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The VIVO Roadmap process is a key strategic element of the project, and a key enabler of VIVO value. The VIVO strategic plan and in particular, the VIVO value proposition:,

VIVO provides an integrated view of the scholarly work of an organization,

drive consideration of the work to be proposed in for the roadmap. The process involves identification, refinement and prioritization of “features” -- high level improvements to VIVO that provide value to VIVO users, maintainers, and developers. A feature could be large (reporting suite) or small (improvements in the API). A feature may involve multiple use cases. A feature may be software, architecture, ontology, documentation, or more likely, a combination of each.


The proposal below describes a process for creating a roadmap for review and adoption by the leadership group at the annual conference. There are twelve weeks available to produce a roadmap prior to the conference. A proposed duration for each step is indicated below.


Here's another

1. Project Director will assemble a list of features identified by the community (



  1. The list will be very high level. For example: “Add a visualization suite to VIVO replacing the existing visualizations.
  2. The list should include “end user” features -- very visible to faculty, staff and students who use VIVO in their daily work, as well as “owner” features that are designed to make VIVO a better citizen in a constellation of applications at an institution, as well as “technical” features that are designed to make VIVO easier to develop.
  3. Features may include any kind of activity necessary to deliver value to the community. Generally features involve development as well documentation, but feature may also include training or other activities necessary to enhance the value of VIVO.
  4. Each feature should have an estimated number of person months to complete. This is a preliminary estimate based on preliminary, high-level scope. Work on a feature will involve use case development, design, and technical specifications. The work may revise the initial estimate of the effort required, or required changes in scope based on available effort.
  5. Sources of features will include meeting notes including leadership, steering, workgroup and task forces, listserv discussions, JIRA issues, summaries of previous “requirements” and “use case” materials in the wiki, and previous roadmap presentations.
  6. All features should be consistent with the value proposition and with the strategic plan.
  7. Features will be briefly described -- 2-3 sentences -- what is the feature, and possibly why is it important to the VIVO community.


The project director presented a draft of this process to the Steering Group at their May 22 meeting, along with a the initial list of features from the community documents in the wiki and other VIVO assets. See checklist below for a list of the sources used to identify possible features.

2. Steering Group revises the list of features (



Following discussion, the Steering group revises the list of features, adding some, removing others, sharpening the definition or rationale for each, and discussing proposed level of effort.

Project director took feedback and assistance and revised list for presentation and discussion at the May 29 meeting which included the workgroup chairs. An overview of the process was shared with the leadership group at their meeting June 2. The project director again takes took feedback and assistance and makes made a final presentation with adoption by Steering at the June 5 meeting. Features are shared with community immediately following.


Community is surveyed from July 3 to July 913. Results of surveys are discussed and summarized at the steering group meeting of July 10 17 (information item, no action required).


Task force works from July 10 13 to a report including the draft roadmap to be presented to Steering on July 31.
