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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.


  • Ontology Working Group: next call is February 19 at 2PM EST 

    • last meeting covered planning for IFest activities: humanities, using VIVO URIs as identifiers for authority records, interest in tags, report from interest group on grants/projects relating to EuroCRIS and CASRAI 

  • Apps and Tools Working Group: next call is February 16 at 1PM EST 

    • January presentations from Mike at CU-Boulder’s Lab for Atmospheric and Space Physics (VIVO in Space, with AngularJS client) and Patrick at RPI with the Deep Carbon Observatory (VIVO for data sets and with Drupal/CKAN integrations)

    • planning for IFest hackathon on March 18th, logistics for this event so participants can hit the floor running, hoping to do 1 hour of presentations of work done on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning -- more information coming soon, and will involve requirements gathering, writing use cases, and other activities apart from coding -- email Chris at with any questions or suggestions 

Upcoming Events

  • DuraSpace Sponsor Summit: March 11-12 in Washington DC

    • VIVO Project Sponsors and prospective sponsors that plan to attend in person or remotely should RSVP ASAP -- had been requested by 1/31

    • Contact Kathryn by email if you have questions

  • 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest: March 19 - 21 at Duke University in Durham, NC

    • For logistics information including (free) registration and hotels, see the Implementation Fest page on -- note that the hotel block is only reserved through February 17

    • 2014 VIVO Hackathon: on March 18 preceding IFest at Duke University – Chris Barnes is soliciting input on possible development projects

    • 2014 VIVO Ontology working session (half-day) – morning of March 21 at Duke University – if you have questions email the VIVO ontology list

    • There is an effort underway to schedule a meeting of Symplectic Elements users in concert with the IFest

    • A preliminary schedule is available but expect changes

  • Other VIVO-related events? We plan to centralize VIVO event listings/calendars in one place soon, and will link to this here


  • Brown (Ted)

    • expecting a mid-March public rollout for all regular faculty (~ 3,000) in all colleges -- faculty are taking a look at it internally

    • focusing on publications data, which won’t be part of initial rollout but shortly thereafter -- replacing an existing profile system with publication data, using their new source of publication data, and then offering an opt-in to show these publications in their VIVO profiles in the future

  • Colorado (Alex)

    • Working on upgrading to 1.6

    • Did a one-hour demo of VIVO at an Academic Analytics meeting at CU Boulder involving a number of institutions -- generally AA is run by the institutional research offices, not the same people doing research profiles

      • Academic Analytics is now are offering individual-level detail on the scholarly outputs of researchers to their license holders

      • The CU Boulder Institutional Repository (IR) group is evaluating this new product and comparing results to what has been found by Symplectic Elements

      • There was a lot of interest in the VIVO demo among those present

  • Cornell (Jon, Tim, Huda, Brian, Jim)

    • LD4L (Linked Data for Libraries) grant had its first meeting at Stanford last week.  The project involves linking library catalogs (as Linked Data) to research profiles systems (Harvard Profiles, Stanford CAP, and Cornell VIVO) and to institutional repositories or national/international sources like and Hathi Trust -- as well as show datasets, lab research results and usage metrics on items from the library catalogs.  The ontology work is intended to align the bibliographic classes and properties in the VIVO-ISF with BIBFRAME, as well as to support provenance, annotations, and usage data such as circulation counts and inclusion of a work in a course syllabus or online exhibit.

      • 2 year grant with workshop in a year

    • Also Working on 1.6 upgrade for Cornell VIVO including some new features  like using vCards more extensively to represent available information on unknown authors and organizations

  • Duke (Sheri)

    • Preparing for implementation of VIVO for Arts & Sciences and Law School at the end of February.  This implementation will include an artistic works/artistic relationships component.

    • Has been talk about using Elements for things like patents and perhaps other data, but pull grants already from another internal system

  • Emory (Mary, Daniel)

    • Making progress with Symplectic connector to populate a stand-alone VIVO instance, focusing on the School of Medicine first

      • any advice on how to handle other disciplines?

