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Any LDN Message is considered in this view as long as the Notification is stored.

Each colored box is clickable:

Meaning of each box

Each box describes a different status the notifications are


This box displays the number of LDN received as an acceptance to a previous request sent from the repository.

This means We have received an acceptance notification from the external service (Notice this is not the same as receiving the Review/Endorsement or any other object)
so the external service has accepted our previous notification an has replied with a confirmation to the LDN. 

When an Acceptance LDN is received as reply to a previously sent notification this counter is increased.

Processed LDN

This box displays the number of LDN received and processed correctly (acceptance notifications are included as well since acceptance might be defined as a subset of processed notification)

Notifications in this status have been correctly processed and a corresponding action was triggered


This box displays the number of LDN received but not correctly processed.

This status includes QUEUE_STATUS_FAILED and QUEUE_STATUS_UNMAPPED_ACTION. So any failing notification is reported to be reviewed by the user


This box displays the number of LDN received but not even processed.

Any notification in this status has not even been evaluated since the Service was not recognized or the IP range was not respected


This box displays the number of LDN Sent without any error.

Any notification successfully delivered will increase this counter 


This box displays the number of LDN waiting to be sent (LDN is still queued)

Since LDN are not immediately sent to the external service this status is displaying how many items are still queued

Queued for retry

This box displays the number of LDN waiting for reprocessing

This means the failing (outgoing) notification has been re-queued to be reprocessed 


This box displays the number of Failing LDN

Generally in this case the external service didn't receive the notification (an error code is expected when delivering the LDN)

Involved Items

These boxes are duplicated for each row for Incoming and Outgoing LDN.

They display the total number of items in the repository involved in the workflow process for COAR NOTIFY.

In few words these boxes display the number of items a LDN was receive/generated for 

Boxes configuration

Each colored box is clickable and behind each box there's a different discovery configuration:

  • Statuses Boxes accepted / processed / failure / untrusted / delivered / queued / queued for retry / failure will redirect the user to the corresponding log’s tab (either inbound or outbound), showing the LDN messages filtered by the corresponding selected status criteria

  • Involved items will item boxes will redirect the user to the Admintrative Administrative Search page, where only the involved items, either by incoming or outgoing LDN messages, will be shown in the results list.
    Items can than be further filtered also for any COAR Notify metadata (notify.relation.endorsedBy, datacite.relation.isReviewedBy, and datacite.relation.isReferencedBy) if any is present within an itemusing the facets.

Logs Inbound Tab

In the “Logs/Inbound” tab it’s possible to search and check the individual status of each LDN message received by the repository.
