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Elements of the Bid

The ORSC has provided a OpenRepositories Detailed Bid template that  that can be used to provide the expected information in a bid. The bid should not exceed 15 pages. Any further details can be provided in appendices if necessary. The following are not intended to be complete or exclusive lists.

Narrative Elements

  • Dates

The organizers should ensure that the dates they propose for the conference do not clash with any events that might potentially draw from the same pool of attendees (remembering that attendees come from a number of countries) and ideally do not include national holidays for any of the major countries represented by attendees.


If your bid is successful it will be important that you gather together a OR HOC as soon as possible. In particular, the ORSC will want to know the name of its Chair as soon as possible so that they can immediately become party to the wider planning process.The expectation is that the Chair of the OR HOC will begin to participate in calls as soon as selected since much can be learned from the planning of the previous years conference. Regular participation is definitely expected from July forward the year before the conference will be hosted. The Chair will also be added to the appropriate email lists, and given access to the wiki and social media sites for publicizing the conference. We also hope that the Chair(s) can attend the conference immediately preceding their conference as there are at least two meetings (a debrief and a standing ORSC meeting) that are useful for knowledge exchange, and it is a tradition that the Chairs or their representative give a brief presentation on next year’s conference in the closing plenary session.

The Annual Cycle

(Starting in July or August after the annual OR conference)

The following covers the main points in the annual cycle of preparatory events.  Dates   Dates are approximate and may need to be varied depending on the actual timing of the coming OR event.  The   The timings given here would be for a conference to be held in June or July. It has been the practice in recent years to build extension dates into the planning for proposals. Thus the CfP will call for submissions by a certain date but then, inevitably, a one or two week extension will be offered.  Behind   Behind the scenes planning proceeds on the basis of this later date.

See Appendix D for a visual overview of the annual cycle. 


Appointment of Program Chairs - OR SCORSC

During the summer preceding the conference, the OR SC ORSC will identify a Chair or Co-Chairs of the Program CommitteetheOR PC. The Program Chairs are added to the Open Repositories Steering Committee ORSC for the duration of the relevant conference cycle.  They   They are not permanent members of the Committee ORSC and have no voting rights. Following the event and the immediate post-conference work they are removed from the Committee ORSC lists. There is no OR policy on whether the Program Chair Chairs and Host Organising Committee Chair Chairs should come from different institutions.


Appointment of Program Committee and Track Chairs - Program



The Chair(s) Chairs will appoint additional members to the Program Committee OR PC and together the group is responsible for soliciting and selecting content for the year's OR event.  Later   Later in the year they will identify a team of reviewers to advise on the submissions that are made. Members of the program committee OR PC generally serve as Track Chairs. Tracks include Workshops, Posters, 24x7’s, and the Ideas Challenge. The Chairs serve as the chairs for the General Track. These Track Chairs work with the wider program committee OR PC but also take responsibility for their particular content block. In addition, the Chair(s) Chairs for the Idea Challenge manage that event for the conference.  Content   Content that is proposed for one Track is often referred to and accepted in a different Track (i.e., a full paper proposal becomes a 24x7; a 24x7 might become a Poster) The Program Chairs, Track Chairs, and Program Committee OR PC will hold regular conference calls generally starting in the fallSeptember/October.

Set Theme for OR Conference - Program Chairs with approval from OR SC ORSC

Working with the OR SC and Chair(s) of the Host Organising CommitteeORSC and Chairs of the OR HOC, the Program Chair(s) sets Chairs set the theme for the conference and begin to consider potential keynotes that could address the theme.

Review Communication Processes - OR SCORSC

The OR SC ORSC maintains a directory of listservs, groups, and social media venues to target. Each fallSeptember, the OR SC ORSC should review the directory for defunct lists/venues or potential new additions.


Conference website and social media - Host Organizing Committee

Ideally the conference website should be launched in October at the latest.  Social   Social media provision should be made at the same time (identification of Twitter tag etc). The website should clearly signpost the OR "Code of Conduct" (see Appendices). At OR13, the Code was reproduced in the Conference Handbook; from OR2014 it appeared on the conference website as well as in the conference handbook.

