Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Here you can choose the search terms that will appear in the drop-down menus on the advanced search block. Terms must be entered by their field names (in most cases this will be Dublin Core, but you can also use MODS), though you can optionally specify a more human-readable label with the configure option. To determine the appropriate syntax for your search terms, simply edit the metadata on any object in your repository (for instructions, see How to Edit an Object’s Metadata in Getting Started with Islandora). Each field label will display the proper syntax for adding it to your Solr search configuration. A full list of the terms made available by the schema provided in the module package is provided in APPENDIX D - SOLR SCHEMA (SEARCH) Term Reference. 

Note that you will want to use fields that have been indexed as “text” in the advanced search block. Read APPENDIX D - SOLR SCHEMA (SEARCH) Term Reference for more information. 

titleTypes of Indexing

You may notice when setting up your Solr instance that some fields contain qualifiers like _t, _s_mt, or _ms at the end of the field name. These indicate how the values of these fields are stored in Solr. Read APPENDIX D - SOLR SCHEMA (SEARCH) Term Reference for more information.



Solr field permissions are dependent on a role having Drupal permissions to search the Solr index. Roles without this permissions may appear in this list, but they will not be selectable.


If using PID as an advanced search field, the colon in the PID must be escaped (i.e., islandora:34 becomes islandora\:34) or the PID must be put into quotation marks (i,e., "islandora:34") in searches to get results.


5. Choose Facet Fields

Solr uses faceting to filter search results. Here, you can choose which fields you wish to allow faceting on. The format is the same as the search terms described above. You can also use this screen to configure:
