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May 29, 2015, 1 PM EST


Steering Group Members

Dean B. KrafftRobert H. McDonald (star)Mike Conlon,Kristi HolmesPaul Albertdebra hanken kurtz , Jonathan Markow

(star)= note taker

Work Group Chairs

Chris BarnesTed LawlessAlex ViggioJulia TrimmerJim Blake


Jon Corson-RikertMelissa Haendel

Dial-In Number:  (209) 647-1600, Participant code: 117433#


1Review Updates5 minAllSee below
2How many workgroups?15 minAllHow many work groups do we have? Do we need? Some sites list three – 1) imp and dev, 2) apps and tools, 3) ontology. Others indicate a community workgroup. Some list five. Should we have two – tech and community? Should we have 4 (the above plus community?) Other?
3Roadmap process

20 min

MikeHow do we develop a list of proposed features for VIVO? How do we prioritize features? See for draft process. for draft features
4New web site15 minMikeWorking with Duraspace staff, a new web site has been developed to take the place of Will form a task force to complete items, establish maintenance procedures.
5Future topics5 minAll 



  1. Updates
    1. Tech lead search update – Search committee recommended candidates to Duraspace.  Debra and Jonathan will conduct a technical skills assessment followed by final interviews and offer.  Learning about employment of person outside the US.
    2. Conference update – reviews being completed.  Submissions up from previous year.  Program can then be developed.  James Onken (NIH), David Weinberger (Harvard) keynotes.
    3. Leadership Group Meeting June 2.  See for updated agenda with links to supporting documents.  Enlist leadership group in personal contacts for membership drive.
    4. Imp and Dev workgroup update. People are testing release 1.8 and finding that it takes considerably longer (perhaps a factor of 2 depending on page complexity) to render profile pages than in release  1.7. We have created a JIRA issue, and are working to diagnose the problem. When we find a solution, we will prepare a release 1.8.1. At this time, we have no projected date for that release.
    5. Ontology workgroup update
      1. A meeting planned for this Tuesday June 2 at 1pm - looking for topics for that meeting
      2. Course ontology extension from University of Florida - also Brown found need to have an abstract course differentiated from actual offering of the course. Created a first draft of what UF does in VIVO 1.6 might be worth discussing with this group.
      3. These meetings are now pretty informal - do not have to prepare much.
    6. Mozilla Global Science Sprint June 4-5.  VIVO will participate.  Contact Alex Viggio for details.
    7. Open Repositories program on line at  Link to poster abstracts.  See link at the bottom of the page.
  2.  How many workgroups?
    1. The wiki has contradictory counts of workgroups – 3, 4, 5.  These are standing interest groups with recurring calls where like minded people discuss various VIVO subjects
    2. Active calls - implementation and development (Single workgroup - separate email lists for those two), apps and tools, ontology.
    3. Following discussion the group identified four workgroups: Ontology, Apps & Tools, Imp/Dev, and Engagement/outreach.
    4. How to prioritize what the outreach group is doing? There are at least two concepts: local support (engagement of faculty, staff and students) and also engagement of project partners.
    5. Idea of community engagement group is very important - we have the ingredients to make it but we need more people and time on it. We might want to see the structure of the regular calls from the grant-funded period – these are on the wiki.
  3. Roadmap Process
    1. Take a look at both documents
    2. Roadmap process - outline of what needs to happen to complete the roadmap - want a completed roadmap in front of leadership group for aug 12 at conference
    3. Community Survey regarding features (Surveymonkey) will go to all members. Ask voters to commit to working on features, not just express preferences for others. Features will have brief description to be elaborated by design and requirements processes, and preliminary estimates of effort to provide context
    4. Implementation of features has cross-dependence and that means you must prioritize.  A task force will take input from community, steering and leadership.
    5. How do we solicit feedback on features - need to look at the Fedora model for prioritization based on contributed time
    6. Proposed features doc - all kinds of suggestions from wiki and other areas like I-fest notes and group notes and others.  Roughly grouped in three piles – end user features, steward/owner features, and technologist features.
  4. New Website
    1. Created a full-VIVO website implemented on the Duraspace/Drupal infrastructure in test mode - URL is
    2. This is a clean marketing type website for VIVO that is responsive for mobile and tablet devices.  Not a heavy text site.  Limited maintenance.  Community efforts are centered around the wiki.  Web site provides a simple presentation style format to lead people through "what is VIVO?"
    3. Mike gave an overview of all the new panels involved
    4. Get a few users not involved in redesign and see if they can complete tasks on the new site. Perhaps links from first panel to the connect, share, discover panels.
  5. Future Topics

Action Items


     Mike will work with Holmes and Trimmer to get the engagement group going - charter and purpose etc.