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  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Brian Lowe 
  4. Benjamin Kampe 
  5. William Welling 
  6. Michel Héon 
  7. Mark Vanin  (star)
  8. Huda Khan
  9. Veljko Maksimovic  Andreas Czerniak
  10. Benjamin Gross (star)      
  11.  Christian Hauschke    


  1. Questions/Issues/Pull requests/Announcements
    1. Report from VIVO LG meeting
      1. Discussion about next VIVO conference
    2. New GitHub issues
      1. Forgot password -
      2. Academic position -
      3. ORCID confirmation -
      4. Capability map -
  2. The i18n redesign sprint
    1. Ontology
    2. Generator
    3. LanguageTag private-use subtag
      1. fr_FR_x_uqam
    4. Loading of translations from triple store
    5. Organization of ttl files
      1. Re-organization of files 


  1. Leadership meeting. Dragan informed about next conditions:
    1. Dynamic API taskforce is going to start soon. First meeting 5th Wednesday at 5 p.m. CEST (11 am Eastern Time).
    2. We are in the middle of the i18n redesign sprint.
    3. VIVO conference this year might not be organized, the idea is to have it next spring, but there are still going to be discussed how to organize the conference.
  2. New Github issues: 
    1. Forgot password - person might incidentally closed this issue, it was reopened again. VIVO has an option to change password, but it’s only available for administrators.
    2. Academic position -Benjamin will try to reproduce the issue, it was/is in Tenderfoot theme.
    3. ORCID confirmation -opened issue with email about ORCID triples. Would be good to disable the confirmation.
    4. Capability map -Michel opened an issue regarding his pre discussed problem with logs and how to run to it. There is some problem, if you try to run VIVO in Fuseki Triple Store or AWS Neptune Triple Store.
  3. The i18n redesign sprint
    1. Ontology - Michel gave a presentation called “French semantic ontology for form label translation”. Key points: 
      1. No masculine, female and neutral forms in menu “NewIndividualForm”. Letters in word got from ${typeName} should be in a lowercase, now it’s in uppercase.
      2. Theoretical framework, that consists from three layers (taken from research work called “Advantages of thesaurus representation using the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) compared with proposed alternatives - link:  research_gate_link
        • Conceptual level
        • Terminological correspondence level 
        • Lexical level 
      3. Create key for every situation (Hospital, Letter, Literal), but there will be a problem with having too many .ftl files, as we would need to have one .ftl file for each key.
      4. Skos label called “Gender” with exception keys. Idea is next: skos_conceptionSchema (prop:PropKey) =>
        => skos_Concept (prop:create_new) =>
        => skosxl_Label (prop:create_new_label_fr_CA_exception) =>
        => skos_Concept (ex:exception) =>
        => Literal (Hopital@fr_CA)

Georgy: approach presented by Michel might only work for French language, and the complexity will only grow for other languages. Approaches that you could use is brootforcely make labels for needed number of individuals (in Michel’s case around 311)

Michel: solution is only for one specific form. All of the individuals are using just two fields (create_new() and typeName) from the form - newIndividualForm. People using other languages will have to invent rules for their desired language.

Dragan: a simple solution for nowadays is: create_new_object: Department or create: Department. 

Christian: approach is an overkill for todays. In German, for example, there are not lots of cases, when literal is plural or singular, is not so important. You need a specialist in a new language, which also might be a problem.

Georgy: make one universal optimal template, after discussions (using new pull request and inviting people to participate in it) with the community. 

Draft notes in Google Docs
