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Edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.


  • Brown (Steve)

    • Debugging issue with bad characters and with deleting those triples -- Paul noted that you need to configure MySQL for UTF8 in ~9 places and was going to forward a message to the list

  • Colorado (Stephen and Alex)

    • Question related to work on a CSV/XML download feature for search results -- posted to list

    • Also working on new visualizations (chord diagram, force directed graph, Google timeline) targetting 1.6 release

    • Polishing CU-Boulder theme for 1.6

    • Working on data testing (comparison of two VIVO instances) script to support 1.6 migration

  • Cornell (Jim, Tim and BrianL)

    • configuration ontology (ISF) changes to support 1.6

    • wiki documentation

  • Florida (Nicholas)

    • more data cleanup such as identifying exception rules, like test accounts and faculty who shouldn’t be public, to add to harvester

  • Memorial (John and Lisa)

    • building office furniture :)

    • continuing to meet with stakeholders regarding ontology extensions

  • Scripps (Michaeleen) - Scripps administration approved a contract with Stella Mitchell for 6 weeks of VIVO support for the remainder of FY 2013 (June 1 - September 30) to work on the following:

    • Create a design to handle and represent NIH grant data in a way that links awards related to a single scientific research project

    • Ingest all NIH grant application types from 2008-present for The Scripps Research Institute (CA campus) and Scripps Florida

    • Encode one primary position for each PI then link grants to administering departments

    • Link grants to the resulting publications

    • Add PMCID hyperlinks to the publications list view

    • Investigate linking publications to departments

    • Perform VIVO 1.6 upgrade

    • Provide general technical support

  • Stony Brook (Tammy)

    • working on Web ID integration

  • Weill Cornell (Paul)

    • Eliza working on new publication ingest method, which will be semi-automated

    • modifying Weill theme templates for faculty profile to experiment with some block level elements, bringing them inline

    • also experiment with profile template to collapse different publication types into one list and give users ability to sort via dropdown (time cited, pub type, internal ranking, newest/oldest) and then do same thing for grants -- does this sound possible? Jim thinks so

    • Seeing a Java error related to Director role? Jim recommended posting details to the list

VIVO webinars

  • The slides and recording from the May 14 VIVO Overview webinar are available online.


    • June 4 -- Case Studies: VIVO at Colorado, Duke, Brown and Weill Cornell Medical College.  Register HERE

    • June 11 -- VIVO Technical Deep Dive. Register HERE

VIVO 1.6

  • VIVO 1.6 release code freeze is July 22 to allow 3 weeks of testing before the VIVO conference

  • See the VIVO 1.6 release planning and check out the now-editable VIVO map 

  • Planning a date for meeting to discuss 1.6 feature freeze -- TBA 

VIVO 2013 Conference

RDF InContext visualization tool from the Netherlands

from Maurice Vanderfeensten

Hi VIVO people,

In the SURFshare programe in the Netherlands, a HTML5 library has been  
developed to visualise research in context. It has been  
set to use in NARCIS to enhance publications.

A lot of money has been invested in this open Source HTML5 library to  
visualise rdf in a pleasant and understandable way, including animations,  
designed and tested by interaction designers. Currently this tool is sitting  
on a shelf catching dust.

With Nick Veenstra from Eindhoven University we were thinking this HTML5  
library / rdf-InContext tool might be put to use as a VIVO widget. The  
visualisation also works on for example iPads, and makes it able to  
experience the VIVO data on small and big touch interfaces for single users.

I have placed the code on GitHub, where it can easily be forked for your VIVO  

Please let me know who to contact if this might be a good idea to bring in as  
a VIVO widget.

kind regards,
Related to: VIVO application

Notable implementation and development list issues

Call-in Information

Date: Every Thursday, no end date
