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  • post rollout strategy

Discussion items


BnF main web site down

upcoming meetings, calls for papers, submission deadlines

Tracy: Just a reminder of the April 30 deadline for iPRES submissions.  The link to submit a paper should be much easier to see now - it says "Submit now" if you scroll down at:

April 30th deadline for IPres submissions

(MG) Someone from the Alliance might want to consider attending this meeting about the PID Forum and seeing about opportunities to be an ARK ambassador or champion for the forum

rollout announcement progress

(review spreadsheet)

Listserv announcements are being naturally staggered.  Correlation to NAAN requests has not yet been done, but there seems to be one.  Please get yours out when you can.  We still need to fill in some of the blanks in the "list of lists".

(MG) Question to the group:  What is the groups stance and role as far as helping new ARK users get up and going with their use of ARK?  Many people are contacting the EZID helpdesk for help with the next step after registering their NAAN, to get their ARK infrastructure up and running.

(Roxana) has also received similar queries after sending messages out to the lists.

(MG)  The ARK Alliance needs to put some effort into getting new users up and running.

(Roxana) We should create a common web page to point inquiries to that will provide resources and contacts for how to move forward with their use of ARKs.

(JK) Agrees that we need a better answer for these queries.  EZID is not a public solution and ARKetype


appears to be only for the Swiss.  Luxemburg has a service that is only for their country as well.

(Roxana) Volunteers to draft the "I have my NAAN, what now?" page and share with the group before the next meeting. There will be different answers depending on the resources available to the asker.

action items from last time

  • Roxana and DPC (Digital Preservation Coalition)
  • John Kunze To contact Frances Madden.
  • John Kunze Add link to blog submission form to blog page.
  • Roxana Maurer Will ask DPC about listing ARKs in their handbook.
  • Tracy Seneca To have a look at how contributions will be handled for iPRES 2021.
  • Roxana Maurer to write a small section/piece about ARKs and transition to new spec and send it to John Kunze 

Roxana: "Regarding the DPC, in the Outreach Group meeting on the 25th of February I mentioned that the DPC is working on an Access module for their Novice to Know-How Digital Preservation Course. I reached out to the person responsible within the DPC to ask if they have anything on persistent identifiers and, if yes, whether ARK is also mentioned. They confirmed that the course has a small section on persistent identifiers and that ARK was already in the examples list. They also incorporated now the new website URL in the resources section."

(Roxana) There is an open invitation to give a talk on ARKS and the ARK Alliance for


the DPC

UK guide has increased mentions of ARKs in her guide & there is an opportunity to talk to that group (FREYA).  PIDForum is the successor to FREYA and is working on guides to help institutions chose persistent identifiers.

Needed: a group of "editors" to solicit, refine, enter text for, and (sometimes) author short pieces and announcements for the ARKA blog. Target frequency TBD – six times a year?

Rotating position to help in the publication of newsletters.

(JK)  Newsletter needs additional voices, so that the blog posts are not always coming from the same person/people.  Can we add re-posts easily?

(MG) Cross-posting and short interviews of ARK users to generate newsletter content.

(PC) each editor can be connected to their own circles
(JK) what's the etiquette around reposting articles on blogs
(PC) not so done to repost whole article for "journal-like" blogs, but paragraph quoting is fine
(MG) hard to get people to write for you; pretty common to post the same article on multiple articles with a statement about "this is being cross-posted by ..." with links to others. We could offer other orgs to cross post. We could also do a 5 question interview of N orgs, and write up posts based on some of the answers.
(PC) cross-posting with consent is fine
(KE) any kind of solicitation seems ok, eg, interview format is fine where we offer to write

ARK Wikipedia page revisited

(BC) Has not yet made his edits.  Working on the Persistent Identifier page first and then linking to the ARK page.

(JK)  Should we take the French ARK page and use that as a template to restructure/edit the English page.

(BC)  Volunteered to meet with JK and others to discuss further.

Action items