Develop Sponsorship Campaign - Host Organizing Committee

Create a sponsorship brochure (based on the template) and web pages. Identify potential sponsors based on existing lists and local opportunities. Note that local hosts have license to shape the benefits sponsors receive at various levels; however this should largely be consistent with past practice, and done with an eye that many sponsors return year over year, and the whole community benefits from some consistency on this front. It is OR policy that sponsors do not receive preferential slotting in the program.

Finalize Call for Proposals - Program Committee with approval from OR SCORSC

Ideally the Call for Proposals is released in November though this date has shifted over the last two ORs (2017 and 2018). A large part of the Program Committee OR PC work at this part of the cycle is determining what they want the skeleton of the program to look like: will there be Rants in the 24x7 presentation? How will you integrate platform specific conversations? What space is available for posters and workshops? All of these discussions shape what the CfP might look like, and the categories for the submissions.

The CfP should contain:

  • The dates and venue of the conference
  • The theme of the conference
  • An invitation to submit a proposal for the various tracks.
  •  It
  •   It should be made very clear that proposals not accepted for one track may be pushed to another if appropriate.
  • A clear indication of the form and quality of submission expected for each category (how many pages, etc).
  •  The Program Committee
  •   The OR PC may feel it appropriate to offer optional templates for guidance in each of the categories.
  • The CfP should mention the Idea Challenge but this will be the subject of its own call in due course.
  • Closing date for proposals.
  • The CfP should contain the name(s) of the Program
  • Committee Chair(s)
  • Chairs as signatories.
  • The CfP should reference the Code of Conduct.
  • The CfP should include information about the
  • Scholarship
  • Fellowship Program (see below)

Past CfPs are available elsewhere on this wiki and recent ones should be consulted. Please note that it should be possible to provide the Program Committee OR POC with statistics from the previous year(s) and the number of submissions in each category (paper, poster, 24/7 etc) and the numbers ultimately accepted.

Finalize Dates for the CfP, Acceptance, and Registration - Program Committee and Host Organizing Committee with approval from OR SC ORSC

The Program Committee OR PC, in collaboration with the Host Organizing Committee OR HOC, should finalize the dates for submissions deadlines, reviewing process, decisions, schedule, and registration. It is customary to build in extension times for submissions into the deadlines. Also, the Program Committee and Host Organizing Committee OR PC and OR HOC will need to work closely together around the deadline for workshops. We have found it is best practice to have workshops reviewed and selected earlier so that they can be listed when registration opens. This allows the OR HOC to be able to make determinations about rooms or limits to registration if needed. A sample timeline might look like:

  • Nov 15 - Call for Proposals opens
  • Jan 5 - Published deadline for submissions
  • Jan 13 - Actual deadline for submissions
  • Feb 1 - Deadline for review of workshops
  • Feb 7 - Decisions sent to workshop submitters for confirmation of participation
  • Feb 13 - Deadline for review of all other proposals
  • Feb 15 - Registration opens with accepted workshops and keynotes announced
  • Mar 1 - Decisions sent to submitters
  • Mar 15 - Schedule Available
  • June - Conference

Details of Fellowships - Fellowship Subcommittee

Prior to the release of the CfP the Scholarships Fellowships Subcommittee should decide how many scholarships fellowships to the year's OR will be offered so that a call for applications can accompany it.  An   An application form of some sort needs to be available. (For OR2014 this was a web form as part of the conference website. For OR2015 a Google form was trialledRecently a Google form has been used.) An appropriate page of information will be needed on the conference website. The deadline for applications should allow plenty of time for recipients to complete arrangements for additional funding, to get any necessary visas and to make travel arrangements.

Develop and Issue Call for Expressions of Interest


for future conference hosting -



The OR SC ORSC develops a Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) for hosting the next conference yet to be selected (generally, OR Conferences are selected two years out). The EoI call should include instructions and expectations for the Expression of Interest EoI including a schedule for the next steps and a link to this document. This call should be distributed to appropriate communication channels. The OR SC ORSC should actively recruit potential hosts.


Call for Proposals Released - Program Committee with support from OR SC
