Wikipedia page status, getting started doc, ARK spec status and transition planning
Ricc Ferrante, Director of Digital Services, joins the working group from Smithsonian Library and Archives. He will also act as ARKA Advisory Group liaison. The Smithsonian Library and Archives has a new director: Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty. Tracy Seneca will be much involved with the iPRES conference series in the next two years and will be rotating off our working group.
Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events
Tracy reminds us that the iPRES conference call is coming up soon. The CNI call deadline is tomorrow. rf: I will put the word out at Smithsonian about future venues to present at
Any news items we should blog about?
see below
Blog post about IIIF and ARK congruence delayed
Julien regrets he cannot attend today
wikipedia page expansion status
pc: made the promised changes to the wikipedia history section of the ARK identifier page jk: looks good; some of the notes references are repeated up to 3 times pc: yes, I will fix it rf: how are changes made to that page? are there volunteers? jk: yes, just raise your hand if you're interested; the group will review changes
pc: fixed the wikipedia references just now
getting started doc
jk: sorry if I'm holding this up; something seems incomplete and I'm wondering if it got enough review mg: it would be better than what we have now, and I'd like to see it referenced in the NAAN response letter; we currently say "that's all you need to do for now", but that's not really true jk: could be considered "beta" and subject to revision; I suppose it can be safely undiscoverable until we link to it? all: yes ACTION: jk to push out a review draft on
ARK spec status and transition planning. Would like to propose a joint operation with Technical WG.
jk: how will the smithsonian react to the transition? rf: I will try to find out jk: maybe we need a more detailed list of changes and suggestions of what groups will be affected rf: do we have a quorum on this? pc: it seems like Outreach WG has the role of telling people who will be affected by the transition plan pc: seems like one key channel is the NAAN holders; can we share the news with them jk: yes, we have contact info for all of them, not necessarily up-to-date; there was one round of updates a few years ago rf: can we ask them to verify their contact info by point them to a form for updating the info? jk: should we ask them suggestions about how to support them in the transition? is a a survey too much? pc: we could ask them for ideas in a somewhat open-ended way, for example, and email that
asks they update info it they're not the right person (do this up front since they might not read further)
asks for suggestions, such as (list of concrete examples)
plus text of blog post
jk: seems like this should also go to other channels, like arks-forum email list and french version; also to twitter all: yes rf: who is the "sender" for content going out via email? we should have a generic role account jk: often it is a personal account, but this isn't a good long term strategy mg: there are good alternatives; for the services I run, I use a generic gmail account; in fact, for NAAN response letters I would prefer to send them from a generic role account rf: with microsoft products I use, one can change which identity one is sending from; maybe from gmail too ACTION: look into role accounts for communication
Action items
John Kunze push out a review draft of getting started do on and mention to Julien
John Kunze link to the above from NAAN response letter
John Kunze look into how to send Outreach and NAAN communications from a generic role account