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Ann Beynon , Robert Cartolano, Tom Cramer, Mike Conlon, Federico Ferrario, Anna Guillaumet, Doug Hahn, Christian Hauschke, Violeta Ilik, Muhammed Javed, DJ Lee, Mark Newton, Ginny Pannabecker, Jean Rainwater, Hannah Sommers, Julia Trimmer, Terrie Wheeler, Alex Viggio, Joe Zucca


Erin Tripp, Andrew Woods


Paul Albert, Violeta Ilik

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  • Review agenda (Julia, 5 minutes)
  • Statement on VIVO’s direction for 2019 (Mike, round table discussion, 20 - 30 minutes)
    • We'll vote to endorse this statement via Google Form after this meeting.
  • Proposed sprint schedule (Julia, 5 minutes)
  • Architectural fly-in meeting (Andrew 10 minutes)

  • Update on MOU and budget (Mike or Julia, 5 minutes)

  • Potential initiatives for Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) funding (Terrie or Julia, 5 - 10 minutes)

  • Next meeting is November 9 (notes by Rob Cartolano)


Statement on VIVO’s direction for 2019 (Mike, round table discussion, 20 - 30 minutes)

  • Mike Conlon summarized the process to date.  We settled on 4 big ideas from the last leadership meeting, and steering reviewed these.
  • Mike summarized the Statement of VIVO’s Direction for 2019 document. This is focused on 2019 only, not beyond.
  • The statement also clarifies what we are not doing to do in 2019.  
  • Individual comments
    • Andrew W- Agrees with document. It’s useful and important.  Question about VIVO search- Is this for 2019 or beyond?  This document was original designed to be for the leadership group, but may need additional content for an external audience.
    • Alex V.-Agrees with document.
    • Terrie W.- Likes that document is concise.  Agrees with document.
    • Julia T.- There is a lot we don’t know yet, but it’s good for us to move forward on the same page and decide on things as they come up.
    • Hannah S.-It’s a nice reflection of all of our work and discussions.  Are the 4 items ranked in order of priority?  Are there dependencies?
    • Ginny P.- Agrees with document.  Also interested in order or priority of the 4 items.
    • DJ L. -Agrees with document.
    • Doug H.-Agrees with document.
    • Anna G.- Wants more detail on the 4 items.  Perhaps mention data sources for the VIVO combine.
    • Mike C.- We can clarify VIVO combine.
    • Tom C.-Agrees with statement. Seems very technically driven.  Should we emphasize community aspect in addition to just the product direction?
    • Ann B.- Agrees with document.  Agrees with Tom that the statement needs an introduction that states the overall mission and goals of VIVO which are motivating this product plan.  This will help provide context for an external audience.
    • Erin T.- Agrees with document.  
    • Jean R.-Hasn’t had a chance to review document  Will email group later with comments.
  • We'll vote to endorse this statement via Google Form after this meeting.
    • This will probably happen next week.

Proposed sprint schedule for 2019 (Julia, 5 minutes)

  • March 18-29
  • June 17-28
    • Ginny P.- this one may be problematic for people with kids due to vacations.
  • September 16-27
  • December 2-13
  • We hope to have a December 2018 sprint during Dec 3-14. 


  • Andrew W.- may have conflict with CNI in December 2018.
  • Julia T.-Please let us know if you can contribute.
  • Andrew W.- Think about statement of direction in light of the sprint schedule.  He encouraged leadership group institutions to contribute to development to align the statement of direction with action.
  • Ginny P.- Virginia Tech hasn’t contributed before, but they may be able to now. How do we get started?  Andrew suggested attending the weekly development calls.

Architectural fly-in meeting (Andrew 10 minutes)

  • Andrew W.- Wants to dig into details of statement of direction as soon as possible.  Will have a face-to-face meeting with architecture folks to determine how to achieve the statement’s goals. The meeting would produce a plan for the rearchitecting needed to meet the 4 goals of the statement. The purpose is to actualize the statement of direction.  Then we can prioritize the goals. This will be 2 days in January.  Location will likely be Orlando.  He has some likely participants.  It’s a very technical meeting.  
  • Mike C.- There will be a one-page document on the purpose of the meeting and the expected deliverables. VIVO budget may be able to offer travel funding to those who can’t get institutional support.

Update on MOU and budget (Mike or Julia, 5 minutes)

  • Erin, Mike, and Julia have been working on revised MOU for 2019. The goal is to be finish for December 7 leadership group meeting.  
  • Discretionary spending- travel expenses need to be approved in advance.
  • Erin and Val have provided more frequent and automated expense reports.
  • Two financial principles-
    • All expenditures need to be approved, so no spending by anyone from VIVO’s budget without approval.
    • Paying fractional salaries- For example, when we agree to pay 10% of someone’s salary, we expect that person to manage their time accordingly.

Potential initiatives for Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) funding (Terrie or Julia, 5 - 10 minutes)

  • Erin T.-SCOSS funds organizations. There is a meeting in October that will help clarify what they may be able to fund.  If we get to phase 2, we will need to ask them if they want broad or narrow projects.

Next meeting is November 9 (notes by Rob Cartolano)