Versions Compared


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We would like to have that integration for the various lookup use cases as one more simplification to get content into the entities.
Interested: Hamburg University of Technology (Oliver Goldschmidt ), State and University Library Hamburg (Phu Tu 
The Library Code (Kim Shepherd and Pascal-Nicolas Becker ) are starting to implement this and will provide it back to DSpace-CRIS once it is done.

  • Better import of BibTex and RIS files

    The import of BibTex or RIS files in DSpace (-CRIS) using the gr.ekt code should be upgraded: the current import does not take into account differences between document types. For example, RIS input fields can map to different Dublin Core fields depending on document type.
    Interested in: University of Bamberg (Steffen Illig

  • Mapping entered text fields to CRIS entities (important for all kind of data transfers or imports) .

    Mapping entered text fields to CRIS entities during an data transfer (e.g. ORCID, DOI, ..) or an import (e.g. BibTex, RIS) doesn't work very well. While we have made a improvement in our DSpace-Cris to map an author text field to the correct CRIS-Entity (rp01234), a generalisation which could be adopted for other CRIS-Entities (like series, journals..) would be very helpful.
    Interested in

    RDMO integration
    A researcher should be able to reuse his own project metadata stored in RDMO. Maybe connection via SWORD. 

    : University of Bamberg (Steffen Illig



Planned/Realized with 4Science

  • Connection of CRIS Entities (Project, Awards) via autocomplete with Publications (ongoing) 

    A first description of the feature can be found here. Enhancements are in progress.
    University of Bamberg & Hamburg University of Technology
  • Improvements for switching en/de (done)
    University of Bamberg & Hamburg University of Technology

  • Integration of the Unpaywall API in the Submission Workflow (ongoing)
    Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
  • Highlight changes in the Submission Workflow for new version (ongoing)
    Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
  • Vertical and horizontal tabs in CRIS Entities (done)
    It will be an alternative layout for the CRIS object page highly configurable. Instead to use tabs a left menu will be introduced, with the possibility to group different sections (i.e. tabs) under a common label to build a hierarchical menu. Tabs not listed for the vertical menu will appear on the top of the CRIS content as horizontal buttons. The feature is NOT planned to be merged in the official code base but will be available on the HSU github public repository for other interested party. The source code is available here
    most come in with this commit
    Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
  • Hierarchical tree structure (based on the DSpace-GLAM solution) for CRIS-entities in general (ongoing)
    Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
  • "Add fulltext / Create new version" and "green open access publication"-feature (various entry points) (ongoing)
    "Add fulltext" enables e.g. authorized logged in users to jump directly in the submission workflow again to add the fulltext for dspaceitems, which has been published first as "only metadata"-submission. Enhancements are in progress.
    Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
  • Visual clustering and distinction of researcher profiles by status (e.g. in the "people"-section of orgunit-profiles or in facets) (done)
    Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
  • Visual distinction of organization units by type (done)
    Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
  • Duplicate Check for imports (ongoingdone)
    DSpace's duplicate check is triggered on the first page of the submission form. For manually added records this is early enough, but for records taken from a database import operation, this is a bit too late. So it would be a nice feature to see a duplicate warning already on the search result page after looking for new records in databases.
    Hamburg University of Technology (Oliver Goldschmidt ), University of Bamberg ( Steffen Illig )
  • Update ORCID integration to use ORCID API v3 (ongoing)DSpace CRIS should be able to use ORCID API v3
    Hamburg University of Technology (Oliver Goldschmidt )
  • Improve ORCID Lookup (ongoing)The person lookup in DSpace CRIS can contain a lookup operation in ORCID. This operation is pretty slow and can delay the lookup process significantly. The ORCID lookup can be parallelized to improve performance. So it could be a good idea to split the lookup into two steps: first only the local database is searched. A button should be added to the lookup window to allow the user to lookup in ORCID as the second step. As ORCID Lookup is only allowed if the ORCID is definitely known, this would allow ORCID Lookup on demand and would improve lookup performance at once. Hamburg University of Technology (Oliver Goldschmidt )

Working on

University Kassel/disy (Stefan Lossow)Impact Pathway
University Kassel/disy (Stefan Lossow)API to DPMA or EPO patent database



University of Bamberg (Cornelius Matějka)

Multilingualism for discovery facets and browse indexesPR:

University of Bamberg (Cornelius Matějka )

Management of private CRIS Entities for researcher

If a researcher sets a CRIS Entity as private (e.g. maybe an future project => See also RDMO integration) we wonder how he would manage these items in future (maybe to update them). A possible solution would be a special area for such cases in the MyDSpace-CRIS Site with the correct rights management (only one's private projects).

University of Bamberg (@Philipp Rumpf)

Linked Open Data für CRIS-Entitie

Based on the DSpace modul Linked (Open) Data by Pascal-Nicolas Becker we created a own modul which works also for CRIS Entities.


University of Bamberg (Cornelius Matějka )

Site policy modal

Can be easily applied to DSpace (without CRIS (wink)).


University of Bamberg (Cornelius Matějka

Enable ENTER key in textareas and add suitable rendering of running text (e.g. abstracts, etc.).

PR: (merged)

University of BambergPrefilled contract formulars for download or mail delivery (submission process)

The extension could not be integrated in the official master (4Science) because of specific requirements and the use of Jasper. The jasper license is an AGPL so it is not compatible with the official DSpace-CRIS license. We are planning to push our source code into Git (according to Hamburg University of Technolgy).  

Hamburg University of TechnologyExtend journal lookup (in ZDB and in local entity objects) to lookup by ISSN instead of journal title

The ZDB integration has been pushed to github repository

University of BambergHide empty tabs on CRIS-Entity-Homepage
  • Hamburg University of Technology also has opened a ticket for that... 4Science told me, that it should be standard behaviour, that a tab without content is hidden, but for us this also does not work in any case.
  • University of Bamberg: We have asked Andrea at the AWT 2019. It should be standard but it is not at the moment. To support the development of the feature we opend a ticket right now.
  • Hamburg University of Technology: on our test system this feature is working as expected, so the problem should be solved in the latest master... Andrea Luigi explained to me, that the tab is not displayed if there is no content at all, if there are no metadata fields for the box (in jsp controlled boxes there is no need to display metadata fields either way). So, after removing the metadata from the researcher tab in an ou profile for instance, the tab will not be displayed (but, as I noted, only on our test system; on our production system the problem really is till there).
  • University of Bamberg: We have merged the latest master yesterday and can confirm that empty tabs on CRIS-Entity-Homepage are now hidden. So we moved that topic from "Planned with 4Science" to "In Production".

University of Bamberg (Jonathan Boss & Cornelius Matějka )

Browsable organisation unit tree
Browsable DDC tree

4Science is also working on a more generic solution, highly scalable to visualize generic tree of objects (see ongoing project from HSU)
University of Bamberg (@Philipp Rumpf)ISBN Search (B3Kat and LoC)Merged in the official codebase commit 8ad1605388d96f75a29a058081142f140cd24bcd
University of Bamberg (@Jonathan Boss)OData Connector (REST API)  between DSpace-CRIS and Typo3-HomepagePR:
University of Bamberg
(@Jannik Lappe)
Contact form for publicationsPR: is following by time
Hamburg University of TechnologyDuplicate Check for imports

DSpace's duplicate check is triggered on the first page of the submission form. For manually added records this is early enough, but for records taken from a database import operation, this is a bit too late. So it would be a nice feature to see a duplicate warning already on the search result page after looking for new records in databases.

Feature was funded by Hamburg University of Technology and University of Bamberg