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  1. Membership conversation 
  2. Summit on April 10
    1. List of attendees
    2. Project update in the morning
    3. 1PM and 2PM (St. Louis time) - Two 45-minute sessions - teleconferencing info will be provided
    4. Suggested topics - general update on development, VIVO project objectives, opportunities under Lyrasis, governance discussion
  3. April 12 Steering Group Meeting - Mike Conlon
    1. Open Meeting - ideas around VIVO Combine
    2. Planning effort around moving 2019 plan forward, at a very early stage
    3. Share ideas about what we are trying to create
    4. 11AM on Friday - open meeting, will promote via mailing lists
  4. Product Evolution and Project VIVO Scholar Task Forces - Paul Albert, Julia Trimmer
    1. VIVO Scholar - this is a new development effort
    2.  Build a better interface, one that is appealing to both developers and for key-decision makers.  6 to 12 met on a weekly basis, use React with ElasticSearch back-end, API interface to interface with ElasticSearch back-end, robust search and reporting functionality.  At this point, back-end in place, basic data model derived from VIVO data model. 
    3. Product Evolution Task Force will be complete April 15 
      1. - some sample object pages, people, grant, list view, designate as a MVP
      2. delivery of back-end, sample data, API interface, some sample pages
      3. fruitful discussion
    4. VIVO Scholar Task Force
      1. will start on April 15 - Duke, Weill Cornell, and UAV, continuous sprints - 1-2 FTE from Duke, 2-3 developers at 20%
      2. Looking for developer contributors - this is our big project for the next year
      3. Three Main Deliverables - see  VIVO Scholar Task Force
      4. Julia emphasizing importance of GraphQL API - helps to support edit in VIVO, publish everywhere
      5. Accessibility - Duke accessibility team - what specific accessibility standards to be supported
      6. Community engagement - share video, share milestones
    5. Q. Dependency on VIVO 1.10 or 1.11?  - VIVO is included to provide a user interface for updating or correcting data, because the new interface is 100% read-only
    6. Q. What is different between Product Evolution and VIVO Scholar - Evolution was more exploratory, sharing of ideas, hear from a lot of people, then create a different task force for VIVO Scholar with focus on specific development milestones
    7. Q. Clarify role of VIVO Scholar, relationship to current front-end, also TAMU has been working on something similar - good to reconcile, architecturally if VIVO Scholar and TAMU and VIVO core effort are aligned architecturally.  How does get from VIVO to ElasticSearch and what does that data look like?  A similar approach recommended.  
    8. TAMU is all for aligning with the effort
    9. Draft a one-pager, have a consistent message 
    10. Timeline?  hopefully next year, it could be sooner, but we need to answer some questions first
  5. 2019 VIVO Conference - Violeta Ilik
    1. Open call for proposals - 2019 VIVO Conference
    2. Registration is now open, send people to conference
    3. Thank you to platinum and gold sponsors
    4. Presentations are welcome, just like every year
    5. Vacation discussions... 8-)
  6. 2019 Sprints and VIVO Committers - Andrew Woods
    1. fly-in meeting - came up with plan, how to move VIVO implementing product direction
    2. established sprint schedule, 4 sprints this year - 2019 sprints
    3. sprints tie back to the statement of direction