:8080/fedora/services

    ProxyPassReverse /fedora/services http://localhost:8080/fedora/services

    ProxyPass /fedora/describe http://localhost:8080/fedora/describe

    ProxyPassReverse /fedora/describe http://localhost:8080/fedora/describe
    ProxyPass /iiv http://localhost:8080/iiv
    ProxyPassReverse /iiv http://localhost:8080/iiv
    ProxyPass /fedora/risearch http://localhost:8080/fedora/risearch

    ProxyPassReverse /fedora/risearch http://localhost:8080/fedora/risearch
    ProxyPass /adore-djatoka http://localhost:8080/adore-djatoka
    ProxyPassReverse /adore-djatoka http://localhost:8080/adore-djatoka
  2. Test your configuration by navigating to http://localhost/fedora/risearch to view the Fedora resource index page.



Djatoka is a Java-based open source image server that provides compression and region extraction of JPEG 2000 images, URI-addressability of regions, and support for a rich set of input/output image formats (e.g., BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, PNM, TIF, JPEG 2000).

See Djatoka


ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing metadata in a wide variety of formats. ExifTool is used by the Audio Solution Pack to read and write metadata for audio files. Islandora currently uses ExifTool version 3.5.

ExifTool can be obtained from the project home page: Installation will differ depending on your operating system; please see the installation instructions for details.


ImageMagick is used to create thumbnail and medium-size JPEF versions of ingested images. Most Linux systems ship with ImageMagick already installed. If your system does not have the command-line program "convert" you will need to install ImageMagick using your OS's package manager, or on Mac OS X install it from source using JPEG2000 support is not required in ImageMagick since we are using Kakadu.

We recommend using ImageMagick version 6.7 and higher and the corresponding Ghostscript installation. You can download ImageMagick (and find installation instructions) on the Binary Release page:

Islandora Viewer

The Islandora Viewer is a JAVA application served up by Tomcat, which enables the viewing of web-based images and PDFs as a virtual document. It is required by the Large Image Solution Pack, Newspaper Solution Pack, and Book Solution Pack. The viewer provides zoom, scrolling and pagination capabilities.



If you are using Fedora 3.5, you will need to edit FEDORA_HOME/server/config/spring/web/security.xml and comment out the following line: <security:filter-chain pattern="/risearch*" filters="ChannelFilter,AuthFilterJAAS" />.


See LAME Encoder


Source: Kakadu Software - Description


  • Djatoka includes Kakadu executable files. If Drupal and Fedora are on the same server you should be able to copy or symlink kdu_compress to somewhere on the Apache users classpath.

SWF Tools

This suite of Drupal modules is used primarily by the Audio Solution Pack. You can download if from the Drupal project page.


  • SWF Tools
  • JW Media Player 5
  • SWF Object 2


See Tesseract

Video Dependencies

A number of video conversion dependencies are required by the Video Solution Pack. Most of the conversion work is handled by FFmpeg, a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. However, conversion to the Ogg Vorbis format requires ffmpeg2theora, libvorbis, libtheora, and libogg.
