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Time Time/Place

Time: 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)


Meeting ID: 812 835 3771
International numbers available:


  • Chris Awre 
  • Danny Bernstein 
  • Robert Cartolano 
  • Aaron Choate
  • Sayeed Choudhury
  • Stefano Cossu
  • Tom Cramer
  • Joanna DiPasquale 
  • Jon Dunn
  • Karen Estlund
  • Maude Francis
  • Neil Jefferies
  • Mark Jordan
  • Danny Lamb
  • Steve Marks
  • Rosalyn Metz 
  • Tom Murphy 
  • Este Pope 
  • Robin Ruggaber 
  • Doron Shalvi (star)
  • Tim Shearer
  • Dustin Slater
  • Roger Smith
  • Erin Tripp
  • Jennifer Vinopal
  • Ben Wallberg
  • Evviva Weinraub Carolyn Caizzi
  • Jared Whiklo
  • David Wilcox
  • Andrew Woods
  • Maurice York
  • Patrick Yott


Advanced Tables - Table Plus



Welcome to new Steering Group members

  • Stefano Cossu (re-elected)
  • Tim Shearer
  • Maurice York

Special election to fill vacant Steering Group seat

  • Tom Cramer stepping down less than one year early
  • Call for nominations will go out following anticipated passage of proposal

Check-in with on-boarding process

  • Have pairs met?
  • I have not yet reached out to Doron but will do so soon (Sayeed)
  • Nor have I, but plan to soon (Tim)

Fedora Leadership Group meeting at CNI on December 12

  • What are our goals for the meeting?
  • How should we structure the day?

Matching funds challengeMaurice
Feedback on Stefano's governance graph

Technical update

  • API alignment sprint progress

Fedora Vision and Strategy

  • Update from sub-groups on the Strategy Template
    • Technology
      • Forming sub-groups to gather requirements for preservation/access and cloud-based infrastructure
    • Product Position
    • Communication, Outreach & Marketing
    • Governance
    • Community
  • Making an announcement to the community


Previous Action Items

  •  All: Explore  Explore how to bring better cross-effort alignment between Fedora and other repository efforts.
  •  Andrew Woods / David Wilcox: send budget information for slack
  •  Robin Lindley Ruggaber take discussion back to Samvera SG to gain commitment for implementing Samvera over Fedora5.
  •  Stefano Cossu: Draft letter about Strategy and Vision (Stefano), along with executive summary (David will get in touch with Aaron Choate who offered to draft the summary), Vision (may want to wait until after leaders at CNI Fall 2018). 
  •  Aaron Choate: Draft executive summary to send out to the Fedora community (may want to wait until after leaders at CNI Fall 2018)
  •  Raise All: Raise the topic of how to get better data on who is installing/using what versions of Fedora with the Communication and Community strategy groups.
  •  David Wilcox send email to leaders group to communicate the proposed and approved plan for cost reduction and reserve expense
  •  Stefano Cossu will email leaders for one more volunteer on boarding member
  •  Robin Lindley Ruggaber will schedule calls for product positioning


  1. Welcome to new Steering Group members
    1. Stefano Cossu (re-elected)
    2. Tim Shearer
    3. Maurice York
  2. Special election to fill vacant Steering Group seat
    1. Voting ends tomorrow on the proposal.
    2. Assuming the proposal is approved, there will then be a special election to fill Tom Cramer's seat.
  3. Check-in with on-boarding process
    1. Connections still need to be made between mentor leaders and new leaders.
    2. The matching process between mentors and new leaders is unclear. Some people assumed that the pairs are as listed in the spreadsheet, but earlier it was indicated that this does not necessarily need to be the case.  It may be useful to pair people who have similar community overlap; e.g., Islandora or Samvera.  This process should be clarified in the future so there is no ambiguity.
    3. For this cycle, we will go with the pairs as indicated on the spreadsheet. In the future, perhaps pairs should be created in advance.
    4. For each pair, the mentor leader should reach out to the new leader.
  4. Fedora Leadership Group meeting at CNI on December 12
    1. The meeting will start with a 15 minute overview of the strategic plan, followed by 15 minute updates from each individual working group.
    2. Each working group should identify the top issues to be addressed, so that we can concentrate our efforts.  Each group should provide a summary in the pre-meeting report.
    3. The morning agenda is planned out.  The afternoon should be kept flexible, to allow for deeper discussions of the morning topics.
    4. We should work out the budget in advance, and then present it in the meeting for approval. This will allow people who cannot attend the meeting to provide input on the budget.  We need approval on this budget before the new budget cycle, so final approval on this budget should be obtained in December.
    5. Will we have time to discuss high impact issues, such as the removal of ModeShape? This will come out of the group sessions; in particular, on product positioning.
    6. Can Product Positioning provide a summary in advance of the meeting? This would give the meeting a jumpstart, and allow people not in attendance to keep up.
    7. Should we require homework for group members in advance of the meeting, to ensure deep engagement in the report?
  5. Funding
    1. Maurice previously proposed a matching "challenge", to raise funds for the funding gap in the FY18 budget.
    2. The recent grant money helps, but it may be better to save this money for grant-funded activities in 2019.  It would be preferable to continue work on release 5.0 and other technical items in 2018, before starting the grant work.
    3. Nearly all activities proposed in the budget mitigation proposal have been realized.  According to the latest forecast, we can get the shortfall below the $20K approved from the emergency fund.
    4. NLM has upgraded to Platinum - yay!
    5. How can we raise funds and increase membership?
    6. Some organizations are not allowed to donate money, but can purchase "items" instead.  Other organizations cannot provide "sponsorship", but could possibly contribute under other auspices. International organizations often require MOUs, and may prefer a consortial approach.
    7. The immediate concern is to address the shortfall.  We are currently at 85% for the year.  Perhaps we could do a specific fundraiser, say for Fedora 5 or some capital campaign.
    8. We don't have a specific membership strategy.  We typically conduct a membership drive from May to October.
    9. Robin - we should move towards driving a larger community, so that others can contribute, even if only in small amounts.  This would help mitigate the risk of losing members.
  6. Feedback on Stefano's governance graph
    1. Rosie - this should be punted to the governance group, to discuss what groups there should be, and how they relate. Also, we should not add the chair-elect.
  7. Technical update
    1. The group commends the recent hard work in Fedora development.
    2. Danny - we had a great sprint; a lot was accomplished even with only a few people who were familiar with the codebase and process.
    3. Major contributors: Danny, Ben, Jared, Peter, Mohammed, Bethany, Aaron B., Mike D.
    4. 32 issues were resolved, and lots of testing was conducted. A Compatibility Test Suite is in progress, including 80 new tests and 35 code commits. We are up to almost 200 tests total.
    5. The next sprint will focus on producing a release candidate.
    6. A major focus in this sprint is to continue moving away from ModeShape.  This includes expanded use of W3C standards for WebAC, Memento, and fixity, while decoupling these items from ModeShape.

Action Items 

  •  Mentors should reach out to new leaders.
  •  David Wilcox Create Technology Working Group update for the Dec. 12 meeting.
  •  Stefano Cossu Create Communications Working Group update for the Dec. 12 meeting.
  •  Governance Group - Review subgroups and organization.