Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


score <= rejection deletes the QAEvent;  score <= ignore discards the QAEvent;  score >= approval accepts the QAEvent automatically, so nobody will see it from the Quality Assurance Page because it’s created and right after approved.

WORK IN PROGRESS Test calls: Request


Endorsement (


LDN Message on item submission)

Let's configure a new Notify Service such as:

Image RemovedImage Added

and save.

Create a new Community:

Create a new Collection inside the community

created above.

It is important for this community to have no Entity Type set.

Take a look into the item-submission.xml file for the

"traditional" steps sequence configuration. Here we've set

the coarnotify-step! The traditional step sequence is used as the

default, and the default is used for Collection with no entity

type associated.

If the coar-notify step is needed for every collection possible,

the entry-step must be added onto every <submission-process>

described into item-submission.xml

Create a new Item, select the collection created above.

As expected we see the COAR Notify section: here it is the

ldn request configuration: comboes for Review, Endorsement and

Ingest are filled with the corresponding configured LDN Services.

For this example we see only one value for the Endorsement 

combo (see the Inbound Pattern configured onto the Notify Service

named NotifyService Score0.123 - first screenshot of this paragraph)

 Deposit the item.

A new LDN Message of type Offer: Endorsement Action

is stored and enqueued! As soon as the Extractor manages it, it is

enrouted to the Processor configured at ldn-coar-notify.xml

(as one of the <outcomingProcessors>). The processor

is the bean named outcomingAnnounceEndorsementAction, which lists 

the SendLDNMessageAction. So, it is only at this point, when the

action SendLDNMessageAction is executed - that the notification

 is sent out to the external Notify Service.

To whom the notification is sent out? To the url configured 

as the LDN Inbox property of the Notify Service

(see above:

as soon as our Offer is correctly received on the Notify Service side,

the Notify Service has to provide us - asynchronously as a separate Acknowledge

LDN message - the Acceptance or Rejection of the Endorsement we offered.

Test calls: Announce Relationship


By clicking the + New green button fill the form as:
Image Modified

Pick the following POST call from the Postman project (see below to download it and import it to your installed PostMan instance): let's emulate the Notify Service external system sending us an LDN Message!

Image Modified

Let's evaluate the request' json body (some field is commented) according to the COAR official documentation of this pattern:
