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jk: had contact with Decentralized Science Labs (; they use IPFS, which relies on long ids based on content-addressing, and they are interested in using ARKs for shortermore compact, citation-friendly ids; they'd like to partner with us somehow; they may have modest amounts of money available for things like stickers or web hosting

Good to have new groups actively interested in ARKs. But we do not want to offer special arrangements to new members that were not offered to
others. What elevates this opportunity to something different? Maybe explore this further with them. Main issue is that individuals are not funding specific activities. They can be members the same way that others are. They can be listed if they become involved in the alliance in some way.

mp: they should start with filling out the EOI (Expression of Interest) form, as many other have done
mp: not good to have individuals paying for things, eg, stickers; in fact, my UNT budget might have sticker money; shouldn't offer logo placement without talking to orgs that are supporting ARKA
kw: not sure why they would want it
jb: don't think we should get into the business of showing logos of other orgs
mp: prefer that they simple be listed by name, as on the page
mp: as we as an org develop needs for funding, we want to have a better sense of what our expenses are; that kind of transparency helps us plan
jk: as it is, some costs aren't that apparent, such as those implied by CDL hosting
all: any offer of support should be brought to the AG for discussion

We were turned down for CNI briefing. Possibility of doing a pre-recorded session.

Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

jk: code4lib has a call out for preconference full- and half-day workshops; maybe it's finally time for ARKA to plan one of these? one member of the Tech WG is interested in helping out

Any news items we should blog about?

Updates from Groups

Technical Group

Registry Group

Outreach Group

Just a reprise from WG notes. No new news.

mp: we passed the 1000 ARK organizations milestone
jk: anyone know of a service that can stuff envelopes for ARK orgs that want to receive physical ARKA stickers?
jb: I will find out what schwag service we use at IA

Code of Conduct Draft


jb: fine with CoC and setting deadline and do review by email
mp: agreed
jb: suggest comments by Dec 15, aim to put into place by Jan 31
all: agreed

Planning for AG Leadership for 2023Markmp: planning for next year of AG, I'm fine being chair for next year
jk, jb: sounds good to me
mp: propose the AG continue to meet every other month next year, so Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov; can always add another meeting as needed
