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A module for Drupal 7 to track Islandora Usage Stats tracks views and downloads of Islandora items, and solr searches. Features include:

  • Toggle ability to ignore common bots
  • View count uses session variables and defaults to a 5 minute cooldown for repeated requests
  • Access log for all views and downloads
  • IP Exclusion list to prevent artificially inflating counts while testing/developing/administrating
  • Several customizable blocks to display metrics
  • Report generating interface
  • Object log views integration
  • , with a configurable regex bot filter
  • ability to ignore repeated requests based on session variables, with a default cooldown period of 5 minutes
  • ability to ignore requests from specific IP addresses for testing/developing/administration.

Islandora Usage Stats provides the back-end framework and gathers usage data, which can be exposed through custom Views or additional modules. It also provides some built-in tools for exposing usage information:

  • On the Overview (management) page of a collection, permitted users can see the usage stats for that collection's children. 
  • Several blocks are available to be placed that display metrics such as "most viewed objects".
  • A Report-generating interface can be accessed at Reports > Islandora Usage Stats Reports
  • Access log for all views and downloads


The module's built-in displays do


Does not respect XACML or namespace restrictions. We recommend using Drupal Views or other community modules to expose usage stats.


This is a server-side tracking solution, as such so a caching layer could impact itcan prevent usage from being accurately recorded. If this is impacting you, solution using JavaScript a javascript-based solution such as Google Analytics or Matomo may work better.



Release Notes and Downloads


Configuration options are available at

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What Information is Being Collected

Islandora Usage Stats collects each view of the object, where a person browses to the web interface for the object, and each download of each datastream associated with that object. Islandora might not provide a download button for all objects. For example, if you don't have a "Download" button for Videos on your Islandora site, then download counts will not be collected for a Video object.

When a download or a view is recorded, this information is added to information about the object. All that Islandora does is to add 1 to a view count or download count. There isn't any IP information nor any information about the date and time. Therefor, it is not possible to pull a report by fiscal year or to scope statistics by date.

The kind of displays that are possible are similar to what might show up on SSRN:  just a plain old view and download count, but not any more fine grained information.

Enabling Display

To display Collection Usage Stats, configure the Usage Stats for Collections block at and select your region and theme.


This module populates tables in the Drupal database when a request is made for an object (by requesting /islandora/object/$PID) or its datastreams (by requesting /islandora/object/$PID/datastream/$DSID/download). These stats can be exposed by

  • Creating custom Drupal views (requires Views UI, bundled with Views, to be enabled)
  • Enabling additional community modules (not supported by the Islandora Foundation) such as:
  • Using the built-in blocks, views, and reports (not recommended).

The following are the built-in ways to interact with the collected stats:

Collection overview page - usage stats report

Users who have the permission to "View Islandora Usage Collection Overview" will see a table on the collection's overview page ("Manage" tab), showing the children of that collection ranked by their page views.


The following blocks are available to place under Structure > Blocks (/admin/structure/block). Use of them is not recommended if you have sensitive objects in the repository, as namespace restrictions and XACML policies are not respected. They will show links to, and titles of, objects that are not permitted.

  • Usage Stats for Collections - If the current page is a Collection object, it shows a table of the most-viewed child objects.
  • Most searched terms - shows a list of the most popular solr searches
  • Most viewed Islandora Items - shows a list of objects ranked by page hits
  • Recently Access Islandora Items - shows a list of objects ranked by date of page hits
  • Recently Downloaded - shows a list of objects ranked by date of datastream download

These blocks have more configuration options than usual, including the number of items to show and which objects (if any) should be hidden. This is available on each block's configuration page.


Users who have the premission "View Islandora Usage Reports" will see a View of objects ranked by page 'hits' , with the ability to filter by collection or date and export to CSV, at Reports > Islandora Usage Stats (admin/reports/islandora_usage_stats_report). This is an example of the kind of View that can be built with Views UI.


Configuration options are available at Administration > Islandora > Islandora Utility Modules > Islandora Usage Stats Settings (/admin/islandora/tools/islandora_usage_stats). To access this page, users must have the permission "Manage usage tracking".

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