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The gitHub repository consists of source code files (written in Javathat uses Jena libraries - as well as a self-contained runnable jar file that can be used separately.


java -jar VIVOPhotoLinksGenerator.jar /mj495/document/photos/input/ /mj495/document/photos/output/


If no URI is given as Java run parametersruntime parameter, the default person URI is set to




  • How to run jar file periodically:

    There may be the cases when new persons are added in a VIVO instance and one wants to add their photos. All one needs to do is to add their photos (with correct image names) in input folder. The program will automatically check which photos has already been processed (by looking into output/file folder. At the end of the jar file execution, a new triple file will be added in the output folder. Currently the file directories will be added in existing output/file folder. This part of code can be updated in furture.