      • Duke is pulling in all publications for all colleges, not just medical -- Web of Science, etc.

      • Cornell has test faculty set including people from Humanities

      • Emory has found the search to be strong in the science, and in certain other disciplines such as Math, but would be interested in working with others to identify priority databases to add to what Elements can search

      • CU Boulder is also focusing first on publications for 2013 across all colleges, and found STEM fields to be stronger than the humanities and social sciences

        • worked with some grad student curators to pull in from Google Scholar and/or Endnote records, where sometimes get enough information to go to CrossRef to get the full citation and DOI there

        • has understood there is consideration of adding SSRN, a social science repository

      • Mary -- books and book chapters are another question that comes up

    • Building their VIVO dev environment with Shibboleth integration which is working, also working on QA environment

    • Elements meeting at IFest… also asked if anyone on call has integrated data from Elements into VIVO beyond publications? Duke: only publications so far, but that’s working well. Cornell: looking at this

  • Florida (Chris)

    • Still working on perfecting our python based course ingest.

    • Python person and publications ingests are running on a weekly basis

    • Working on VIVO apps and tools working group and HACKATHON

    • have to leave early to go across campus. see you all next week. -cpb

  • Memorial (Max and John)

    • We’ve been working on some test instances of our VIVO install to test out our KMY Ontology, and will be bringing our in-house ontologist (Lisa Goddard) in soon to help us address any issues.

    • Main question: Does anyone have any anecdotal evidence on updating from 1.5 to 1.6, primarily around non-native ontologies - should we expect much effort to rework our ontology into the new VIVO-ISF structure?

      • This would be a good question to discuss in an ontology call -- but since we had been trying to anticipate the changes coming with the VIVO-ISF work in collaborating on the KMY ontology, we think it should be a reasonable amount of work

      • Alex -- LASP at CU Boulder is working on 1.6 upgrade with additional ontologies, so may have experience to report

      • Thanks! We’ll bring it up on the lists.

  • UCSF (Eric)

    • working on crosslinks project to be able to link from one institution to another, have 19 institutions already, given VIVO data by Nick Benik at Harvard, already crawling VIVO sites (will obey robots.txt!)

    • both linked data requests and HTML scraping, which in some cases is faster when there’s something identifiable to harvest like a link to PubMed

    • data from 19 institutions so far

    • with BU, where found co-authorship conflicts, they cleaned up their website as a result

    • been in touch with Dave Eichmann at Iowa and his CTSAsearch app

    • a lot of people have crawled the data, but trying to distill reliable cross-institutional links is new

    • so much traffic is from Google that bringing data into web pages

    • also thinking of putting institutional fav icons and even pictures of the researchers, since having images next to links increases the likelihood a user will notice and click on the link

  • Virginia Tech (Keith)

    • most of the way through licensing Symplectic and have a VIVO set up for internal testing -- hoping to attend the IFest

  • Weill Cornell (Eliza)

    • Weill went live with  a couple weeks ago and have been addressing issues including increases in the number of HTTP connections that think may be related to web crawlers not respecting the robots.txt file -- looking at blacklisting some IP addresses.

    • Changed the Apache HTTP Server keepalive function from no to yes and cut down on the number of connections.

    • Chris -- at UF we actively block certain search engines that don’t respect robots.txt, using iptables but there’s probably an Apache directives or module as well

    • Eric -- check out Project HoneyPot 

    • Paul is interested in forming a VIVO Performance (Operations? DevOps?) Working Group that might meet for the first time at the IFest -- people with experience and/or interest in tools such as NewRelic

    • Eliza -- have modified some of the page templates in VIVO to reduce the amount of code executing that doesn’t get used

    • Appreciate all the help from Jim and Brian from Cornell and Ted from Brown

Notable list traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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