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  • Mark Phillips, Jefferson Bailey, John Kunze, John Chodacki


Discussion items


jc: as part of upgrading CDL infrastructure, a cutover was made yesterday ARK resolution is going through and ARK static pages are no longer going through the Dreamhost Wordpress site; it's now ok to shut down the Dreamhost account; CDL is still working on a newly refactored N2T code
jk: we knew this was in the works, but it would have been nice to have advance notice with the precise time and date for such a major transition that affects all ARK resolution globally
mp: i didn't know if it would be this week or in January, would be better to have advance notice
jc: sounds great; the next major transition will be Nov 27 (newly refactored N2T); will coordinate with Maria on Outreach WG for mechanics on the changes
mp: it is also undefined how changes to github get into the server at CDL/AWS; we need to understand this so that the ARKA can resume document maintenance
jk: yes, over a dozen people had edit access to the Wordpress content, but no member of an ARKA working group currently knows how to make edits

Any news items we should blog about? Any calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings we should note? Please add to Calendar of events.

Updates from Groups:

  • Technical 
  • NAAN
  • Outreach

Technical WG: original member Tom Creighton from FamilySearch has retired, Rob Lyon will be asked to replace him; activity to identify and add missing ARK properties in wikidata; on-boarding newer people; ARK spec renewed last week

Outreach WG: 3 tutorials and 1 i-school class presentation of ARK introduction; blog template created for drawing out elements of a simple blog post for an institution, to be piloted with a subgroup and the Frick collection; lots of interest in the Frick's arklet implementation (with shoulders and inflections and different metadata formats); ARKA youtube channel is getting some playlist curation (John Jung)

NAAN WG: 35 new orgs since Sept 1; cleaned up group protocol for dealing with old tickets; a few edge cases dealt with

Hosting platforms for ARK Alliance Documentation (Phillips)

Options for moving off the Lyrasis wiki

jc: googledocs seems ok
jk: don't think we have big requirements for lyrasis move; would like to keep maintenance burden low
jb: agree about low maintenance; google account may be good enough; not worth spending much time on; fine if you want to use IA's google workspace account
jk: would it be ok to move 4 WG home pages to, as well as the FAQs (4 docs), conference calendar (leaving it to WGs to figure out how to handle meeting notes/agendas)?
mp: ok by me
mp: jc can you ask Lyrasis if we can stay on wiki until Dec 31? I can volunteer William Hicks to connect with jk and Outreach group

Next Steps for Advisory Group Discussion


mp: what about sustainability, funding, org models, what does the AG want to do going forward? what about new AG members, new time schedule?
mp: I'll push this discussion to the January meeting; i'm on sabbatical in Santa Fe until Thanksgiving
jk: for January, I'd be interested in generating ideas for what we can do with offers of help (eg, the recent Dutch offer of staff and servers)

Action items
